Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 1175 What do you want?as long as i have, i can

Chapter 1175 What do you want?as long as i have, i can
The academy was as lively as ever.

After knowing the identity of the great uncle, everyone began to practice seriously, although they felt sorry that they were not able to meet the great uncle in the academy... Of course, if possible, they would prefer to let the great uncle give lectures.


They can't even see the shadow of their master and uncle now.

I almost believed the rumors outside.

In the back mountain.

When the green horse came back from a stroll outside, it noticed burning eyes staring at it, neighed, and its eyes were full of vigilance.

The two of them stopped playing chess.

Xiaoyao didn't know how much he relaxed about this.

Although I noticed that Professor Jiang on the opposite side deliberately gave way to me, even so, I still felt very strenuous, especially in the end!
Xiaoyao himself felt that although he was not as good as Di Cang, his brain should at least be easy to use, right?But these few games of chess with Professor Jiang made Xiaoyao feel tired and doubted his life a little bit.

Now that he can't stop, he naturally feels that he has come back to life, and he doesn't want to suffer such a crime again, it's just...

Xiaoyao hesitated a little in his heart. If he didn't want to talk to Professor Jiang, Yunhe was reluctant...is that okay?

When the green horse came over, Xiaoyao got up suddenly, and his burning eyes fell on the horse, squinting slightly, looking very excited?

Even Yunhe stared at it with interest.


At that moment, the green horse suddenly became the focus of everyone, feeling uncomfortable being stared at, and having the urge to turn around and run away.

Before Ye Yuye could say anything, Xiaoyao had strode over, excitedly circling around the green horse, as if he really wanted to know what kind of abilities and abilities the legendary blue dragon horse possessed.

Ye Yuye was not playing chess either, twirling the tea that had just been brewed with stones, and blowing on the tea lightly, layers of mist swirled around, making her handsome face a little indescribably hazy.

Xiaoyao pinched his jaw and looked at Qingma back and forth, his eyes wished to swallow Qingma alive, Qingma was stared at by this man's piercing eyes, felt uncomfortable, wanted to run away more and more, hehehe I didn't know where to yell a few times, a little aggrieved.

Xiaoyao looked at it, but it was Di Cang's horse after all, so he felt that it was not suitable, so he shouted: "Don't just watch it by me? Brother Yun, aren't you interested in Canglong horse? Why is it just me? Is someone coming?"

Yunhe rubbed his nose helplessly, stood up shortly after Xiaoyao called him, and walked in the direction of Xiaoyao in response. Although he was not as interested as Xiaoyao, this horse was at least the Canglong horse recorded in ancient times. If Canglongma wants to be on the list, the mount that ranks first has to give way honestly.

The Canglong horse that the emperor wanted to get, unexpectedly became Di Cang's mount, Yunhe felt indescribably complicated.

The two of them stood together, and Le'er looked at Qing Ma tirelessly. In addition to looking at her eyes, there was an unconcealable excitement in her eyes, especially Xiaoyao, whose eyes were particularly obvious.

A gazebo dedicated to playing chess.

Now there are only two people left, Ye Yuye and Jiang Yi, and the little stone next to them. Jiang Yi sat back in his original seat, raised his eyebrows and raised his eyes to look at the young man sitting opposite, with a clear and melodious voice. With a smile: "I will play chess with you."

Seeing that the two men planned to ride around for a few laps, and would not be able to return for a while, Ye Yuye put down the teacup in his hand, casually took out a black chess piece from the chess pot, and signaled Jiang Yi to play the chess piece, but ignored it. His deep eyes were mixed with other emotions.

Jiang Yi sighed, and took out a chess piece from the chess jar in his hand, which slowly landed on the chessboard. Compared with those rich worlds, he would rather live the life of idle clouds and wild cranes with Ye Yuye.

Fat Mao'er walked slowly, and when he saw the green horse surrounded by two people, he laughed for a while, then wandered to the shaded area next to him to nest.

With Ye Yuye's consent, Xiaoyao and Yunhe became more daring, and their hearts were ready to move.

But as the legendary Canglongma, there is a haughty temper in its bones. So far, no one has ever been able to ride on it except Ye Yuye.

These two humans want to ride it?



Qingma scoffed at this.

The baby ginseng who escaped from the soil hummed a few times, looked at it happily, seemed to be in a good mood, and shook the thin beard on the top of his head.

After all, the green horse is a divine beast, it runs extremely fast, and it is even more difficult to subdue it, so the two quickly chased after it.

Seeing Qingma's ability, Xiaoyao's eyes were filled with excitement, and he quickly let go of himself. His body skills were not hidden at all, and Yunhe next to him was not bad either.

The two quickly left the courtyard after the green horse.

This time.

Except for the small stones in the entire courtyard, no one can disturb Ye Yuye and the others.

While Jiang Yi was playing chess, she looked at the person sitting across from her. Ye Yuye's fingers paused for a moment. She didn't look up, and said calmly, "Professor Jiang thinks that he can beat me with one mind and two minds."

The little thought of peeking at Ye Yuye was caught, Jiang Yi became more emboldened, and shook his head in denial: "No."

"You look good."


Ye Yuye originally wanted to remind Jiang Yi not to just stare at her, but when he heard his voice, he raised his eyes and looked at him unexpectedly, the corners of Ye Yuye's eyes twitched a few times, but he didn't speak.

She probably didn't expect the cold and gentle Professor Jiang to say these things better than her.

It seemed that in her memory, he seemed to have said something similar to her.

The two of them didn't speak again until after a game of chess. Jiang Yi's brows were gentle, and he seemed to be in a good mood. Looking at Ye Yuye who was sitting opposite him, his voice became low and slow: "You won, I can promise you one thing." thing."


Ye Yuye looked at him in a daze, but his brain didn't turn the corner.

Jiang Yi looked at her, his dark eyes covered with undisguised aggression, and he hooked his lips: "What do you want? As long as I have it, I can do it."

Throat rolled a few times.

The voice is clear and tinged with provocative meaning.

Ye Yuye raised his eyebrows, ignored Jiang Yi's eyes looking at her, and tapped his fingers a few times casually, his voice was so slow that it made people feel anxious: "I really have one thing."

Hearing Ye Yuye's voice, Jiang Yi couldn't help thinking of those few times before, that was the other side of Ye Yuye that he had never seen before, the redness in the corners of his eyes, the red slightly parted lips...

Jiang Yi couldn't help tightening his throat, and quickly suppressed those thoughts, but the clear voice was a little more hoarse: "What's the matter?"

Ye Yuye narrowed his eyes and looked at him with a smile: "Professor Jiang please don't come into my room for a few days."

(End of this chapter)

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