Chapter 1202
Ye Yuye looked at him: "Why?"

Jiang Yi didn't answer her question quickly, perhaps because of Ye Yuye's persistence, he finally stopped avoiding her gaze, recalling that time, he felt that it wouldn't hurt so much in his heart, he moved his lips lightly, and opened his mouth slowly road:"

Because I felt that you left me because I was not good enough, so I left, thinking about what you like, I will learn what, so that you can come back. "

At that time, I just wanted to get her back, and I was willing to do it no matter how tired or hard it was. I just wanted to look forward to her.

But a month passed.

A hundred years have passed.

Thousands of years have passed.

I couldn't wait.

At that time, he almost thought that she really didn't want him anymore. There was hatred, but when he met her again later, there was no hatred, only the secret joy hidden in his heart, and the fact that he didn't do well enough... for fear of leaving it to her. bad impression.

It took him a long time to work hard to muster up the courage to meet her, only to find that she had forgotten him. At that time, there was disappointment,
There was even a sudden thought of abandoning himself that made him decadent for a while, but later, he wanted to keep getting close to her, even if he had forgotten it, as long as she remembered it now.

When Jiang Yi withdrew from his memories, he heard Ye Yuye's voice: "At that time, I was very tired, wasn't I?"

Jiang Yi thought for a while, and replied with a smile: "I'm not tired, because I have a hunch that we will meet sooner or later."

Ye Yuye's eyes flickered a few times, and he met those smiling eyes: "Although it was a bit late, I still caught up, so the past is worth it."

and so.

I don't regret it.

He didn't want her to know who he was at that time.

Because at that time, I was too embarrassed.

He... didn't want her to see his embarrassed self.

Jun Xiushun, who forced his sense of existence to become less intense, shrank his neck, only felt that the temperature around here was too high, and wanted to blow the cold wind outside, trying to numb himself for a while.

He had suspected two people before.

And now that feeling is more pronounced.

Are these two people pretending that he doesn't exist?
He is a living person, so there is no sense of existence?
Jun Xiushun felt aggrieved and thought for a while, then poured himself a glass, drank it all in one gulp, and looked out the window a little distracted.

When he came back to his senses, he realized that besides them, there was a neglected child here. Seeing his normal expression, Jun Xiushun knew that this must not have happened once or twice.

The bored Jun Xiushun had no choice but to go to the kid who kept quiet all the time: "Little fellow Taoist, what's your name?"

The moment he was noticed by Jun Xiushun, Shi Shi quickly stuffed back the baby ginseng that was dangling outside, and then said with a small face: "Shi Shi."

"Stone?" Jun Xiushun thought it was his nickname, and it was normal for him not to tell him the name, so he didn't take it seriously, "This name is quite easy to remember, who gave it to you? Your father or Your mother?"

Stone said: "My master."

"Your master..." Jun Xiushun's mind went blank for a moment. He even felt that he was almost completely drunk, and he said with some difficulty, "You are so young, have a master? Where are your parents? Do they care about you?"

How much he suffered at such a young age.

Jun Xiushun had already imagined the young master who was abandoned by his parents and sold to a certain family as a servant. Just thinking about it made his heart tense, which was really uncomfortable.

In Shitou's memory, the word "parents" does not exist at all, but he has other people's memories and knows what the word "parents" refers to.

After thinking for a while, Shi Shi replied, "The master is my parents."

Jun Xiushun's mind went blank again. In this child's heart, the master is the parents?His parents had abandoned him since he could remember?
Looking at the child, Jun Xiushun felt uncomfortable.

He thought he was drunk before, but now he feels much more sober.

Ye Yuye twisted the wine glass and was about to put it into his mouth, when Jiang Yi suddenly grabbed her wrist, looked at her and frowned: "Stop drinking."

He thinks she's drinking too much.

Ye Yuye raised her eyebrows, and after Jiang Yi let go of her wrist, she put down the wine glass: "Okay, I won't drink."

Afterwards, Jiang Yi poured a cup of tea, pushed it with two fingers, and moved it in front of Ye Yuye, while Jiang Yi picked up the cup of wine she poured and drank it down in one gulp.

When Ye Yuye looked over, he calmly put aside the wine glass he was holding between his two fingers.

Ye Yuye withdrew his gaze with some regret, the scent of wine mixed with the scent of tea leaves was not unpleasant, but had a different kind of scent.

The two plates of fruit have been cleaned by the baby ginseng and the fat cat lying outside basking in the sun.

Especially baby ginseng, whenever holding the fruit, the aura of the fruit will continue to rise, and it is almost about to open the spiritual wisdom.

Jun Xiushun glanced at the sky outside, most of the sun had set, and it was getting dark. After a long silence, Jun Xiushun withdrew his gaze and said, "It's getting late, I'm leaving, I don't know What are the two plans?"

if you will.

He really wanted these two people to join their knife pavilion.

It doesn't matter whether they have the talent in the Dao of the sword or not, the important thing is whether they want to become sword masters or not.

Jiang Yi put down the teacup, and a clear voice came: "Then don't pass."

Jun Xiushun froze and smiled, Ye Yuye just looked up at him, the corners of his lips twitched, he seemed in a good mood: "Thank you fellow daoist for bringing us here."

The wine here is okay.

Although it is not as good as the wine she made, but it is a relatively high-ranking wine that she has drunk recently. Ye Yuye is indeed in a good mood now.

Upon hearing the news that they were leaving, the manager of the restaurant immediately rushed over and said respectfully, "Do you want me to prepare a drink to take back?"

Every time Jun Xiushun came over, he had the habit of bringing wine home, so it was normal for him to ask this question.

"It's still the same," Jun Xiushun paused after finishing speaking, and then said, "Bring them a copy too, and I will keep the account."

Saying that, Jun Xiushun looked back at the two of them, smiled at them and said, "I'll treat you this time, and you will treat me to drink next time."

When he said these words, Jun Xiushun never thought about whether he would see him again next time. Even if he didn't see each other in the future, he was still very happy to be able to drink tea with these two today.

Ye Yuye was stunned for a while, probably because she had been drinking, she squinted lazily, smiled and nodded, "Okay."

Behind the young man, Jiang Yi was behind, it seemed that as long as the young man leaned back, he could lean on his chest.

He moved his eyes away from the young man, and then fell on Jun Xiushun, squinting slightly, different from the laziness of the young man, his squinting made Jun Xiushun feel dangerous approaching.

(End of this chapter)

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