Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 1208 To Fentian Chamber of Commerce

Chapter 1208 To Fentian Chamber of Commerce
In order not to let his image collapse in front of the emperor, Yu Yan said seriously: "Emperor, we have met before, my name is Yu Yan, and now I am one of the internal staff of the chamber of commerce, the owner of Baili Pavilion."

Those memories that I haven't recalled for a long time seemed to flash through Ye Yuye's mind. When she was still in the superior world, the Fentian Chamber of Commerce was not as strong as it is now, and there were not as many people as it is now.

Ye Yuye thought for a while, then said flatly: "Haven't you ever thought about... I'm dead, and what to do in the chamber of commerce. Wouldn't it be better to go back and do what you want to do?"

"No," Yu Yan shook his head, "People in the world only know Emperor Cang, but they don't know that Master Dan is Emperor Cang. They saw Emperor Cang being punished and killed by heaven.

But they feel that Venerable Dan is just missing and lost his news. Even now, some people think that Venerable Dan is still alive, but they don't know where he is. "

Yu Yan felt a little uncomfortable in his heart, he just looked at the person in front of him like this, and then said very seriously and dryly: "My lord, we finally waited for you to come back."

I have been looking forward to this day for a long time.

Venerable Dan would wear a mask all day long. Few people saw his face. After Emperor Cang was punished by heaven, only the people inside the chamber of commerce knew that Venerable Dan also disappeared on the same day.

At that time, they were secretly looking for Emperor Cang's whereabouts. Even though everyone believed that Emperor Cang was dead, they still stubbornly believed that Emperor Cang would not die.

Because he is Master Dan Zun.

A man who can bring the dead back to life.

Even if the one who killed him was Heaven, Earth and Heaven Punishment.

Yu Yan put away his thoughts, calmed down, and then said to Ye Yuye: "My lord, the position of the Fentian Chamber of Commerce has not changed, it is still the same as before, I will take you there now, and I will wait for the news of your return." It was not passed on."

Emperor Cang came back.

Undoubtedly their biggest surprise.

Yuyan couldn't wait any longer.

The business chief still doesn't know the news of Master Dan's return.

Ye Yuye was silent, did not answer Yu Yan's words, turned around and looked at the place where he lived these days, his thoughts were not knowing what he was thinking, Yu Yan didn't know how long he had been waiting, so long that he even thought that Ye Yuye would not agree to him Go to the chamber of commerce.

After a while, he heard Ye Yuye's voice: "Okay, I'll go with you."

It wasn't until Ye Yuye agreed that Yu Yan's heart that had been raised in his throat was completely relieved, and before he knew it, most of his back was wet.

Maybe it was just too nervous.

But as long as Master Dan agrees, it will be fine.

Since Ye Yuye agreed, she wouldn't let Yuyan wait for a long time, but this is where she and Jiang Yi lived, so she more or less didn't want to leave here.

In order to avoid Jiang Yi not being able to find him when he came back, Ye Yuye also left a clue in the room for this purpose.

The green horse walked over slowly, arched its head skillfully, and easily let the child climb onto its back.

When it was time to leave, Yuyan discovered that besides the cat, there was also a child, a spirit horse with intelligence.

But what he didn't know was that there was a baby ginseng plant in the arms of the child, and a Luanming was flying behind them.

Yu Yan decided not to tell them the news of Venerable Dan's return for the time being. Ten thousand years later, the first time he saw Venerable Dan, he almost regarded him as a junior, and he had to let others suffer.

The Fentian Chamber of Commerce is distributed in all major star regions, and the General Chamber of Commerce is in the first region, but the size of the first region completely surpasses other low-level star regions.

It is the only star field that is not under the jurisdiction of the great emperors of various races.

In addition to the human race, there are people of other races living here, even if they meet the figure of the demon race on the road, they will not be surprised.

What Dan Association, members of the Machine Association, regardless of ethnicity, as long as you have achieved too much in this field, you are welcome to join at any time.

this way.

Other than lamenting the boy's appearance, the passers-by on the road did not act exaggeratedly.

The streets are lively.

There are monsters and beasts walking on the road with their bodies exposed, and there are also ferocious-looking mounts that lead their masters and disappear into the blue sky.

Among these people, there were also people who brought their own spiritual pets, their eyes were full of petting, and they brought it into a Dan Pavilion for raising animals.

There are also large-scale colosseums here.

Here, there are two types.

Some brought their own monsters to fight.

There are also those who choose one to fight in the Colosseum.

The lower world is not without it, but it is not as lively as the upper world, and it is not as cruel and bloody as here.

Yuyan took Ye Yuye and the others away, and occasionally chatted with him about how much the superior world had changed over the years, and what happened about him.

Sometimes Ye Yuye would listen carefully, and sometimes he would ask Yuyan something, and Yuyan would tell him everything exactly.

After all, Venerable Master Dan has been in the lower world all these years, and maybe he doesn't know much about some things in the upper world.

Yu Yan talked a lot, and Ye Yuye listened a lot.

As for the child on the back of the green horse.

Yu Yan paused, and wanted to ask if the child belonged to Master Dan, but after much deliberation, he still couldn't ask.

Everything in the Fentian Chamber of Commerce is business as usual.

There are forces belonging to the chamber of commerce in many places. After all, some large-scale auctions belong to the industry of the Fentian chamber of commerce.

The headquarters of the Fentian Chamber of Commerce should be in the center of the first region, a little closer to the positions of the other great emperors.

On the way back, Yuyan was still thinking about how excited those people would be, but when he entered the gate of the Fentian Chamber of Commerce, there was nothing unusual.

They are not from the chamber of commerce, and have never seen the real appearance of Master Dan, let alone Emperor Cang. They just think that this young man brought by the Baili Pavilion master is very handsome, and they have not seen such a handsome boy for a long time. Good-looking people, it's normal to be curious.

What's more, the person who was brought here by the Baili Pavilion Master himself must be highly valued, and his status in the Fentian Chamber of Commerce is far different.


After entering the Fentian Chamber of Commerce, some people saluted Yuyan. The respect in their eyes was inevitable, because they had not yet entered the real Fentian Chamber of Commerce.

It may be because of staying with Ye Yuye for a long time, and gradually let go a lot over time, and even joked with Ye Yuye: "

You don’t know, my lord, not long after you left the chamber of commerce, the head of the merchant reconciled with his wife. In fact, they got married again later. They had reconciled and divorced four times, but they were all with the same person. Not long ago they reconciled. They got married, but it's a pity that the emperor couldn't catch up with their wedding day. "

"Actually..." Yu Yan thought for a while, then smiled and said, "It is the best blessing for them that you can come back."

(End of this chapter)

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