Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 1144 The superior world, the old man Di Cang found it

Chapter 1144 The superior world, the old man Di Cang found it

"The emperor of our lower world is about to wake up!"

"There were eleven great emperors in ancient times, which one was reincarnated and awakened?!"

"Whoever he is, he's the emperor of our inferior world anyway!"

"What happened to this year's Mandate of Destiny? There is a great emperor who is about to wake up, who is it? The Changxuan Tianyu side, or the geniuses of other star domains?"


In the academy, Venerable Xiuran was with the pavilion masters from the fourth district, looking at the auspicious clouds in the sky, his heart didn't feel much fluctuated.

Probably, they had known the news that their master-uncle in their academy was Di Cang long before. Compared to this incident, they were at most surprised, but they would not be as excited as others and unable to keep calm.

Venerable Xiuran withdrew his gaze from above, a smile appeared on the corner of his lips, and he seemed to be in a good mood: "The lower world will have a great emperor, which is good news..."

And at this moment, Bai Liu suddenly asked Venerable Xiu Ran: "Did those great emperors in ancient times have any hatred for the academy?"


Venerable Xiuran looked at him without speaking.

The three people next to each other looked at each other, Bai Liu coughed dryly, and said it seriously, with a very serious expression: "This is a big deal, don't come to trouble your enemy after recovering those memories from back then."

The other three also had serious expressions when they heard this.

This incident is no joke.

What if that great emperor had an enmity with their academy?Wouldn't it be possible to destroy their academy by raising one's hand?

nor will...

The three thought of Di Cang.

According to the ancient records, Di Cang is much stronger than those great emperors, and even killed several great emperors back then, etc...

The serious expressions of the three became a little speechless.

Venerable Xiuran seemed to have thought of something, his complexion became a little weird, and then said: "

The Academy has never had any conflicts with the Great Emperor, but if there is any enmity, I remember... Uncle Master killed three Great Emperors back then, which is recorded in ancient books..."

Uncle Shi, that is, Di Cang back then.

Destroyed three great emperors.

In fact, the relationship with other great emperors is not very good.

Except for the Emperor Xiaoyao.

The other great emperors dared not speak out, probably because they were afraid of Di Cang's fearsomeness, and being able to kill three great emperors was quite powerful.

So, could the emperor who awakened this time be one of the three people who were beaten up by Di Cang?
Of course, they didn't think they were afraid, after all, with their master and uncle around, even if it was the three of them, the Academy didn't need to be afraid.

It's just that they thought that the great emperor would wake up, so wouldn't the identity of the master uncle be preserved?

Until then...

The four of them were surprisingly silent.

Because it is very possible that after the end of Mandate of Heaven, Master Uncle will leave.

After all, this is not his world.

One day, Di Cang will return to the place where he should be.

I don't know who said in the lower world: "Could the emperor who is about to wake up be Jiang Ye from the academy?"

In the entire inferior world, only people from Changxuan Tianyu knew about Jiang Ye, but to other star domains, they were somewhat unfamiliar.

Because before that, no one knew who broke the news that Jiang Ye beheaded a lot of heaven's favored sons in the Mandate of Heaven more than 2000 years ago, and only Jiang Ye walked out of it at that time.

They also thought that Jiang Ye was dead.

But he is still alive.

Even survived to the present.

Some people are dubious.

But no one would believe it at all.

Because Jiang Ye had once entered the Destiny Aspirations.

If he is the great emperor who is about to wake up, why didn't he wake up more than 2000 years ago, but at this time?
Just because of his strength, it is concluded that he is the awakened emperor?


This idea is to think about it in their hearts, but if they really tell this matter, they will not believe it at all.

The only people who knew Jiang Ye's identity were those in the Academy and the Sifang Holy Land. Compared with the Great Emperor, Di Cang's identity was even more shocking.

No one cares about the gossip.

The news of the lower world soon spread to the upper world. Many people in the upper world are paying attention to all this, even the emperor is paying attention.It's okay to have a Di Cang, but why hasn't the lower world stopped at all in recent years?Another emperor is about to wake up?

It's a pity that they couldn't enter the Heaven's Mandate, and they couldn't get specific information there, but it was true that the emperor wanted to wake up.

Because the sign of the auspicious cloud vision is the truth.

But does this omen imply that the lower world will become different from the original one?

In the past three years, the lives of the creatures on Tianchi Mountain have not been satisfactory, and they often worry that Emperor Chilan will be angry, but this is the problem.

Although the temperature is very low.

But Emperor Chilan had never been angry, and he was angry only once on the day when Emperor Zuo came, and then he was very calm.

But the creatures on Tianchi Mountain felt that this was not a good omen at all. One day, Emperor Chilan's emotions would explode, as if it was the eve of a storm, and Emperor Chilan was just storing up his anger.

The intelligence of Canghai Tower is all over the world.

Emperor Chilan was the first to know that there would be an emperor awakening in the inferior world, but it was a pity that she could not get in touch with Jing Zhengqing now.

Maybe it will be fine after the end of Mandate of Heaven...

Emperor Chilan stood at the top of Tianchi Mountain, looking at the scenery down the mountain in a daze for a moment. Not long after, she received news from the Canghai Tower, asking if she would tell others about the situation in the lower world.

After being silent for a while, Chi Lan's expression returned to his previous coldness, and he said lightly: "Tell them, if you want to get news from the lower world, then you should exchange your reliable information."


After receiving the news from Canghai Tower, Chi Lan's eyes flickered, and his lips moved a few times: "Jiang Ye, your current name is Ye Yuye, isn't it..."

call out--

Luan Ming flapped his wings and rushed in the same direction.

Jing Zhengqing had already appeared in the area closest to the Great Emperor's Enlightenment, surrounded by people, Jing Zhengqing took a few glances, and roughly counting, there were more than 40 at least.

and many more……

He seems to have seen someone familiar? ?
Di Cang!

What the hell!

Jing Zhengqing stared at the figure in white clothes, stepped on shoulders by a fat black cat, his eyes sparkled, and he was very excited, it was Di Cang!
Di Cang and his old man finally found it!

It can be regarded as living up to the entrustment of Emperor Chilan!

Can't let Di Cang run away anymore!
Ye Yuye seemed to sense that someone was staring at her, and she frowned slightly, she would have a very low sense of existence, unless that person knew her.


Seeing Jing Zhengqing's appearance, Ye Yuye remained silent and didn't speak, why was it him again.

(End of this chapter)

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