Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 1176 Knowing about their relationship

Chapter 1176 Knowing about their relationship

Jiang Yi accidentally crushed the teacup in his hand, he quickly suppressed the emotions in his eyes, put down the broken teacup in silence, took out a handkerchief and wiped his fingers, and never spoke.

Ye Yuye's fingers pausing on the table paused a little, then scanned the remnant of the teacup on the table, and looked at him again: "Don't think that I will soften my heart."

"I was wrong……"

Jiang Yi raised his eyes, and all the hidden undercurrents became dark, his face was cold and handsome, but at this moment, he felt a little wronged?

Ye Yuye couldn't stand Jiang Yi's expression like this the most, and avoided his gaze on purpose, otherwise she would really soften her heart.

The man's dark eyes gradually became a little sad, and the handkerchief that had been wiped was still held in his hand, and he pursed his lips: "Can you change it?"

He probably didn't expect Ye Yuye to take the opportunity to ask him to agree to this matter. If so, he would rather be beaten by Ye Yuye than agree to Ye Yuye's request.

Ye Yuye looked at his fingers and inadvertently frowned: "Bleeding?"

She had seen the broken cups on the table before, and there was no blood, nor did she smell a slight smell of blood, but it was not ruled out that Jiang Yi's fingers would be pricked by these debris.

But Ye Yuye's worry was superfluous. The moment she said it, the thought of whether Jiang Yi would be injured had long been dismissed by her.

Jiang Yi looked at his uncut finger, and felt a little pity, regretting that it should have been cut earlier, so could she forgive herself?

It was gradually getting dusk.

Ye Yuye saw that it was getting late, and planned to go back to his room to rest earlier. During this period, Jiang Yi had thought of many ways to get Ye Yuye to forgive him, but it was a pity that none of them had been realized. Leaving broke any of Jiang Yi's thoughts.

The two of them came back at some point, and they both looked a little tired, but when the green horse came back, he raised his head, looking very energetic, which was obviously in stark contrast to the two people next to him.

Although the two of them failed to ride the blue horse as they wished, they saw the legendary blue dragon horse and saw its abilities, which was much better than those great emperors who had never seen the blue dragon horse.

Xiaoyao stared at the blue horse walking beside him, his eyes became more and more fiery, and he felt a lot of regret, and sighed: "As expected of a blue dragon horse, this speed is not ordinary, even our speed can't keep up."

Yunhe on the side didn't speak, but he also acquiesced to Xiaoyao's rhetoric. The speed of the Canglong horse is indeed fast, and it is absolutely thin and well-deserved number one when used as a mount.

It's just that they don't know that there are fluctuations outside.

There are quite a few people gathered in the academy, and their voices can still be heard intermittently: "What just appeared? The speed is so fast? Did it come out from the back mountain?"

"Houshan? Could it be that the figure that flashed past is Master Uncle?!"

"Impossible, didn't you see that there are two people? And they seem to be chasing something? Have you seen what that thing is? Anyway, I don't think it can be a person."

"How is it impossible? Maybe it's a human? It's just that we can't see clearly because it's flying too fast."


The movement actually alarmed even the small town below the mountain. After all, the academy is different from the past, and many people from other places have come here these days.

Seeing this scene, he definitely had to report it to the faction he belonged to, and he was relieved that there was finally something he could report and explain these days.

Jiang Yi watched Ye Yuye enter the room, and sighed faintly, if he did it himself, he would have to bear all the consequences.

Not long after, seeing those two people coming back, he said a few words politely, which meant to drive them away.

Watching Jiang Yi's figure gradually disappear from their sight, Xiaoyao secretly poked Yunhe next to him, and then said in a low voice: "Look, this is the Professor Jiang I know."

In fact, when he was in the secret realm of the star field, he felt strange, and even had some thoughts that he didn't dare to have...

Xiaoyao's heart trembled a few times, he suddenly grabbed Yunhe's arm, dragged Yunhe across the purple bamboo forest, then looked around, and after making sure that there was no one there, he asked in a low voice: "Yunhe Brother, do you know something?"

Yunhe looked at him thoughtfully for a while: "Did you guess it?"

Seeing his appearance, Xiaoyao knew what was going on, his eyes widened, his lips parted slightly, and he didn't know what to say.

He actually guessed it!

I found something was wrong when I was in the secret realm of the star field!
But he was really not sure what.

Later, I learned that Di Cang was Professor Jiang's master, but even if it was a master-student relationship, he shouldn't behave too intimately.

Xiaoyao was surprised for a while, finally swallowed his saliva, and asked a little curiously, "When did you know?"

Yunhe looked at the layers of clouds appearing in half the sky, and after being silent for a long time, he sighed and murmured: "I discovered it a long time ago."

I discovered his little thoughts very early on.

Xiaoyao suppressed those messy thoughts, and asked in a low voice: "Then are they together?"

Yunhe thought for a while, and probably had some inferences in his mind, and replied: "It seems that they should be together."

Xiaoyao felt a bit complicated in his heart, the two of them were already some distance away from the purple bamboo forest, so he heard Xiaoyao slowly say: "I didn't expect that, I once thought that Di Cang would fall into a cold, pure, and charming Such a beautiful girl, I never thought that she would fall into the hands of his apprentice..."

Xiaoyao tacitly skipped over that his apprentice is a man.

It's just that the two of them didn't know that the Di Cang they knew was actually a woman, not what they thought.

Counting the days, it is time to leave the lower world and go to the upper world.

In addition to Ye Yuye and the others, Gu Zhaoyan was also preparing to leave with them. On this day, Su Qingmo finally couldn't help but want to come to find the young master. Maybe she knew that this would be... the last time.

Ye Yuye already knew it when Su Qingmo entered the purple bamboo forest. Jiang Yi, who came out of the house, seemed to have sensed it too. Just looking at Su Qingmo reminded him of those memories, and he couldn't help but sip. Lips looked in Ye Yuye's direction, but didn't say anything.

Looking at the figure in white under the tree.

Su Qingmo loosened her clenched fists, and the words that were about to come out of her mouth were stuck in her throat, making her feel extremely uncomfortable.

Now she doesn't even have the ability to stand beside the young master.

Regardless of her identity or strength, she was too weak.

Even so, Su Qingmo still showed a smile on the surface, suppressing the mixed emotions in his heart, pushed the door in, and walked towards the figure under the tree.

(End of this chapter)

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