Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 1181 Okay, I'm Your Wife

Chapter 1181 Okay, I'm Your Wife

At the same time.

Somewhere in the world.

This place is at best a small place in a corner of the superior world. The complexion of the strong guards here suddenly changed, and their discussions could be vaguely heard.

"Strange, isn't this year's passage already over? Who opened the ladder to the sky?"

"What could happen? It's not that someone is climbing the ladder..."

For a moment, their pupils shrank slightly, and they had a guess in their hearts at the same time, and they looked at each other: "Is there someone who wants to enter the superior world?"


This is a big deal! !

It is difficult for someone to step up a thousand ladders!

The two people in charge of climbing the ladder looked at each other, and in an instant, apart from shock, there was only surprise in their hearts.

To enter the superior world.

who is it?

Is someone finally going to enter the superior world?

In their impression, there was a person who stepped forward 2000 years ago, so who will it be this time?

"Look at this movement... It seems that there is more than one person climbing the ladder?"

"Really! What's the situation? Isn't it only opened once a year to climb the ladder? This time it will be opened again..."

They were shocked in their hearts, but they quickly contacted the higher-ups after learning about the abnormality of the climbing ladder. After receiving the instructions from the higher-ups, they refocused on the vicinity of the guarded passage and observed secretly.

That's right.

Even though their place is just a small place in the superior world, it is the star field under the jurisdiction of the great emperor above, and this star field is ruled by the emperor's subordinate emperor.

And they had notified Emperor Pei of this matter before, and the other party told them that they would notify him at any time if there was anything unusual.

In the secret realm of the star field, the avatar of the inheritor body is still busy patching the loopholes, but the main body has already left the secret realm of the star field, and has appeared in the Changxuan Tianyu and various star fields in the inferior world.

At the same time, he seemed to have sensed something, but he didn't dare to deduce it secretly. He just squeezed the space between his eyebrows and passed the news to another person.

Ever since he left the inferior world, Jing Zhengqing had been content and returned to Canghai Tower to do other tasks. Because he was promoted to become a gold medal intelligence agent, his status in Canghai Tower was not bad.

But on this day, Emperor Chilan suddenly contacted him.

I was caught off guard for a moment, but still quickly connected to Emperor Chilan's communication, and a cold voice came over.

There is a situation in the lower world, someone is about to enter the upper world——

Hearing this sentence, Jing Zhengqing's eyelids twitched violently a few times, so, do you want to tell him that the person who came up will be... Di Cang?

After a pause, another message came from the communication side: "Go to Banxuan Tianyu to have a look, and let me know if there is any news."

Before Jing Zhengqing could say anything, the other party had already cut off contact with him. Jing Zhengqing was at a loss for a while before realizing what the emperor asked him to do, and said slowly: "Can the emperor still not let go?" ..."

He told Chi Lan about those things before...

Jing Zhengqing felt a little complicated in his heart. He never thought that Emperor Chilan was such an affectionate person. No wonder he looked down on the other emperors, but...

Let him find Di Cang, and then what?
Take it to Canghai Tower?

Or let Di Cang separate from that person?

In short, some things Jing Zhengqing didn't dare to imagine at all, and when he suddenly came back to his senses, Jing Zhengqing started to pack up and prepare to go.

through a grove.

When people passing by saw Jing Zhengqing, their eyes lit up immediately, and they quickly asked, "Senior Jing, where are you going?"

However, Jing Zhengqing looked very anxious, glanced at him hastily, and floated a sentence: "Half Xuan Tianyu."

The cold wind mixed with anxiety.

Then he quickly brushed past the man, and when the man turned his head, Jing Zhengqing's back had completely disappeared, the man was stunned for a moment, and had some doubts: "Half Xuan Tianyu? That's close to the lower world. A place, why did Senior Jing go to that kind of place..."

I was puzzled for a while, but the person had already left, and it might be difficult for the person to ask more questions about the task, so he quickly forgot about it.


When ascending the ladder to stagnate a cup of tea or so.

Half the sky was gray.

Especially above where the academy is located, there is a dark cloud shrouded in it, and there is a terrifying aura above it.

Sensing the existence of that breath, everyone did not dare to move, and looked up in a panic, as if they didn't know what happened.

what happened.

what's the situation? ?

What happened to the academy?
Everyone in the academy witnessed this scene, especially when a thunder struck fiercely in the direction of the climbing ladder, they were indeed frightened.

But in an instant, one of the people who had reached more than 800 steps stopped. He raised his eyes indifferently and touched the corner of his lips. With a temperament, spit out a word: "Get lost."

Thunder that fell.

Everyone watched it disappear.

It really just disappeared from their eyes!

Those who are not blind can see clearly.

It wasn't Di Cang's hand!
It was the person next to Di Cang!

No one expected that the people around him would be so strong, and they could make the thunder burst in shock. It was the punishment thunder that fell from the sky, and it just disappeared...

The scene above the academy shocked everyone outside. They knew about Di Cang's ability, but they didn't expect that besides Di Cang, there was another person who was so strong.

Perhaps even... stronger than Emperor Xiaoyao?

Everyone was surprised.

Yuan didn't know that the man above blinked at the young man beside him, showing off as if glowing, and smiled: "Your husband is still very strong."

But... obviously he was just showing off, as if he was waiting for Ye Yuye to praise him, Ye Yuye looked at him for a while, and the corner of his lips suddenly twitched: "You are not my husband, you are my wife."

Jiang Yi didn't seem to understand the meaning, blinked slightly, and nodded dotingly: "Okay, I'm your wife."

Ye Yuye put away his ambiguous smile, and seeing that gaze was still refusing to move away, Ye Yuye stared straight ahead without looking at him, and then said: "The strength has recovered pretty well."

Jiang Yi is the way of heaven itself.

Seriously, the fine thunder that the old man lowered was part of the power of Heavenly Dao, and he was naturally capable of dispelling it, even if he absorbed the fine thunder that fell, he would not feel any discomfort.

This is another way to prove that he and Ye Yuye are different from other people, beyond everything in the world, not within the five elements.

These are two very special existences.

in the next moment.

The thunderclouds hanging over the academy suddenly dissipated!It's not the kind that disappears suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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