Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 1206 The Fentian Chamber of Commerce came to the door, the child of Master Dan? ?

Chapter 1206 The Fentian Chamber of Commerce came to the door, the child of Master Dan? ?
He is now, he will be in the future.

He just wants to be by her side.

By her side, he should be by her side now.

How to do.

Only two days have passed.

I already thought of her that way.

A smile appeared on Jiang Yi's pale face, he raised his eyes to look at the sky covered by thunderclouds, and murmured absently: "So, you have to grow up quickly and take my place."

"Don't make me wait too long."

Before he knew it, Ye Yuye had finished drinking the wine he brought from the restaurant, and he planned to leave today to buy a few jars of wine.

Until I got the news from Chi Lan.

From that day on, Chi Lan occasionally got in touch with Ye Yuye, but this time was different, there was turmoil in the upper world.

The reason has something to do with that voice.

The voice that made them irresistible from the bottom of their bones seemed to be issuing an imperial edict to them.

Let them kill Heaven.

Or maybe it wasn't what they thought.

The person they want to kill is actually someone else.

Sensing the changes in that body, the fat cat sitting on her shoulder meowed a few times, and there was unspeakable worry in those dark pupils with a hint of blood.

Ye Yuye sneered, she had stopped at some point, raised her eyes to look at the beautiful sky, and muttered to herself: "The old man wants all the clans to kill me together, it seems that can not wait anymore."

Can kill.

Can those people really be able to kill me? God himself can't, let alone other people.

The same as tens of thousands of years ago.

Same now.

Ye Yuye sometimes really thinks that the old man has lost his mind because of his anger, or does he think he can really kill me?
Knowing that Ye Yuye didn't know yet, Chi Lan on the other side of the communication frowned: "Canghe, haven't you received the news?"

Ye Yuye turned his eyes back, his handsome and delicate face could not see any emotional changes, and the bottom of his eyes was a bit dim: "I won't let me know this news."

The person to be killed is her.

How can she let her know.

Chi Lan wanted to ask Ye Yuye later, but he never replied to her message.

The current upper world is in chaos.

They are all looking for clues to the way of heaven.

But there are very few clues to find the way of heaven.

The best result so far is to wait for the breath of heaven to leak out.

The God who rules all things in heaven.

How could this kind of existence be punished?

Most of the tribes want to find the way of heaven, and invite him to support him as the god of their tribe.

As long as they get the Dao of Heaven, they will be the most powerful existence in the whole world!

At that time, I will be afraid that people from other races will fail.

After receiving Chi Lan's news, Ye Yuye went to the restaurant as usual and bought some jars of good wine. He originally planned to brew the wine himself, but after thinking about it, he felt that there was not enough time and gave up the idea.

Let's wait until we have time to settle down before brewing.

Ye Yuye sighed, and put all the wine jars handed over by the shopkeeper into the space. When Ye Yuye left, the shopkeeper still kept the posture of bending over to salute.

He just became visible.

Black card!

It is the black card of the Fentian Chamber of Commerce!

If there is one faction with the richest money in the superior world, then it is the Fentian Chamber of Commerce, which is number one in the world. The Fentian Chamber of Commerce has a very strong background.

As we all know, that was the place where Venerable Master Dan stayed, so that even several great emperors and even other ethnic groups would not dare to offend this chamber of commerce.

Because Venerable Dan once saved many people.

The strong men of other races have also been rescued, and have received a lot of kindness from Master Dan. Some strong men even said to the outside world that offending Master Dan is offending him, and if they want to die, they will go to hell now.

No one dared to offend the Fentian Chamber of Commerce after coming and going, and because of this, the Fentian Chamber of Commerce has gained a lot of limelight over the years.

It is said that there is only one person who can get the black card of the Fentian Chamber of Commerce, that is, Master Dan behind the Fentian Chamber of Commerce.

Rumors once spread in a small area that the Fentian Chamber of Commerce had not only received a black card from Venerable Master Dan, but also got one of them.

That is, the former Emperor Cang.

When Emperor Cang was around, no one from all races dared to challenge him. That person was the myth of their superior world.

Now, in this restaurant, the manager saw the young man holding the black card of the Fentian Chamber of Commerce. This young man's identity was related to the Fentian Chamber of Commerce, otherwise he would never have the black card.

Not even the Great Emperor of the Human-Protoss Race, this young man has a black card, if this news spreads to other people, wouldn't it be shocking and crazy.

The manager of the restaurant suppressed the excitement in his heart. When someone asked him what was wrong, he pulled the person into a corner and shared with him the person he just met.

The man was startled when he heard that, and at the same time regretted that he was late, otherwise he would have seen the owner of the black card.

What shocked them was that other than Master Dan, there were other people who could get the black card of the Fentian Chamber of Commerce.

It's just that I don't know who heard the news, so they quickly passed the news to the higher-ups, and the higher-ups knew the importance of the matter, and immediately contacted the higher-ups.

What people have heard is true.

There is only one person who can get the black card of the Fentian Chamber of Commerce.

It is Master Dan.

Only a small number of people above will know that Venerable Dan actually has another identity, that is, Emperor Cang who is admired and feared by the world.

Master Dan Zun disappeared tens of thousands of years ago.

And that young man possessed a black card, even if it wasn't Venerable Alchemy himself, it was very likely that it was related to Venerable Alchemy who disappeared.

And all this.

Ye Yuye may have already noticed it, so when the people from the Fentian Chamber of Commerce came, she was not surprised.

Considering that it is related to Master Dan, the people sent by Fentian Chamber of Commerce are all high-level personnel of the Chamber of Commerce, and this person has also been in contact with Master Dan, so it is most suitable to send here.

The head of the chamber of commerce also wanted to come here in person, but the expectations of these years were about to be wiped out, and he was afraid that he would be disappointed this time.

"Dan Zun..."

Yu Yan stared blankly at the person in front of him, and for a while he couldn't be sure if this person was Master Dan Zun, but it was undeniable that this person looked very similar to Master Dan Zun, but Master Dan Zun was not as young as him.

Is it...

and many more? !
Could it be Master Dan's child?
Yu Yan's eyelids twitched a few times, staring at the young man in front of him, he felt more and more that this man looked very much like their Master Alchemy.

Master Dan has been missing for tens of thousands of years, and no one even knows where he went. It actually makes sense to have a child in these years...

The fat cat ran over and stared at the middle-aged man in front of him, but saw that he was not malicious, so he put away his vigilance, sat on the ground, licked his paws, shook his ears, and focused Listen to their exchange.

After confirming his thoughts, Yuyan's expression became very serious, and he said solemnly, "Where is your father now?"

(End of this chapter)

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