Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 1207 Master Dan, your chapter is here

Chapter 1207 Master Dan, you are back
Fat Cat's licking face froze, full of doubts, does Ye Yuye still have a father?


Ye Yuye looked at him and didn't speak.

But Yu Yan misunderstood what Ye Yuye meant, and immediately said: "Little fellow daoist, where is your grandfather now? I have something to do with him."

"..." Ye Yuye raised his eyebrows slightly, and asked, "Don't you think I don't look like me?"

Hearing Ye Yuye's voice, Yu Yan couldn't help sighing in his heart, even the voice sounded very similar, and he nodded unconsciously after a while: "Like, you are very similar to the person we are looking for, your grandfather He... I haven't seen him for a long time, if you know his whereabouts, please let us know."

He probably didn't expect that Di Cang in the lower world had a relationship with their Master Dan Zun, and Master Dan Zun was also Emperor Cang, this relationship is really...

Yuyan's heart was somewhat touched.

Ye Yuye was silent for a while before pursing his lips: "Who are you from the Fentian Chamber of Commerce?"

Guessing that this person is the grandson of Master Dan Zun, Yuyan's aura of a strong man has disappeared completely, but he has a look of looking at the younger generation, and he can't help being a lot more kind, saying: "

You should have heard your grandfather talk about the Fentian Chamber of Commerce. The Fentian Chamber of Commerce has changed a lot over the years, but the only thing that remains the same is that we are all waiting for him. "

Yu Yan paused, looking at the young man in front of him who looked like Venerable Master Dan: "Young fellow Taoist, since you know, please tell us his whereabouts, everyone in the chamber of commerce misses him very much and is waiting for his return. "

Ye Yuye looked at him: "Really."

Yu Yan was a little puzzled and didn't understand the meaning of his words, but he nodded in response to his answer.

Ye Yuye narrowed his dark eyes slightly, staring at him: "Then you still don't know who I am?"

Although the voice sounded a bit lazy, it was different from the voice of the young man just now, and was a bit deep.

In a trance.

It made Yuyan feel that his temperament had also changed a lot.


Yu Yan's throat rolled a few times, and the originally calm face was filled with tension that could not be ignored, and his heart was full of excitement: "You...you are..."

He wasn't sure if the person in front of him was real.

But he's so much alike.

just a little young...

Just like Master Dan in his youth.

But he never saw him as a young man.

Even if it is like.

And now it's more like that.

It was like seeing him in the past.

"You are...you..."

Yuyan faltered and became incoherent, like a follower who saw an admirer, and even rubbed his fingers subconsciously several times, so nervous that he was a little sweaty.

"You know the news quickly enough." Ye Yuye paused, seeing Yu Yan's nervousness, "I just bought a few jars of wine yesterday, and you have already found my place, and the news is well-informed."

Yu Yan tightened his grip, he looked at the familiar yet unfamiliar young man in front of him, his throat rolled, he felt a little dry, and said incoherently: "

Great Emperor, you...how did you go to the lower world, no, no, why did you leave without saying goodbye, I...at that time we almost thought that you had already..."

He may not know that his eyes are all red.

If he knew...

If they knew that Emperor Cang was in the lower world, and knew that he was that Emperor Cang, how could they turn a blind eye to those past events.

The Fentian Merchant Guild more or less knew about some things that happened tens of thousands of years ago in the lower world. After all, a strong man suddenly appeared in the lower world at that time, so they would pay attention to it.

But they didn't know that Di Cang was Master Dan Zun!Cangdi of the superior world!
Even if that Di Cang was not afraid of the power of Heaven's Punishment, they didn't think too much in that direction, and I really don't blame them. There are many heavenly sinners in the upper world, not to mention that the lower world's punishment is not as good as the upper world's. God's punishment is basically two different things.

If you really want to compare them, it's a father and a son.

"Don't worry, take your time, I just want to change the environment occasionally... Sorry, I forgot to tell you."

Ye Yuye recalled those past events, many things can't be remembered, but she still can't forget some things.

In the superior world, she still has some influence.

For example, the Burning Heaven Chamber of Commerce.

Few people know that she is Master Dan Zun.

Therefore, no one would think of the Fentian Chamber of Commerce on Canghe, let alone know that Emperor Cang of the superior world is actually Emperor Cang of the inferior world.

In fact, if you think about it from another angle, you can find that the two names are similar.

Di Cang.

Emperor Cang.

It's just that the two words are reversed.

Yu Yan was so excited that he was almost speechless, suddenly remembering that he just called the Emperor "Little Daoist Friend" and faced him like an elder, Yu Yan's face burned hotly.

Although those who do not know are not guilty.

But I just feel very uncomfortable.

Especially this person is still Emperor Cang.

Yuyan wanted to say a lot of things, but now he didn't know what to say. He looked at the young man in front of him, and after a while, he said slowly: "Great Emperor, you are getting younger and younger."


Everyone is growing old.

But the person in front of him was as young as seventeen or eighteen years old, which made him mistakenly think that he was the "grandson" of the emperor.

Yuyan was puzzled in his heart, it was strange, why did it grow in the opposite direction?Live younger?

"I'm no longer the emperor," Ye Yuye smiled at him, "The Fentian Chamber of Commerce has been able to become the number one in the Chamber of Commerce without me these years. In fact, it doesn't matter whether I am here or not."

"Whether you are now or not, you will always be the great emperor of our Fentian Chamber of Commerce," Yuyan said anxiously, "

Great Emperor, what I said earlier is true. The Fentian Chamber of Commerce has left a lot, and joined a lot. As long as you come back, they will come back. The current Chamber of Commerce is still the same people, and they are still waiting for you to come back. Trust you will be back. "

Ye Yuye paused: "Or those people from before?"

"Yes," Yu Yan was afraid that he would not know, so he hastily told him everything he knew, "...we didn't believe you passed away after you left,

The Fentian Chamber of Commerce has grown much stronger than before, but the people inside are still waiting for you to come back, but there are a few adults who have given up their positions and worked part-time jobs in the Chamber of Commerce, and rarely take care of some affairs of the Chamber of Commerce. "

Ye Yuye was silent for a moment, then looked at him again: "Have you seen me?"

Yuyan was about to cry in his heart, he was no longer young, even in the eyes of some people, he was a senior, but standing in front of this young man who looked only seventeen or eighteen years old, he could do nothing, but leave It's been so long, it's normal for the emperor not to remember.

(End of this chapter)

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