Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 1180 Don't scare him

Chapter 1180 Don't scare him
"Shh, be quiet."


The green horse snorted leisurely, wishing that the people around could hear it, so that they could focus their attention on it.

When he was about to arrive, Jiang Yi let go of Ye Yuye's hand. Although he had tasted the sweetness, he felt a little reluctant in his heart, but he was already very satisfied to be able to hold Ye Yuye's hand for a while.

The elegant and cold man followed Ye Yuye from the beginning to the end, following him unhurriedly and calmly.

Venerable Xiuran looked at them who were coming, and his eyes fell on Ye Yuye again, and asked respectfully: "Uncle Master, once he goes this time, how often will he come back?"

A few eyes looked at Ye Yuye, she thought for a while, and said lazily: "I don't know, let's talk about the future."

She also doesn't know when she will come back.

Will you come back.

Instead of giving them promises and hopes, it would be better not to give them anything, she would not speak up easily if she couldn't do it.

Ye Yuye knew that climbing the ladder was a way to enter the superior world, after all, he had also entered by climbing the ladder at that time.

At that time very few people knew.

But now, telling them that climbing the ladder can enter the superior world should cause an uproar again.

Jiang Yi's dark eyes looked at the climbing ladder that appeared in the clouds, but he couldn't see the end of the climbing ladder. He pursed his lips slightly, and the bottom of his eyes gradually dimmed, as if he was thinking about other things.

Sensing the uneasiness of the man beside him, Ye Yuye took the initiative to hold his cold fingers again, looking sideways at Jiang Yi, Ye Yuye said seriously: "Don't worry, I won't abandon you this time. "

Jiang Yi was stunned for a moment, his eyes filled with confusion, and then he held her hand in turn: "Okay."

As the master and uncle of the academy, the boy's actions can attract the attention of many people. No, everyone present was shocked when they stared at the strange actions of the two men.

It also made them more and more suspicious of the relationship between these two people. This action...isn't it too intimate?

Yunhe looked back helplessly at the two people behind him, and took a few steps back on purpose, first he looked at the hands they were holding, then he took a deep look at Jiang Yi, and said dumbfoundedly: "

Take it easy, with so many people watching, at least you have to give your master an image. "

The moment the words fell, Jiang Yi subconsciously wanted to let go, but Ye Yuye held her tightly first. She frowned slightly and looked at Yunhe, saying, "Don't scare him."

Yunhe: "..."

Xiaoyao and Gu Zhaoyan walked over: "..."

This is a relationship, can't even talk about it?
Yunhe held his breath in his heart and panicked, his mood was extremely complicated and he felt tired, he was just joking, why did Brother Jiang still care about this?
The moods of Xiaoyao and Gu Zhaoyan were not much worse than Yunhe's, but after learning about their relationship and seeing the previous scene, they felt normal in their hearts, as expected.

After the green horse neighed leisurely, Fat Mao'er looked sourly at the elegant and cold man beside Ye Yuye from behind the pile of mane.

Yunhe sighed, he turned his head to look at Ye Yuye, with a look of resignation, and at the same time he was glad that he didn't pretend to be an old man: "Okay, I get it, I won't dare to do it next time, okay?" , you bastard..."

Being able to get Ye Yuye...is really lucky.

The corners of Jiang Yi's lips curved almost imperceptibly, and the cloud in his heart had already disappeared because of the four words Ye Yuye.

Among the crowd, someone felt strange, and asked in a low voice to the people next to him: "What is the relationship between Master Uncle and that person?"

"That person's appearance is not inferior to our uncle's. Do you think he is a relative of our uncle?"

Some people were puzzled, looked at the two of them back and forth carefully several times, and frowned a little deeper: "A relative? But it doesn't look like it?"

Not a relative, could it be... a friend?
The people present couldn't explain it, because they always felt that this act was too intimate, but they could only vaguely guess, after all, he was the master and uncle of their academy, and he was also the strong man in ancient times.

Determined that the uncle could not give him the answer he wanted, Venerable Xiuran could only sigh silently in his heart, but on the surface he could still keep his expression on as he watched them ascend the ladder.

Although Xiaoyao knew that there was a ladder in the academy that could test talent, he had never climbed it, and now he finally got his wish.

The same goes for Gu Zhaoyan and Yunhe.

Never boarded.

I am afraid that only Ye Yuye has been there.

Seeing them all step up, the green horse neighed vigorously, and then rushed straight up the ladder. Before taking a step, its limbs thumped and went limp, and it was unable to move due to the invisible force.

On horseback: "..."

Everyone present: "..."

Is this horse stupid?

Finally, the stone on the horse's back stuffed back the three exposed whiskers, and then slipped off the horse skillfully.

You can faintly hear Zhi Ya Ya laughing.

Qingma: "..."

Fat Mao'er looked at the figure climbing the ladder, jumped down with a whimper, took a step towards the ladder with his short legs, and climbed up very lightly and vigorously.

at the same time.

Shi Shi also boarded the ladder with the baby ginseng in his arms.

The green horse stared closely at the figure who had already stepped up the ladder, finally neighed a few times, got up and rushed up with lightning speed.

And this time it worked.

Watching them climb the ladder, you can vaguely hear their discussions.

"What if the master uncle and the emperor don't come back?"

"What can we do if these two strong men don't come back, I just regret that I didn't let Master Uncle teach me how to practice more."

"What kind of horse is this horse? And that child, is it really just a child? Could it be an old man who has lived for thousands of years...or ten thousand years?"


Among the crowd, a woman seemed to be running over, sweating a little on her forehead, she watched the figure climb the stairs obsessively, as if this figure could not be removed from her sight.

They are climbing the ladder.

People outside the academy were also watching.

It's just that people with relatively low cultivation bases can only vaguely see a few outlines, and can't clearly see who those people are.

But some strong people are different. They use their own power to see clearly. The first one is Ye Yuye.


There is another person beside him.

Someone they don't know.

And this person's talent is not weaker than Di Cang? !

This is what surprised them the most.

Could it be that besides the Great Emperor Xiaoyao, someone else has also awakened after reincarnation?
Not long after, other than Changxuan Tianyu, other star domains also got the news that Di Cang and the others were leaving.

(End of this chapter)

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