Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 1182 Climb up the ladder and reach Banxuan Tianyu

Chapter 1182 Climb up the ladder and reach Banxuan Tianyu

Instead, there was a loud bang, and the entire thundercloud seemed to burst, and the pressure from Tianwei spread fiercely to the surroundings, and within an instant, it disappeared completely, without any pressure from power!

On the top of the superior world, there are still people waiting.

It wasn't until the movement in the passage they were guarding became louder and louder that they vaguely felt that people from the lower world were about to come up.

And not just one, there could be three of them!
They may be the most surprised by their impressions over the years. One came in 2000, but this time, they were too surprised!
Half an hour has passed in the superior world.

They are still waiting.

And they feel that people are about to come out.


They suddenly held their breath, and saw two vague figures gradually approaching from the layers of clouds and mist. As time passed, they also saw the appearance of the two people clearly.

One is a teenager.

One is a man.

And they all look very extraordinary.

It's just that the boy made them feel very familiar, and they had an urge to tell themselves, where did they seem to have seen this person before?
At the same time, before they had time to think about it, the sky changed suddenly, as if something was about to happen, a layer of thundercloud appeared.

The two guarding the passage looked shocked.

Once a heavenly sinner is found, the heavens will send down thunderbolts. Obviously this is the heavenly punishment in their impression!
what happened?

Why does God's punishment appear?

And still above them?
All kinds of weird visions pointed to the two people from the inferior world, but before they could think about it, the thundercloud above them suddenly disappeared.

Two people: "..."

Those who come are unprepared, and those who go are caught off guard.

what's the situation?
Could it be that the heavenly sinner who was locked up by the punishment of heaven disappeared and left?
Looking at the two people who stepped forward to the ladder, the original thoughts were quickly suppressed in their hearts and they no longer thought about it. Are the two of them heavenly sinners?Obviously not.

If it was the day's punishment, it would not be so easy to leave. It may be that the sky sinner was near them just now, and now he has run away, so there is no need for the day's punishment above.

The two stepped onto the last ladder.

The upper world is obviously different from the lower world, because of the difference in breath, and there are more and more abundant auras in all directions than the lower world.

Seeing the people from the lower world step up, the two guards of the passage first quickly reported the incident, and then looked at the two people, wondering when there were these two geniuses in the lower world.

It's not that the two of them can climb the ladder, but that they seem to be a little young. Being able to come out of the lower world at such an age shows that their talents are not too bad. If those sect forces get news, they may Someone has to come over and take them there.

I don't know how Pei Huang will arrange these two people. Looking at the two people who have already walked over, there is hesitation and hesitation in their eyes.

In the end, one of them named Xiang Mu looked at them and said indifferently: "

Congratulations on coming to the superior world. This is the Banxuan Tianyu, the closest place to the inferior world. You can choose to live with a faction here, or you can leave to go to other star domains. "

In fact, Xiangmu was still a little reluctant. After all, these two people came from the lower world, and as people in the upper world, they would feel somewhat repulsed.

But the man's gaze inexplicably shocked the two of them, but they couldn't find the reason why they were afraid of this man.

They thought there were only two people, but there was still movement on the other side of the passage. Obviously, besides these two people, there were other people climbing the stairs.


Another person came.

Another person also appeared at about the same time.

It was Yunhe and Xiaoyao who came.

A few breaths passed.

Another person came up.

Gu Zhaoyan was so tired that he couldn't help complaining, "What are you doing walking so fast? You don't know how to wait for me."

The two people guarding the passage: "..."

They thought there would be three people, but they didn't expect that there would be so many people on the ladder this time, five people.

They can be regarded as old guards who have been guarding for many years, and they have only seen one person in total, but this time they are simply too incredible, and it exceeds their expectations.

When did the underworld have so many talented people?And they looked very young. Of course, they didn't suspect that these people had lived for thousands of years.

But being able to step up to the ladder of heaven means that the talent is not bad, and being able to go to the sect to be an ordinary or talented disciple.

Of course, it is also under the premise of these small star fields.

If they went to a higher level, it would be very difficult for them to enter the sect, let alone become ordinary disciples.

It didn't take long before they saw the most numb thing, people were nothing more than people, why even horses came?And there is a child?Even a bird has...?
The mood of the two of them couldn't be more complicated.

a child?
Perhaps the child's appearance does not match his age?

Wait...why is there a cat here?

Both of them were dumbfounded.


How come there is nothing?
Why don't you have a dog?

The two of them were extremely speechless, but they still reported what happened to the higher-ups in detail and waited for the higher-ups to speak.

But it didn't take long.

What was waiting was an anxious voice from above: "Don't move! Tell them not to leave! Don't leave! Wait for me to come!!!"


The hearts of the two were shocked, and they were indescribably shocked. The higher-ups are coming?And it was Emperor Pei who came here in person?Is there any status among these few people? ?

The few people climbed up the ladder exhausted, and almost lost energy to look around, looked at the man standing next to Ye Yuye, and said slowly, "Di Cang, where did you get it?" His apprentice is simply too perverted."

But isn't it perverted?

When climbing the ladder, not only can he follow God Cang's footsteps, but he can also evacuate the terrifying divine punishment in the sky, which is simply... better than him.

Although Xiaoyao thought he was strong, he didn't think he could win Di Cang, and now, he actually felt that he couldn't win Professor Jiang either?

It doesn't matter if he can't win against Di Cang, he doesn't treat him as a human being at all, and now he can't even use Di Cang's apprentice? ?

Xiaoyao suddenly became very sad, and suffered a lot of blows in his heart. Fortunately, he looked at other people, and he suddenly accepted that he didn't treat these two people as human beings!
In fact, it's not just Xiaoyao, even the other two people looked at Jiang Yi with a strange look in their eyes. He is very powerful, and he has an inexplicable feeling that this person may not lose to Ye Yuye!

Fat Mao'er came up and looked at Ye Yuye with resentful eyes, like a wife and child abandoned by Ye Yuye, as pitiful as they were wronged.

(End of this chapter)

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