Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 438 Ruin Your Reputation

Chapter 438 Ruin Your Reputation
Jiang Yi's face was as calm as ever, but when he looked at the young man in white on the ring, there was a wave of coldness in his eyes.

"This man, it's fun pretending to be me."

That immature voice had the magnetism of just waking up, and it sounded a little stuffy.

The coldness in Jiang Yi's eyes dissipated in an instant, he squinted his eyes, and said in a gentle voice, "Are you awake?"

"Woke up,"

Ye Yuye changed his posture, put his chin on his shoulder, looked at the man kneeling on the side of the ring begging for mercy with his sleepy eyes, and said flatly, "How can I do this if there is less excitement?" .”

Besides, even though she was asleep, it didn't mean she couldn't hear.

Xu Yi listened to the voices insulting her from the third perspective, Ye Yuye still found it interesting.

Jiang Yi frowned slightly: "That person ruined your reputation, you don't care at all?"

Ye Yuye yawned lazily a few times, and didn't take it seriously: "Those people are right, I'm a person who kills and haunts me, it doesn't matter if I don't care."

Jiang Yi was silent for a while, and his heart became more indifferent, and he secretly said: "You haven't changed at all."

In the arena, Chen Ci knelt on the ground and begged for mercy from 'Ye Yuye' in order not to die, but his gauntlet had already been written and the competition had already begun, everything was decided by 'Ye Yuye', even the tutor and dean of the academy no.

'Ye Yuye' eyes were extremely indifferent, with a trace of sarcasm, his hands overflowed with fluctuations of strange power, and he sneered: "You wrote the war letter, and you should end it."

The face of the Patriarch of the Chen family changed suddenly, but it was too late, the palm was directly slapped on Chen Ci's Tianling Gai.

Chen Ci spat out blood, fell to the ground with his eyes wide open.

After all, he died.

Similarly, what shocked everyone was that Ye Yuye was only at the eighth level of the Mysterious Rank.

Xuan level cultivation base!

Then how did he kill the strong man of the earth rank? !
Everyone's expressions were moved. If Ye Yuye killed the strong man at the earth level, then it means that this person can leapfrog to fight!
In this world, those who can leapfrog to fight are undoubtedly talented, and can be called the darling of heaven.

No wonder his strength is so terrifying!
Everyone knew the truth in a daze. Besides, those who watched the live report also knew the truth and spread it instantly.

"My son..."

The face of the Patriarch of the Chen family was ashes, and he fell down beside the corpse, grasping the hands that were getting colder in great pain, with great grief in his heart, "It's my father's fault, it's all my fault..."

He had seen Ye Yuye's strength before, and he couldn't beat Ye Yuye with his strength alone.

Everyone's hearts were complicated, there was a lot of fear in the eyes looking at 'Ye Yuye',
This person was so cruel that he killed his son in front of the Patriarch of the Chen family. If he provokes him in the future, it will be fine.

All around, those voices insulting Ye Yuye faded instantly, including the rich children in the imperial capital.

Are they afraid?


Also cowardly.

This person is Ye Yuye, and it is precisely because he is Ye Yuye that they feel fear, even those so-called strong men of the earth rank dare not offend him easily.

Messenger Cui stood on a high position and announced the result of the competition: "This competition, Ye Yuye won."

On the ring, 'Ye Yuye' glanced coldly at the crowd, ignored the distraught Patriarch of the Chen family who was kneeling on the ground, and stepped over.

(End of this chapter)

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