Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 356 Why Professor Jiang Comes

Chapter 356 Why Professor Jiang Comes
The two people standing next to him also saw Ye Yuye, and Su Qingmo's originally worried mood completely disappeared when he saw him.

The old man's expression was serious, and he stared at the man in the black robe with a trace of strangeness in his eyes.

Does the young master know him?

As the ninth master of the Su family, he had indeed met Jiang Yi and knew that he was a professor at Shenlong Academy.

In his impression, although this person is gentle on the surface, he is difficult to get close to. How did the young master know him?

With the arrival of the man, the surrounding area became lively again. They were whispering and guessing who this person was, who could make all the mentors respect him.

"See, the mentors of these four departments respect him very much. Could he be our future dean?"

"Impossible. There is such a young dean. If there is such a young dean, the news may have already spread on the Star Network."

"Have you seen that child?" Someone lowered his voice, but his eyes glanced at the child in white from time to time: "

He is the kid who came here yesterday to sign up for the assessment. Tell me, does this kid have anything to do with this kid coming here on a three-headed galloping horse? "

"I think it's very possible. With this person's identity, he can make all the mentors respect him. So what is a mere three ground-level Gale Horses?"

Undoubtedly, only more people's affirmation was obtained.

Ye Yuye yawned lazily, as if she hadn't woken up, and as the sun shone down, her pale face was almost transparent.

The fat cat suddenly jumped out from the crowd, it ran directly to Ye Yuye's side, circled around her, and rubbed her legs affectionately.

Ye Yuye glanced at the man in black for the last time, she put away her eyes, and then she walked directly into the last row of the line, Fat Maoer followed closely.

Among the crowd, due to the low height of the stone, it caused front and rear pincers, even standing on tiptoe, he couldn't see what was going on outside.

But he listened to the discussions of the people around him, his face was full of complacency, his master should be like this.

The time when the assessment should have started was postponed, and the instructors didn't pay much attention to the child, and all their attention fell on Jiang Yi. After all, this person is also a professor in the college, and they have to respect it.

Teacher Hua bowed his hands respectfully, and asked suspiciously, "I don't know why Professor Jiang is here?"

Others were also puzzled. In their impression, Jiang Yi, as a professor of the college, seldom fulfilled his responsibilities as a professor. He would never attend such occasions.

For a moment, Jiang Yi gradually withdrew his gaze from the child, and when it fell on the mentors, the pair of quiet eyes under the glasses were calm and unwavering.

"I'll send him over to take the assessment, and I'll leave later."

His tone was as clear and gentle as ever, no different from the Jiang Yi they knew.

It's just that the instructors were a little confused and didn't quite understand what Jiang Yi meant.

Send him over for an assessment?

What to check?
Does a child under the age of five or six need to be assessed?
Instructor Mu glanced at the few people who were still in a daze, and hummed a few times happily,
I couldn't help but sigh in my heart, if I hadn't gone to take a look at it myself yesterday, I might have flirted with these people.

Seeing this, Qin Xuan at the side hurried over and lowered his voice: "Mentor, among the applicants for the assessment this year, there are two children brought by the Su family."

(End of this chapter)

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