Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 1213 The Auction of the Fentian Chamber of Commerce

Chapter 1213 The Auction of the Fentian Chamber of Commerce
"What's the matter with calling you over here?" Xing Chuang glanced at Yuyan, coughed and said, "Of course there is something very important, otherwise why call you all here."

Xue Yang was a carefree person in his heart, especially when he saw Xing Chuang moaning, he became more anxious, "Then what are you talking about?"

Yu Yan, who was the first to find Master Dan, touched his nose, and subconsciously said, "Isn't everyone here yet?"

Including the three of them, there are seven people in total, but there are quite a few people who have followed Master Dan. In fact, on weekdays,

It doesn't matter if you wait for ten days and half a month, but what a big event Dan Zun's return is, I wish more people knew that Dan Zun was back.

Chu Long glanced at the three people, and finally said with a cold snort: "You bastard, Yuyan, how long will we have to wait until we are all here? For tens of thousands of years, we have always carried the title of the Fentian Chamber of Commerce.
It's not because of that person's arrival that I'm looking forward to. Now that the person is back, don't discourage them. Why are you so mysterious. "

Yu Yan choked, but Chu Long was still the same as before, and he felt uncomfortable if he didn't hate others.

If they had thought that there must be something wrong with Xing Chuang calling them over, but his words made the heartbeats of the three people slow down a beat, and then quickly accelerated uncontrollably.

What did Chu Long mean just now?
that person?
Is... who?

Xue Yang suppressed the strong emotions in his heart, but there seemed to be some inadvertent tremor in his voice: "He...has he come back?"

Everyone present knew who Xue Yang was talking about, a person who made them willing to stay in the chamber of commerce and wait.

But they waited too long.

Tens of thousands of years are enough to change a lot.

For example, avoiding the world and staying away from these troubles, marrying a wife and having children, living a life of idle clouds and wild cranes, or... dying at the hands of others.

Calling them all over, Xing Chuang didn't intend to hide it. After all, like these people, what he was looking forward to in his heart was to wait for that person to come back.

While those three people were waiting for them to tell the truth, another person came from the hall. The person who came was also a strong man who had left the chamber of commerce for many years and had quite a good status in the outside world.

The man calmly appeared in the hall. He looked at the seven people with a rare surprise on his face, as if he hadn't noticed the surrounding atmosphere, and said, "There are really enough people here today."

It's normal for him to say that, since that person disappeared, they seldom gather together.

Yet neither of them spoke.

The atmosphere seemed to freeze a bit.

Huo Yang felt strange. Although he hadn't been to the chamber of commerce for a long time, it wouldn't make these people despise him, right?
until a voice came from behind.

Only then did he realize that these people were looking at his back,... the back?
someone is coming?

The moment someone said "He's really back.", Huo Yang turned around, his eyes locked on a person.


Not alone.

Besides the boy, there was another person beside him.

He knew this person, his status was almost equal to his, but he was a dozen years younger than him, and his name was Cangxiu.

There is a child behind them.

Of course, Huo Yang didn't care about that child, even Cang Xiu, he only looked at him a few more times at most, but the boy couldn't take his eyes off him.


He is very much like a person.

Is it because of this that Xing Chuang called them over?
Huo Yang stared at him, finally frowned, and said with some uncertainty: "Emperor Cang?"

After many years, although I remember his appearance, this person has to be said to be very young, he looks only about seventeen or eighteen years old. It is very possible that he does not want to, but his descendants are very likely.

Xing Chuang and the others left space to Ye Yuye and the others, but the two of them didn't talk much, they just chatted about some trivial matters in recent years.

Stepping here again now.

I actually feel a little nostalgic.

"Welcome Master Dan to return."

Until it was confirmed that the person was the one they had been waiting for for many years, there was no one else in the hall except them, and the voice seemed to be still echoing around.

"Welcome Master Dan to return."

After waiting for so many years, the person they were waiting for finally came back.

The superior world has always remained the same.

Occasionally hear some gossip.

But this time was different.

The Fentian Chamber of Commerce announced to the outside world that Master Alchemy had returned from playing for many years!And three days later, the pill refined by Venerable Pill will be auctioned off!
No one knew what Master Dan's real name was.

But the three words Dan Zunshi alone are enough.

Today's generation doesn't know what Master Dan is capable of, but the elders of these junior families know very well what Master Dan means.

Can be brought back to life!

Even if he half-stepped into hell, even if all seven souls and six souls were destroyed, he could save people from life, and all the pills he made were of the highest quality!

The name of the Fentian Chamber of Commerce once again caused a lot of fluctuations in the superior world, gaining a lot of limelight. Of course, some people were skeptical, not sure whether Master Dan had really returned.

Is the Fentian Chamber of Commerce deceiving them?
All the discussions in the domain network are related to the returned Master Alchemy, and in the world of alchemy, the status of Master Alchemy is higher than everything else.

They all wanted to see whether the genius doctor tens of thousands of years ago was as amazing as their elders in the alchemy world said.

Not only the human race knew.

Even the other races knew the news of Master Dan's return from the human race, so much so that they wanted to confirm whether Master Dan had really returned through the auction three days later.

There are many people who hold this idea.

The powerhouses in the upper world also know about it.

It's just that they have been looking for the whereabouts of Tiandao through other means these days, so they don't have the time to pay attention to these uncertain things.

Master Dan Zun is the same as Di Cang.

The deducer could not deduce news about him.

Of course I didn't feel anything.

Because deduction masters are not omnipotent, except Master Dan Zun who can't deduce them, there are other people, such as Emperor Cang who passed away many years ago.

Most of the discussions on the street are related to the auction three days later.

"Have you heard that the Fentian Chamber of Commerce will hold the largest ever auction in three days, and it will be held in the first domain!"

"It is said that the elixirs auctioned inside were refined by Master Dan himself."

"I heard from my grandfather and the others that the Fentian Chamber of Commerce was founded tens of thousands of years ago by Master Dan Zun. Most of the news about Master Dan's return is true."

Someone heard the words, and said indifferently: "Is it true that I will go and see in three days' time and I will know."

(End of this chapter)

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