Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 1047 You Killed My Lord Even Standing Here, Unfortunately, Your Strength Is Not Enough

Chapter 1047 You Killed My Lord Even Standing Here, Unfortunately, Your Strength Is Not Enough
He was even more decisive than Lu Shun.

One move down, and a few more moves down.

Every move is fatal.

Although Qiu Peng is in the Divine Aperture Realm, his strength is much stronger than Lu Shun's. Every move is enough to destroy a cultivator with heavenly strength, but Di Cang is not!
Qiu Peng was not sure about Di Cang's life and death, fearing that he was still alive, and even cast the most proud seal of breaking the sky in his life. Using this seal, even a cultivator in the state of divine aperture would be severely injured!
Because of this, Qiu Peng dared to appear in the lower world to avenge his son.

Di Cang, die now.

The strong man hiding in the dark has a vague expectation in his heart.

Everyone in the academy is waiting.

Dongfang Feng originally planned to look for Ye Yuye, but he found that he couldn't find it. Thinking of the previous order from the headmaster, he seemed to know something. He raised his head and looked at the place that other people were paying attention to, his pupils shrank slightly.

Is... the boss?

Shao Xia doesn't know what's wrong with Dongfang Feng, but he can tell that Dongfang Feng's complexion is getting more and more serious, and even he has become serious. What's the matter?
The Holy Master of Four Continents went to a high position, and saw Venerable Xiuran's cold face, he immediately understood what was going on, and glanced at the Holy Master of Nanzhou among them.

Isn't he the culprit?

The Holy Master of the Three Parties naturally changed positions, skillfully avoided the Holy Master of Nanzhou, and did not talk about friendship. The Holy Master of Nanzhou really went too far this time. To inform the people of the superior world?

That's all, but you want to harm Di Cang?

Even if Di Cang died, he was still the most honorable senior in the lower world, not to mention today, even they had many admirers of Di Cang back then.

Now, I'm afraid there will be more.

The Holy Master Nanzhou was in a very awkward situation. The other people in the academy even changed their eyes when they saw him. The Holy Master Nanzhou glanced at them indifferently.

Sit in the same position as everyone else.

The green horse climbed up to the highest point of the back mountain with the stone on its back, and the baby ginseng poked its head out from the bosom of the stone, staring in amazement at the vision that appeared in the half of the sky.

"Yaya? Squeak Yaya?"

The baby ginseng climbed onto the head of the stone and stared at it.

Qing Ma turned his head and glanced at the back, Du Shengyan Ancient Lion slowly climbed up from below, the feeling of oppression became more and more obvious, it was not the blood of a certain beast clan, and it only had the earth-level cultivator. Because, I can't bear this strong pressure at all.

Climb up, even the limbs are still trembling.

Now the feeling that oppressed him was intensified again.


Du Shengyan Gushi let out a low growl of grievance.

What is it on the stall, why should it be sent to this kind of place.

"Hey, hey."

The green horse barked a few times at the ancient lion Du Shengyan. After hesitating and struggling for a long time, the ancient lion Du Shengyan stepped forward with trembling limbs and followed beside the green horse.

Only then was Qingma satisfied.

With an expression of being proud of his younger brother, he grinned meanly at the corners of his mouth.

Du Shengyan Ancient Lion: "..."

boom -

Overcast sky.

The power released by Qiu Peng devoured everything around him, and the huge fluctuations spread out, shaking the ground so much that the surrounding creatures were disturbed.

at the same time.

In other different places, large-scale beast hordes appeared, and the resident families sent strong men to evacuate the crowd, and confront those monsters head-on.

Something was wrong again in the upper sky.

The thunder cloud that had originally left seemed to be condensing.

Everyone looked up, feeling a little hesitant in their hearts. They didn't forget the previous scene, and even had some guesses, for example, will it be successful this time?
They guessed right.

The condensed thundercloud that was about to take shape didn't even hit the face, turned around and drifted away in the opposite direction, and took away some crackling lightning.

do not care.

Just pretend you didn't see it.

Lei Yun made up his mind and ran away without looking back. He can kill as much as he wants, and those with pure blood must manage it. And not.

In a blink of an eye.

It was sunny again.

It's just that the connection gap with the superior world is still there.

The huge air wave rolled outwards, the figure of the boy in white was completely swallowed, and disappeared without a trace. Qiu Peng himself also consumed too much profound energy. In order to ensure that Di Cang was killed, he even exposed his own trump card.

The strong man hiding in the dark couldn't help but startled.

Looking at Qiu Peng's back in amazement, his attack just now was clearly the power only possessed by the Soul Realm, the talisman!It's a fairy-level talisman!

Unexpectedly, Qiu Peng had immortal talismans on him.

That power is enough to destroy a strong man at the peak of the Divine Aperture Realm!
Di Cang will never escape this time!
Unless one is a strong person in the Soul Realm, it is absolutely impossible to get out alive!
It's just that, when their vows came to the next moment, they felt it was really ridiculous, because Di Cang was still alive!He is not dead!
The boy was still standing in the same position as before, maybe he hadn't left half a step.

The blue hair was wanton, blocking half of his side face.

The clothes are clean, and there are no traces of previous fights.

Qiu Peng, who had consumed most of his life, staggered a few steps back and stared at the young man with his eyes open. He was still alive?Immortal-level talismans can't kill him?

Isn't the lower vehicle world governed by the order of heaven and earth?

How could God tolerate such a person appearing in the inferior world.

As long as the cultivator above the heaven rank will be forcibly sent to the superior world, why can this person still stay in the inferior world?
At this moment, Qiu Peng even thought of those ridiculous rumors that even the heavens could not kill Di Cang.

Then what is he.

"Is the revenge over?"

The sudden sound made Qiu Peng's hairs stand on end, and he saw that the boy who had not moved was slowly walking towards him.


two steps.

Qiu Peng was terrified of him and turned around to run away.

"Okay, come back."

The young man stopped in his footsteps, and shouted at the figure who wanted to run away, and the few words he said casually carried the inherent laziness.

Qiu Peng's body backed away uncontrollably, and the next moment, the young man pinched his shoulders, and his insipid voice reached his ears: "I'll let you kill me even if I'm standing here, it's a pity that you are not strong enough, don't you Do you want me to kill myself and then make up for your son?"

The only word in Qiu Peng's mind is fear.

want to run away.

The young man's hands were on Qiu Peng's shoulders, seemingly casually, but Qiu Peng felt as if there were countless giant mountains pressing down on his shoulders, and his feet seemed to be sunk deep into the ground, unable to get out.

Ye Yuye looked at him with a smile: "Do you think you can escape?"

Qiu Peng's brain is buzzing——

Ye Yuye didn't seem to notice that something was wrong with Qiu Peng, so he patted him on the shoulder, and said in a calm tone, "Also, the people I kill are the ones who deserve to be killed. Since I killed him, it means that he was at fault. If he makes a mistake, he should be punished! If he is fined and still makes a mistake, then he deserves to die.”

(End of this chapter)

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