Chapter 282

Someone clutched the rope tightly, his voice trembling: "I didn't hear anything, how deep is it down here? If you fall accidentally, you will probably be smashed into a pulp."

Everyone in the Luo family looked very ugly, and the head steward of the Luo family had a sullen face.

The person who died was from their Luo family. Although he was not a genius, he was still a member of the Luo family.

Sensing his gaze, the manager of the Li family looked at the steward of the Luo family, and the corner of his mouth twitched: "Steward Luo won't care about a child, right?"

Anyone with a discerning eye could see what he said, it was nothing more than to keep Li Yidan, the genius of their Li family.

Dozens of members of the Luo family looked at the Li family angrily. Even though the Li family was the head of the three major families, it was too presumptuous!
Their Luo family is also one of the three major families!

Seeing the angry expressions of those members of the Luo family, Li Yidan's eyes overflowed with sarcasm.

"Li family, it's too much."

"It's too cruel. When everyone makes mistakes, the Li family directly puts people to death, with a vicious heart!"


When the members of the Luo family were angry and dissatisfied, the steward of the Luo family looked at the manager of the Li family. He cupped his hands and said with a smile without changing his face: "Everyone makes mistakes, I know that little friend Yi Dan is careless. Pushed him down, I believe the higher-ups will understand.”

In short, the manager of the Luo family didn't intend to pursue the matter, so he did it hastily.

The manager of the Li family also smiled and nodded: "That's very good."

The members of the Luo family looked at their steward in astonishment, is this the end?Shouldn't Li Yidan be dealt with severely?
The authorities were confused, but people from other forces knew very well that Li Yidan did it on purpose, but they never thought that the Luo family did not plan to hold the Li family accountable.

Although the Li family is the top of the three major families, the Luo family is not bad either, and it is not at all inferior to the Li family.

But what happened to the Luo family today?
What's the situation with the Li family?
The two families have really changed too much, even the members of the Cheng family are confused. The leader of the Cheng family is Cheng Guanshi. Compared with the others, he seems much calmer at the moment, and he already has a rough guess in his heart.

The Li family may have formed an alliance with the Luo family, and they must tell the Patriarch the news when they return.

In order not to waste time, the people on the suspension bridge began to look for clues around, and some of them had already run straight ahead.

Ye Yuye glanced around calmly, her expression was indifferent, perhaps because she was too calm, and she was obviously different from others.

It seems that I am in another junction, unable to integrate into the world of the people around me.

The strange thing is that the people around her didn't pay attention to this person, as if this person didn't exist at all.

Ye Yuye looked down at the endless black abyss under his feet, Mo Mou slightly narrowed his eyes: "Follow me closely later, don't lose it."


Stone nodded seriously.

The baby ginseng poked its head out of the stone's arms, glanced down a few times, and immediately shrank back in fright.

Ye Yuye was about to jump from here, but she glanced over from the corner of her eye and saw that Fu Xiaoxiao and Gu Zhaoyan were just nearby, she raised her eyebrows slightly, and walked over.

At this time, Fu Xiaoxiao and Gu Zhaoyan were planning to go forward to try their luck, but someone suddenly grabbed their shoulders behind them.


The expressions of the two changed, because they found that they couldn't make a sound at all, that is, they couldn't even move their bodies.

Who is it that wants to kill them in full view?
(End of this chapter)

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