Chapter 283 Ye Yuye Is Here?

The owner of those hands patted the shoulders of the two, and a lazy and flat voice reached their ears: "I, don't make a sound."

The bodies of the two were stiff, and they kept deleting the activations in their minds, and only then did they find the owner of the voice in their memory.

Ye Yuye!
Ye Yuye was actually behind them!

The two moved their lips, and when they could make a sound, they couldn't help turning their heads happily. Who would have thought that they would meet Ye Yuye in such a ghostly place.

Seeing that the person was really Ye Yuye, Fu Xiaoxiao was delighted in his heart, but his face showed displeasure. Since there were other people around him, he could only lower his voice: "Ye Yuye, where are you going?" gone?"

Gu Zhaoyan glanced at Fu Xiaoxiao next to him, turned to look at Ye Yuye, and said with a smile: "After you left, Fu Xiaoxiao and I left Yancheng College, and now we are in Shenlong College."

Ye Yuye saw their doubts, and sighed inaudibly: "I'm used to it alone."

Thousands of years, ten thousand years, even she doesn't know how long it has passed, she is indeed used to being alone.

The two didn't quite understand what he meant, they saw the corners of his lips twitched, and a few words spilled out, which they heard very clearly.

"Get ready later."

The two froze for a moment and looked at each other.


What are you ready for?
Without giving them a chance to react, Ye Yuye left the two with vague smiles and grabbed their shoulders.

The two soon realized that their feet had left the suspension bridge, and before they could open their mouths to say a word, they were sucked in a mouthful of cold wind and fell from the suspension bridge.

This scene was so fast that the people around were helpless, they could only watch the two Shenlong Academy students fall down.

Everyone on the suspension bridge was dumbfounded.

"It's you!"

Someone's pupils widened suddenly, seeing the boy's appearance clearly, and exclaimed: "You are Ye Yuxie!"

As soon as the words fell, everyone could only see a slight curvature on the corner of the young man's lips.

Followed by.

He stepped lightly on the rope, his thin body leaned down, and let himself fall from the suspension bridge.

Rather than falling, it would be better to say that he jumped.

In just one breath, he merged with the black abyss, so fast that everyone couldn't catch his clothes.

Seeing Ye Yuye leave, the small stone figure couldn't jump down like him, so he had to jump under the rope, raised his arms seriously, bent his knees slightly, and jumped off the suspension bridge.

The small figure quickly fell into the black abyss.


Fat Mao'er didn't even look back, he just jumped down and rushed into the black abyss.

Another... no, the child and cat beside Ye Yuye also jumped down together.

The faces of the people at Shenlong Academy were rather ugly. The two people pushed down by Ye Yuye were the students that their academy planned to focus on training, but now they were fine, and they were pushed down directly by him.

It doesn't matter if you push it down, why did you pay it back by yourself?

Doesn't this mean that their Shenlong Academy lost a student at the evildoer level? !

How should I explain to my superiors now that I have returned? !

There was silence all around.

They looked down at the abyss, and couldn't help shivering all over their bodies. If they went down, not to mention their bodies would be smashed to pieces, they would all be rotten into mud...

Someone swallowed: "Is that person really Ye Yuxie from back then..."

After a long silence, one of them replied dryly: "It is him, he is Ye Yuye, that cat can prove it."


(End of this chapter)

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