Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 1158 Ye Yuye Destroyed Thunder Cloud With One Move

Chapter 1158 Ye Yuye Destroyed Thunder Cloud With One Move

The Phoenix Goddess gradually loosened her clenched fists, lowered her eyes, and said with a sad expression, "No, I'm not good enough for him..."

Even in the name of Phoenix Goddess.

She... doesn't deserve it either.

"You two..."

Yin Ding hesitated to speak, but seeing Yin Miaoyin's dejected look, he was still unable to speak out. He wanted to go over and hug her, but remembered that she pushed him away just now.

Yin Miaoyin is Yin Miaoyin.

And now, it's not her...

Yin Ding didn't know what he was thinking, but seeing Yin Miaoyin's relationship with him now, he had a strange feeling in his heart, feeling very confused, and had an idea for a moment.

She... is still not his sister.

Rumbling thunder continued.

Since Fat Cat returned to the space, he jumped onto a taller tree, stared at the closed door, and took a bite of the freshly picked fruit in his hand.

Until it felt a strange force capable of destroying the world, it screamed inwardly, and fell to the ground carelessly.

That power came from Jiang Yi's room!

On the bed, a young man sat cross-legged, and he spit out a mouthful of blood as he opened his eyes, those eyes were extremely cold and indifferent.

The power of the whole world spread outward.

Fat Cat took a few steps back, but was caught off guard and flew upside down, and fell down again, feeling like his bones were about to break. Blood was in his mouth, and the blood he spat on the ground seeped into the soil little by little.

The terrifying power dissipated in an instant.

The surroundings returned to calm again.

The young man in the room took out a handkerchief and wiped off the blood from the corners of his lips, his closed eyes were indifferent, as if he had no emotion.


Fat Mao'er sat up with difficulty, and at the same time quickly contacted Ye Yuye who was still absorbing the Heavenly Tribulation and recovering his strength.

No.90 Seven Heavenly Tribulations.

Thunder rolls.

Luanming turned into a human form, brought Su Qingmo and the others here, and when Su Qingmo saw the most familiar figure, he held back the tears that flickered in his eyes, and trembled: "My lord..."

No.90 Eight Heavenly Tribulations!
It seems to illuminate the entire Destiny Aspirations.

The power of Tianlei is so great that even everyone present here still feels lingering fear.

The last sky thunder boomed, and the thick and terrifying sky thunder hit the boy's body, completely covering the boy's figure.

Everyone's eyes lit up.

The thundercloud above changed drastically.

Everyone looked at it, feeling like their hearts were about to stagnate. Are they finally going to wait for this scene?Is Di Cang really going to become the emperor of the lower world?

Other than Destiny Aspirations, everyone couldn't sit still and worry, did something happen there?Why haven't the visions of heaven and earth appeared yet?

Anxiety is no less than having a baby.

Looking up at the sky, there was nothing except a little dark, and they even suspected that the vision that appeared earlier was an illusion.

The secret agent in the secret realm of the star field frowned. Did something happen there? The vision gifted by heaven and earth has not appeared for so long...

"Absolutely something went wrong..."

The secret passer murmured to himself, but regretted that he could not deduce the situation on the side of Destiny, he sighed secretly for a long time, and then went to another place in the secret realm to fix the loophole.

The superior world is also in a hurry.

The birth of a great emperor is no joke, even if it is the great emperor of the lower world.

Just this moment.

A vision appeared in the sky above the inferior world!

Different from the auspicious cloud vision!
The dragon chant and the phoenix cry came out!

The sound seemed to be coming from all directions!

In a moment, ancient golden writing appeared in the sky above the major star fields in the lower world.


And when the third word was about to surface, the front handwriting suddenly cracked without warning!

The lumps scattered all over the place turned into golden light spots, and finally disappeared without a trace.

The dragon and phoenix's humming sound dissipated.

The vision that appeared in the sky disappeared instantly.

The whole lower world is in chaos.

"What's going on? They all appeared, why did they suddenly disappear?!"

"Disappeared! The handwriting disappeared, why did it disappear? What happened over there?!"

The person who witnessed everything with his own eyes groaned, and then asked: "The vision disappears, is it because you have not succeeded in proving the emperor?"


Proving the emperor failed, why did this happen? !
Now even if the people from Tianming Aspirations did not come out, they also know that the emperor failed to prove the emperor!
Who was the Great Emperor who woke up? ?
"Why did it fail to prove the emperor? I thought that the emperor finally appeared in the lower world and could take us to fly, but it failed."

"Which great emperor failed to prove the emperor?"

"It will definitely not be Emperor Xiaoyao. Emperor Xiaoyao is so strong, if he wakes up, he will definitely become the emperor again."


Regarding the failure of Emperor Cheng, the outside world was frantically discussing it, and at the same time, the upper world also got news. Different from the discussions in the lower world, the failure of Emperor Zheng was nothing more than sighing a few times, regretting it, and then let it go.

And in Destiny Aspirations.

The ground beneath his feet was shaking violently.

The powerful terrifying air waves rolled layer after layer, and spread wildly outward in an instant!
In just a short time, many people were injured.

And look up.

Everyone saw that figure.

Standing among the clouds.

They saw with their own eyes that man shattered the thundercloud!

Not long ago, the word "Congratulations" came out, but it collapsed in a sudden moment, and then Leiyun was strange, and quickly attacked that figure as if he had gone crazy.

No longer thunder.

It's God's punishment!

Heaven's punishment appeared!
Bombard Di Cang mercilessly!
But what did they see? They saw that Di Cang forcibly broke up the terrifying thundercloud in the sky, with only one move!
The power that erupted in an instant was even more terrifying than the punishment of heaven!They couldn't even breathe, a strong force had the urge to make them kneel down!

That was different from the impulse to kneel down to Emperor Xiaoyao.

But brought out from the blood.

Want them to surrender!kneel!
Someone couldn't resist kneeling down.

Among them are the awakened strong men from the ancient times.

The people who didn't come also suffered trauma, vomited blood and knelt down directly.

Di Cang is not yet the Great Emperor.

Why did they force themselves to kneel down?
At this time, Gu Qiu was also kneeling aggrieved, his red eyes staring unwillingly at the figure in the sky, his back molars were tense and chattering.

Tang Feng, who came from another place, vomited blood on the road, and his steps were difficult. He looked up at the figure, even though he couldn't see it clearly.

He also knew that person was Ye Yuye.

It was also the Emperor Cang from the ancient times.

He has the luck of being the son of destiny, and he has been the least affected, and there is still some distance from that side.

He stabilized his lower body and stood still, pursed his lips and looked at that place, unconsciously clenched his fists, and murmured in a low voice: "Di Cang, do you still regret giving up on taking me as a disciple?"

(End of this chapter)

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