Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 1201 I learned it because I wanted to drink with you

Chapter 1201 I learned it because I wanted to drink with you
The deducer who was captured trembled all over, his face was pale and bloodless, and he lowered his head tremblingly: "Great Emperor, my... I have limited ability to deduce the whereabouts of this person, I..."

The atmosphere around him was overwhelming.

The deducer who tried to politely refuse was so frightened that he couldn't utter a word, so he had to follow the request of Zuo Dadi and began to blindly search for his whereabouts according to the person's name.

Time is undoubtedly a torment for that deducer, and that person's name is the only one in the world.

If it is changed to any other name.

The deducer can vaguely deduce one or two.

But this man is different.

No matter who it is, no one can deduce his traces or other news, as long as he touches it, he will be backlashed by the rules of heaven and earth.

In fact, when the deducer deduces other people, he will also feel the order of the world, but it will not be too obvious. Only when that person is too strong, or even cannot be within their tolerance, will he suffer from the backlash of the rules of the world .

And the name Di Cang.

It has become a taboo for their deducers.

If you are not sure, you dare not deduce it at all.

But who would have thought that recently, many people are asking deduction masters to come over to deduce a person, and they can't resist the generous rewards. Only when they go there do they know that the person they want to deduce will be that person.

I want to walk but I can't.

If you leave, you will die.

This deduction will also die.

Whichever way you go, you are always dead.

I don't know what enmity these few have with that one. The deducers at the Canghai Tower are much better than them, why can't they ask them to deduce?
Halfway through the deduction, the deducer stiffened and spewed out blood. His already pale face became extremely frightened, as if he had seen the most frightening thing in his life, so he fell to the ground and died. .

Zuo Dadi looked at the person who died in front of his hall expressionlessly, waved his sleeves, and ordered the corpse to be carried away.

The blood on the ground was cleaned up.


Another deducer came and knelt tremblingly in front of Zuo Dadi. Now he just felt vaguely uneasy and didn't know what happened just now.

Near Tianchi Mountain.

There is a woman wearing a white gauze, as if she does not belong to this world, her temperament is as frosty as dust.

Passers-by wanted to strike up a conversation, but were scared back by those icy eyes, and didn't dare to provoke this woman.

The communication on his body flickered.

"Great Emperor, there are three Great Emperors who are looking for deduction masters, and several forces have asked us about Di Cang's news."

The voice from the communication seemed to be asking what the woman meant. After all, they didn't dare to make decisions about Di Cang.

The woman's face was expressionless, only the one holding the communication tightly, pursed her lips: "I see."

There was no order from the woman, so she couldn't figure out what she meant, and the people on the communication side didn't dare to speak. After a long time, the woman said: "

I will be in charge of Di Cang's side, pass on the order of the emperor, and if you want to know Di Cang's whereabouts, you will be rewarded with your own life, and I will send you a list of all the family forces who want to ask about Di Cang's news. "

On the other side of the communication, the man seemed to be taken aback, he even held his breath for a moment, what is the emperor going to do?
It vaguely felt like something big was about to happen.

The communication in the woman's hand flickered a few times and then disappeared. The beautiful and glamorous face under the white gauze showed no unnecessary emotional fluctuations.

A tiny picture appeared in her pupils, and when the picture disappeared, the pupils tingled for a while, and she felt a little uncomfortable.

After the woman left, some voices came.

"Who is that person? Such a powerful aura, isn't it an ordinary person?"

"The background must be serious, shhh, stop talking about it, and be careful not to be overheard."

"I don't know which family that woman is from. I didn't say anything about her temperament, but I regret not being able to see her appearance."


Over there at the Canghai Building.

The high-level people heard the orders from Emperor Chilan, they were stunned at first, and then they understood that as long as it was about that Di Cang, their emperor would pay too much attention to it.

Jing Zhengqing, who had just finished the task, came back and heard those comments, and was startled for a while, with mixed feelings in his heart, and then continued to take the task and leave like a normal person, the kind that didn't stay for a moment.

In the restaurant at this time, even though it was close to dusk, it was still crowded with people, drinking wine, listening to the ditties sung by the people below, and occasionally hugging a beautiful woman in their arms, not to mention how carefree they were.

Jun Xiushun drank a little too much, which made him a little drunk. He looked at the young man who was drinking with him, and he was a little surprised, so he couldn't help asking: "Ye Daoyou, I think you drank more of this wine than me. You don't even feel drunk at all. No?"

Ye Yuye was a little hesitant. She put down the wine glass in her hand, took a glass from the wine jar next to her, paused her fingers, and said, "I'm rarely drunk."

Seeing that the young man was only seventeen or eighteen years old, Jun Xiushun was surprised for a while, and almost gave him a thumbs up in his exclamation: "Ye Daoyou, I can't see that you can drink so well at a young age. There are not many such good people."


Ye Yuye just raised an eyebrow at Jun Xiushun's evaluation of her, but she does look a little younger now, different from tens of thousands of years ago.

Tens of thousands of years ago, in the superior world.

My age seems to be about 20.

Ye Yuye picked up the wine glass in front of her and motioned to Jun Xiushun: "He's not bad at drinking."

Jun Xiushun turned his eyes to look at Jiang Yi, who was drinking tea next to him, paused, and asked with some doubts: "Friend Daoist drinks quite well, so why..."

Knowing what he meant, Jiang Yi raised his eyes and glanced at him: "A good drinker doesn't mean he can't drink."

"..." Jun Xiushun laughed awkwardly, "That's true, it's a pity that Brother Jiang doesn't like drinking. After all, God has given fellow Taoists such a good amount of alcohol. I'm afraid I'm going to get drunk after a few drinks."

Jiang Yi's complexion didn't change, but Ye Yuye paused her fingers slightly, she frowned slightly, looked at Jiang Yi, and asked, "You remember that you don't drink well."

She knew it when Jiang Yi was young.

He is not allowed to drink for this reason.

Facing Ye Yuye's serious and earnest gaze, that elegant and cold man felt a little guilty for no reason: "...I learned it."

Maybe it was because her eyes were too hot and serious, the man lowered his eyes and said slowly: "I learned it because I wanted to drink with you."

Jun Xiushun was stunned for a while: "...?"

Ye Yuye looked at his ears that were gradually turning red, was silent for a moment, and asked, "Then you also learned the piano later?"


The conversation has come to this point, Jiang Yi didn't hide anything from her, hesitated for a while, "There are a lot, I learned it on the way to find you."

(End of this chapter)

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