Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 1145 Who Is Your Employer

Chapter 1145 Who Is Your Employer
Jing Zhengqing was very excited when he saw Ye Yuye's figure. He probably felt that he would be able to explain to Emperor Chilan after returning. He seemed in a good mood, so he strode towards Jing Zhengqing and waved his hand: "Senior Emperor!"

People looked around, but they didn't take it seriously.

The fat cat on Ye Yuye's shoulder stared at this man with a strange smile on his face, and suddenly felt that this human being was not as good as that shameless human being, so he flicked the long tail behind him a few times and then he didn't move.

Jing Zhengqing had already come to Ye Yuye's side, ignoring the black fat cat, looking at Ye Yuye as if he was about to overflow with excitement, very familiar: "Senior Emperor, you don't know that I have been looking for you these days?" You've been there for a long time, I almost thought I couldn't find it..."

Ye Yuye felt that the person in the space was still retreating, she retracted her thoughts and heard Jing Zhengqing's voice, she narrowed her eyes for a while, and looked at him: "What do you want me to do?"

"..." Jing Zhengqing's throat rolled, and he carefully considered, "Senior Emperor may not know, my employer asked me to protect the safety of Senior Emperor, otherwise I would not be able to do business."

As he said that, he seemed to have noticed that apart from Di Cang, he didn't see the man who often stayed with Di Cang here. Oh, by the way, his name is Jiang Yi.

Ye Yuye seemed to be aware of his thoughts, and didn't look at him, so he calmly said, "He's resting, he didn't come out."

This him.

Naturally refers to that one.

Although Jing Zhengqing didn't understand yet, but probably understood the meaning, he nodded knowingly, and suddenly smiled: "So it's this..."

"Who is your employer?"

Those casual words made Jing Zhengqing's smile freeze, and he looked a little stiff, but he quickly calmed down his facial expression, and looked at Ye Yuye with a look that didn't quite understand.
But at the next moment, Jing Zhengqing avoided Ye Yuye's sight, coughed, and tried to explain something: "Senior Emperor, you know that people in Canghai Tower are not allowed to disclose the information of their employers, I... ... There is no way."

Ye Yuye looked at him for a while, and didn't intend to hide it: "I sensed the emperor's aura in you, please tell me."

The voice was no different from usual, but in Jing Zhengqing's ears, the tone of the voice was obviously a little bit lower, and the atmosphere was suppressed.


Jing Zhengqing swallowed silently, he really deserved to be Di Cang, he could tell from such an uncertain aura, he had to recall the rumors about Di Cang.

It is said that in ancient times, even the so-called great emperors were not Di Cang's opponents, and they were afraid of Di Cang.

Of course, there is no comparison between the emperor of the lower world and the emperor of the upper world, but Jing Zhengqing thought of Emperor Chilan, who is the goddess in the hearts of everyone in their upper world, but now she is always concerned about Di Cang's safety , what else does this explain.

His emphasis on Di Cang is almost higher than those great emperors in the superior world.

"Don't tell me?"

Jing Zhengqing raised his head and glanced at Ye Yuye's expression. He put his hands behind his back in guilt. As a member of Canghailou, how could he betray his professional ethics!
What's more, the other party is Emperor Chilan, the master behind the Canghai Tower, if he tells this, does he still want to continue to hang around in the Canghai Tower? ? !

"Then let me guess,"

Ye Yuye watched Jing Zhengqing dodging her calmly, and when he heard her words, the young man showed a suspicious and nervous expression, Ye Yuye sneered, he couldn't figure out what she was thinking, "

Although it is a high-level world, there are not many people at the emperor level, who can have something to do with your Canghai Tower, right? "

Jing Zhengqing looked up in astonishment.

Chi Lan two words.

Ye Yuye hadn't mentioned it for a long time, and this idea was also related to the emperor's aura on Jing Zhengqing, Ye Yuye was just a guess, after all, she was the only one who had anything to do with Canghailou at that time.

Seeing Jing Zhengqing's stiff and speechless expression, Ye Yuye knew that he guessed right, that person was really Chi Lan.

Jing Zhengqing's expression was very strange, he probably didn't expect that Di Cang would guess right, and it also made him realize that the relationship between these two people might really be unusual!

Obviously unusual.

Emperor Chilan clearly has a crush on Di Cang!

Just a pity.

Jing Zhengqing sighed secretly.

Ye Yuye didn't make things difficult for Jing Zhengqing. After all, Canghai Building has regulations that do not allow disclosure of employers. Otherwise, Canghai Building will not become bigger and become the world's number one intelligence agency. She put away her thoughts and spoke. Ask: "How is she?"


Jing Zhengqing realized that Ye Yuye was asking Emperor Chilan, and he said unnaturally: "It's okay, it's okay... No, I don't know about Emperor Chilan's life, she is the master of our Canghai Tower."

All in all, he doesn't know either.

If he hadn't met Di Cang, he wouldn't have anything to do with the Great Emperor behind the Canghai Tower, that is to say, Di Cang was actually a link between him and Emperor Chilan, and he was the one who connected.

"..." Hehe, he is a tool man.

Ye Yuye didn't seem to have heard Jing Zhengqing's words, and asked, "Then how about she as the great emperor?"

Jing Zhengqing glanced at Ye Yuye hesitantly, wondering what he thought about Emperor Chilan, does this person know Emperor Chilan's intentions?

Hesitating, Jing Zhengqing told Ye Yuye what he knew, of course it would not be too comprehensive, that is, he told Ye Yuye everything the public knew.

For example, it is said that Emperor Chilan is the goddess of their superior world, and many strong men are chasing her. When they say this sentence,
Jing Zhengqing also sneaked a few glances at Ye Yuye's face, wishing to see a flower from inside, but no, Ye Yuye was very calm from the beginning to the end, or his expression seemed to reveal a faint sigh.

It was totally different from what he had imagined.

Jing Zhengqing knew that Di Cang and his elders didn't like Emperor Chilan at all, that is, Emperor Chilan had wishful thinking. Thinking about it, Jing Zhengqing couldn't help feeling sorry for Chilan for a while.

Hearing what Jing Zhengqing said, Ye Yuye suddenly smiled, the figure of the woman in his memory became much clearer, and he also remembered some things in the past: "She is more mature than before."


Thinking about Chilan Great Emperor's cold expression, Jing Zhengqing froze for a moment, the word really didn't match Chilan Great Emperor.

and many more……

It doesn't look like Di Cang has never been to the superior world. Could it be that he has really been there? !Is he the Great Emperor Chilan that he met in the superior world?
Realizing this idea, Jing Zhengqing quickly followed his own train of thought. People who had relations with Emperor Chilan thousands of years ago, tens of thousands of years ago, thought about it over and over.

Since there is no news of Di Cang in the superior world.

(End of this chapter)

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