Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 1212 Master Dan's younger brother

Chapter 1212 Master Dan's younger brother
The two people standing next to each other glanced at each other, then retreated tens of meters in a tacit understanding, and finally left room for them.


Master Dan Zun gave him this name.

Master Dan Zun recognized his younger brother.

At that time, in their memories, he was always by Master Dan's side, he said very little, and almost never communicated with them a few times,

Later, after Venerable Dan disappeared, he talked less. At that time, his reputation became more and more famous. He had never joined any force, except the chamber of commerce.

These years, although they have the title of the Chamber of Commerce, they have never stepped here again. They thought that this might have something to do with Master Dan.

Fat Cat, who left Ye Yuye's arms, shook his ears, looked at the people who came over, and then at Ye Yuye who was not far away, he had a general understanding in his heart.

Looking at the relationship seems to be acquaintance.

Shi Shi squatted next to Fat Cat, watching it lick its paws, its furry ears would shake from time to time, Shi Shi couldn't help but run along a few times.

Fat Cat took it for granted and continued to lick its fur.

Cang Xiu looked at him, and finally walked towards him, feeling unreal in his heart because it was too sudden.

Ye Yuye looked at him, patted his head with a smile, and recalled: "When you left you, you were only 13 years old, right? I haven't seen you in these years, so you are already so powerful. A child protected by others."

At that time, he would also touch his head, and his heart was always warm. After so many years, this feeling seemed to have returned. Cang Xiu lowered his eyebrows, closed his eyes, and pursed his lips: "I am still brother's child now. .”

Ye Yuye smiled.

The warmth above his head has left, Cang Xiu's handsome face is wrinkled, he is already a senior in the eyes of the world,
But standing in front of the young man, he was still like a child, with the temper that only a child would have. He pursed his lips, feeling somewhat wronged: "Brother, I almost thought you abandoned me."

Ye Yuye's heart skipped a beat.

His look reminded her of another person.

The man also thought he was abandoned.

Ye Yuye remained silent, so it turned out that her leaving would bring them such great harm.

"At that time..."

Cang Xiu frowned, "I saw it then."

Ye Yuye raised his eyes and saw the reddened eyes of the young man, he said: "I saw you being punished by heaven, and then disappeared...all of them thought you were dead, but I was looking for You, I've been looking for you for a long time..."

tens of thousands of years ago.

She was indeed hunted down by the old man.

But that's only because of her identity.

The probability of Heaven's Punishment appearing would not be as unpredictable as it is now, because she didn't know Jiang Yi at that time.

Because Jiang Yi was by her side, she was punished by heaven to kill her time and time again. If it wasn't for the time when fate aspired to the top, she might suddenly wonder why the old man kept holding on to her one day.

Just thought she might be ruined?Or will he become a sinner in this world?

Cang Xiu only briefly mentioned everything about him, and after he finished speaking, he looked at Ye Yuye with a smile: "Brother, it's good that you come back."

came back.

He will not continue to search without head and tail.

Now that he is strong, he will no longer be protected by him, but he will protect him.

The two Xing Chuang over there don't know what they are talking about, but they should have a lot to say after being separated for so long.

Yu Yan glanced back at the two people, then closed his gaze, and asked Xing Chuang beside him, "Who else is here now?"

Xing Chuang took back his huge consciousness, and then said to Yuyan: "I sensed that there are three people over there, and two people have already rushed here, they seem to be very close to us, and they should be within six fingers. "

"Six snaps?" Yu Yan was taken aback for a moment, then nodded and said, "That should be soon."

After six snaps of the fingers, they said it was time for a conversation.

From a long distance, the two people saw two figures flying towards the outside. Due to the distance, they couldn't see the people very clearly, but they could vaguely see a man and a woman.

The two men appeared to be heading straight for them.

In a moment of trance, two people appeared in front of Xing Chuang and the others. It is naturally convenient to have the token of the chamber of commerce to enter and exit.

"Xing Chuang, you asked us to come..."

The cold voice came to an abrupt end.

When the two people who came together looked at the figures of the two people in the distance, their footsteps suddenly stopped. They knew that person, he was Cang Xiu from their Chamber of Commerce, and he was well-known outside.

And the one next to him.

They looked more and more familiar.

Even if it's just a side profile, a back view.

The pupils suddenly shrank.

The woman's expression became extremely serious: "So..."

Xing Chuang nodded, and followed her answer: "It's just as you guessed, he is back."

The man next to the woman suddenly snorted coldly, and said viciously: "He is not dead, why didn't he tell us that he came back after such a long time, and let us look for it for so long!"

The man and woman in front of me have been away from the chamber of commerce for a long time. If it weren't for Xing Chuang's call this time, I don't know how long they would have to wait before returning.

Yu Yan said helplessly: "You don't even think about what our Master Dan has experienced."

The man sneered: "What did he go through, how do I know!"

"..." Xing Chuang glanced at him, "Okay, you just got so angry when you finally came back, Chu Long, do you dare to say that you never expected him to come back?"

His words were stuck in Chu Long's heart. Like everyone else, he was also looking forward to that person's return. Even now, in the end he just snorted coldly and did not speak.

The woman was silent for a while, and then said: "We are uncomfortable, and Cang Xiu's heart may be even more uncomfortable."

After this sentence, no one said another word. Apart from being his follower, Cang Xiu has another relationship, that is, his younger brother.

Moreover, when Venerable Dan left, he was only in his teens, and he was the only person they most wanted to see Venerable Dan.

They wait.

It's not very sure if there is anyone else coming besides them. While waiting, there are three people waiting in the hall. Since they couldn't find Xing Chuang, they can only determine the specific location of the other party through communication .

Yuyan and the others couldn't wait to let them know the truth, and they also learned that Shang Zhang had come out of retreat and was almost at their side.

When they appeared, the three people in the main hall were stunned for a moment, looking at the two people except Yuyan and Xing Chuang,

This was the first time they saw the two of them in these years. Xue Yang, who was the first to react after being stunned for a moment, said, "Old Xing, what are you calling us here for?"

(End of this chapter)

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