Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 355 Is it the first time for Professor Jiang

Chapter 355 Is it the First Time for Professor Jiang
A person who shouldn't appear in the first place just appeared in front of his eyes like this, which is extraordinarily unreal.

But as he gradually approached.

Only then did they realize it was true.

All the instructors felt their scalps tense, and hurriedly bowed to the person who came, for fear that they would neglect the person in front of them.

Seeing the great mentors of the four departments pay respects to a seemingly young man at the same time, Qin Xuan and Gu Ze were visibly flustered, and then they followed the mentor and other pedestrians to pay respects to the comer.

This scene undoubtedly stunned everyone.

What's happening here?
Aren't these people the biggest mentors of the academy?
Who is it?

It was a man in a black robe, with fine gold patterns embroidered on the hem of the cuffs.

His face was fair and handsome, with a pair of silver-rimmed glasses hanging on his tall nose bridge, his demeanor was cool and elegant.

He seemed to be carrying a person behind his back, everyone could tell from his figure and the exposed thin arms that this was a child.

Because the child's face was attached to his back, and the black hair was messed up by the wind, they couldn't see the child's appearance clearly.

Teacher Mo looked up at him, and when he saw the child on his back, his pupils shrank slightly, and he asked suspiciously, "Professor Jiang, why are you here?"

As far as he knew, this Jiang Yi rarely appeared on such occasions, so that when they saw Jiang Yi, they were completely surprised.

Beside the crowd, Su Qingmo frowned and looked at the person who came, to be precise, it was the child he was carrying.

Su Qingmo had a strong feeling that the child this person was carrying was definitely a son.

Jiang Yi glanced across the crowd indifferently. He didn't respond to the man's question. After falling to the ground, he lowered his eyes slightly and swept towards the man on his shoulder. He said in a low voice, "Here we are, you should wake up."

The person attached to his back woke up, and slowly opened her eyes. As her vision gradually became clear, her lazy voice was mixed with darkness: "It's here? I thought I could sleep again meeting."

Jiang Yi's body was made slightly stiff, and his voice was cold: "Come down."


Out of the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of the redness on his earlobe, and smiled softly: "Is this the first time for Professor Jiang?"

Sensing his body becoming more and more stiff, Ye Yuye slightly hooked his lips and let go of his arms, and dropped his feet to the ground neatly.

This time.

Everyone saw the child's appearance.

The immature and delicate face looks a little pale, and the age is only about five or six years old.

This stupefied the instructors.

Why bring a child here?
The tutors suddenly trembled and stared at the five or six-year-old child in astonishment. Could this be Jiang Yi's child? !

Jiang Yi never said a word, he raised his hand to straighten his skirt, and his demeanor was slow, revealing his inherent elegance and nobility.

Luo Mu's pupils narrowed slightly, and he recognized who this person was, the child who came here with the Su family yesterday.

Why is he here?
He raised his eyes to look at the man in the black robe, and felt quite agitated in his heart. Does this person have anything to do with the Su family?
Apart from the principal and dean of the college, the only person who can be worshiped by all the mentors is...

Luo Mu immediately thought of something, and his expression changed. Could it be that he is Professor Su? !

But isn't Professor Su very old?Could it be that the Luo family's news is wrong, and the Su family's professor is very young? !

(End of this chapter)

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