Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 1159 Ye'er, Will I Marry You?

Chapter 1159 (Sprinkling sugar formally) Ye'er, I will marry you, okay?

Di Cang.

So what if he could fight the Great Emperor.

He is the son of destiny chosen by heaven, if he leaves destiny to win the throne, he will go to the superior world, while Di Cang is destined to be only a cultivator in the inferior world.

Between him and him.

They are two different paths.

Before, he might have regretted not being able to become Di Cang's apprentice, but now that he has a noble status, Di Cang is no longer worthy of him!
Tang Feng gritted his teeth, and against the terrifying aura, he took a difficult step.

After learning that something might happen to Jiang Yi, it happened to be the moment Ye Yuye blasted the thundercloud above, and her figure suddenly disappeared under the eyes of everyone.

Just like what happened before, it came so unexpectedly that they didn't react.

There is no thundercloud shroud.

The entire Destiny Aspirations seemed to be a little brighter.

The boredom and suffocation gradually faded away with the disappearance of the figure, and someone clutched the front of the front tightly, sucking the air fiercely, as if they had just stepped out of half of hell.


They come alive.

The surrounding silence was terrifying.

When Ye Yuye returned to the space, he saw the fat cat sitting on the ground, and in front of it was a soil that was somewhat deeper than anywhere else.

Even if there is only a little bit of blood, Ye Yuye will smell it, not to mention the blood of Fat Cat, which is far more unique than other monsters.

And, there is still power that hasn't fully dissipated.

The power of heaven and earth.

The power of heaven.

Sensing Ye Yuye's aura, Fat Maoer staggered a bit and forced himself to get up, turned around and meowed a few times at that figure.

Before he could take a step, he was hugged by Ye Yuye, and he didn't dislike the blood sticking to its fur.

She stood in front of Jiang Yi's closed door, but stopped hesitantly.

It's impossible for her not to know what happened just now.

That is the breath of heaven.

The raised fingers stagnated, and finally they were slowly clenched when they were lowered. At this moment, the door in front of them was suddenly opened.

Jiang Yi opened the door and looked at the young man in front of him. He raised his hand and rubbed the corner of the young man's straight lips, smiling softly: "What's the matter?"

"No, how is your body?"

Ye Yuye's depressed mood dissipated, she wanted to go up and touch Jiang Yi's wrist, put away the fingers that were supposed to smooth the corners of her lips, and met Ye Yuye's questioning eyes,

Jiang Yi sighed helplessly, grabbed her wrist and stopped her: "I've been retreating these days, my body is almost in good shape, Ye'er, you don't have to worry."

The fat cat in his arms looked at Jiang Yi resentfully, he was recovering, but his body was hurt!
Ye Yuye frowned and stared at him, Jiang Yi smiled calmly, but for some reason, Jiang Yi refused to let her check, which made her subconsciously feel that something was wrong.

Jiang Yi's gaze moved down and landed on Fat Mao'er. Seeing the wound on it, he couldn't help but frowned slightly. He could see that the wound on the cat's body was caused by him.

Can't control it again...

The drooping eyes suppressed all emotions, Jiang Yi's hand covered Sha Mao'er's celestial spirit cover, and a power different from Ye Yuye poured into Sha Mao'er's body.

Probably feel comfortable.

Fat Maoer squinted his eyes and shook his ears.

And the aching body is recovering little by little.

Fat Mao'er also knew that Jiang Yi was healing it, so he reluctantly and obediently nestled in Ye Yuye's arms, purring and humming a few times.


The warm power faded away.

Fat Mao'er moved his paw, and it didn't hurt as much as before. Apart from resentment, his eyes looking at Jiang Yi became entangled again.

Does it... recognize it or not?

In fact, Jiang Yi's injury had nothing to do with him, not to mention that Jiang Yi's power was out of his control...it was understandable.

Sha Mao'er finally made up his mind and mustered up the courage to make a decision. He was about to open his mouth but before he could seriously utter a word, he heard that hateful human voice.

"Ye'er, I miss you."


Fat Cat's meowing face was ferocious. Facing Shang Jiang Yi's gaze, it swallowed its saliva, turned its head silently and pushed away Ye Yuye's hand, returned to the ground, and then walked towards them with its buttocks.

Fat Cat was sad.

With him, without it!

After confirming that Fat Mao'er was in good health, Ye Yuye looked away. In the room, Jiang Yi's eyes were dark, and he repeated in a low and hoarse voice: "Ye'er, I miss you."

Before Ye Yuye could say a word, Jiang Yi reached out and hugged her in his arms. It was because of the cat in her arms before, but now he has no worries.

He buried his head between Ye Yuye's neck, as if it was the first time he did this kind of action, closed his eyes and smelled his body, which made him feel good and relieved his headache symptoms.

Ye Yuye was embraced by Jiang Yi, and his breath was filled with his faint bamboo fragrance. I think it has only been a few days for me, but for Jiang Yi, it has been a long time...

Jiang Yi slowly opened his eyes, but he still didn't let go of the person in his arms, his eyes were dark and no emotional fluctuations could be seen.

After a while, he spoke slowly at the right time: "Ye'er, I have more memories during the retreat. We... have been and are very destined."

Ye Yuye's expression was slightly startled, and it faded away without leaving a trace: "Remember?"

Jiang Yi rolled his throat and let out an "um", but Ye Yuye didn't notice his strangeness, waiting for Jiang Yi to let go of her, Ye Yuye grabbed his hand and led him out of the room.

this space.

Same as the outside world.

There is a scorching sun.

Layers of light clouds floated.

Ye Yuye took the opportunity to check Jiang Yi's body, maybe he noticed that Jiang Yi's eyes were more helpless, so he let him check.

As Jiang Yi said before, his body is much better than before the retreat, and even the messy power in his body has been suppressed.

This retreat was not ineffective.

Jiang Yi looked sideways at him, his lips parted into a smile: "Can you rest assured?"


"I will protect you."


"Ye'er, will I marry you?"

Ye Yuye was about to answer, but when she heard that voice, her steps froze, she raised her eyes to meet those smiling eyes, and the low and slow voice rang in her ears: "Again! Otherwise, it would be good if you marry me instead."

in memory.

The young man with a jade tree facing the wind looked at her with smiling eyes, as if he was overlapping with the current Jiang Yi.

Ye Yuye looked at him and didn't speak.

Because Jiang Yi still doesn't know that she is a daughter.

The fat cat nestled on the eaves flicked its long tail behind it, staring straight at the two people below, full of vigilance.

Jiang Yi took out a hairpin from his bosom, looked down at the hairpin in his hand, recalled the memories in his mind, his lips curled slightly, and smiled: "Use this hairpin, use my people as a betrothal gift , are you willing to accept it?"

(End of this chapter)

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