Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 1209 Is this young man a descendant of Venerable Dan?

Chapter 1209 Is this young man a descendant of Venerable Dan?

Ye Yuye paused for a moment, didn't say anything, just looked at everything around him, and sighed more about the changes here.

Before I saw anyone from a long distance, I heard a cursing voice: "I said Yuyan, what's the situation? The boss asked you to investigate, did you find out?

Is it true?Does the black card belong to our chamber of commerce?We’ve sent it all these years without any results, we’ve just come up with some tricks to deceive people, anyway, this time I don’t think…”

What's the catch...

The man came out with a jug of wine, just in time to meet Yuyan and his party, and the young man next to him made him startled.

In a daze, thinking that he was drunk and distracted, he rubbed his eyes vigorously, and when he opened them again, it was still the same as before.

There is a horse.

There was also a child on the horse.

But why does the person next to Yuyan...look so similar?

Xing Chuang was in a trance for a while, then walked towards them with the wine, and smiled again: "

Yuyan, where did you find this guy?Not to mention, this person is very similar to ours, but younger, if you bring him over in a few years, maybe even the business manager will mistake him. "

Hearing Xing Chuang's words, Yu Yan felt happy immediately, barely suppressed his smile, and asked seriously, "You also think he is young, don't you?"

"That's it," Xing Chuang thought so in his heart, and blurted out, "The one I know is much younger, this skin is tender... I think this child is only seventeen or eighteen years old? You take him What are you doing here? Are you planning to fool the merchant?"

Sighing, Xing Chuang looked at Yuyan with a frown, not sure what this guy meant by doing this, but he brought the boy inside the chamber of commerce, there must be something else.

Is it...

Xing Chuang looked at the boy and hissed, let alone, this person is no different from that one, if there is anything special, it is that he is much younger than that one.

If at that young age, he could almost be sure that he looked like this without doubt, maybe...

Xing Chuang's eyes lit up immediately, he turned his eyes to Yuyan, his throat rolled a few times excitedly, he leaned over and asked in a low voice: "Yuyan, do you know something?"

To be able to bring this person who looks exactly like that one here, I must have found some clues, otherwise I would not have brought this person inside their chamber of commerce!

Yu Yan glanced at the person next to him from the corner of his eye, and after confirming that he was not angry, he said to Xing Chuang: "Xing Chuang, do you think it looks like it?"

Undoubtedly, Xing Chuang put away his foolish appearance, and his attitude became serious: "Like, if he wasn't young, I almost thought he was the one."


If it weren't for the fact that he looked too young.

He really took it seriously.

Xing Chuang was in a trance for a while.

Yuyan felt happy, this is not like, this is clearly a person!It was rare that Xing Chuang couldn't tell the difference, Yuyan cleared his throat, and asked, "Where did the others go?"

"They?" Xing Chuang looked at Yuyan suspiciously for a while, not knowing what the hell this guy was doing, and didn't answer his question, feeling agitated for a while, "

How do I know where they all went, the merchant leader is usually in retreat, and you don’t know, other people either went out and haven’t come back, or they are taking care of other internal affairs of the chamber of commerce..."

Xing Chuang's voice paused, and he stared at him suspiciously, "What are you looking for? Yuyan, what do you want? Could it be related to the people you brought here?"


At this juncture, the fat cat nestled in Ye Yuye's arms and suddenly meowed. He looked at Xing Chuang with a pair of round cat eyes, full of dissatisfaction.

Looking at its previous appearance, it could be seen that it was sleeping just now, but was woken up by two people.

Ye Yuye followed Fat Mao'er's hair, looking back and forth between the two casually, and when Xing Chuang was looking at her, she raised her eyebrows and looked at him without saying a word.

In those vague memories, there are still fragments of them. When she left, she entrusted the chamber of commerce to them. As for who was in charge of the chamber of commerce in the end, she was really interested.

"Could it be..."

Xing Chuang looked at the young man suspiciously, thought for a while, and frowned and asked, "You, you and that... No, what is the relationship between you and, you and Master Dan?"

Ye Yuye didn't answer, but Yu Yan raised his eyebrows and frowned again: "What is the relationship, you guessed it?"

"Guess what?" Xing Chuang still frowned, "You want me to contact them and come back. Is this child a descendant of Master Dan?"

Ye Yuye raised his eyebrows.

Yu Yan finally couldn't help but chuckled: "No, haha, you think so too? So it's not just me who thinks so. If you stop thinking about it, it's unbelievable that those unimaginable things happened to others, but you think about it carefully." Think, what happened to us is unimaginable, Xing Chuang, can't you really guess it?"

The green horse behind snorted.

Because this is the interior of the chamber of commerce.

In addition to them, there will also be sincere members of the chamber of commerce walking back and forth inside. When they see the two pavilion masters, after saluting respectfully,
They left in a hurry, and leaving for business was the second priority. The main reason was that they seemed to have heard some inexplicable words, and those words seemed to have other meanings mixed in?
of course.

These doubts are only a matter of a moment, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, they have already left in a hurry.

Xing Chuang stared at Yuyan until he had laughed enough, his frown deepened a bit, how many years he has lived, and how many years he has known Yuyan, he can say these words to him...

Xing Chuang swallowed, and could see his Adam's apple rolled a few times, and he kept focusing on the boy again. Thinking of Yuyan's actions just now, coupled with the strong premonition in his heart, Xing Chuang Chuang is now in a state of confusion and unconsciousness.

There is only one thought in mind.

No way.

This... this is impossible.


Is he really back?

In front of... Could it be that the young man in front of him is Master Dan himself?They all have one thing in common, that is, some incredible things happened to Master Dan and Emperor Cang, so they would not be surprised.

And Yu Yan put the words on the boy.

That is...

In other words, the person Yuyan brought over was the Master Dan they had been looking for, and had been longing for to come back? !
(End of this chapter)

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