Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 439 You Are Really Heartless

Chapter 439 You Are Really Heartless
After the matter came to an end, the high-ranking mentors and principals slowly got up and planned to leave.

Jiang Yi calmly withdrew his gaze, and his gentle voice was somewhat deep: "When will you change back?"


Ye Yuye half-closed his eyes, heard his voice, and lazily raised his eyelids, "Hurry up."

Jiang Yi was very patient, and raised his eyebrows: "Then when will you get off me."

Ye Yuye opened his eyes, turned his head to look at the handsome side face, and asked without end: "How is the wine digested?"

"I'm tired."


To be honest, Ye Yuye really didn't intend to go down, seeing the people around gradually dispersed, she sighed, let go of her arms and jumped down.

Jiang Yi dusted off his clothes, Ye Yuye raised his eyes and smiled: "The body has not recovered yet, I will trouble Professor Jiang during this time."

His fingers froze for a moment, and he heard Ye Yuye say somewhere: "Cat, it's time to go."

When the fat cat ran over, Ye Yuye bent down and hugged it in his arms, without saying goodbye, but walked towards the opposite road to Jiangyi Bieyuan.

Jiang Yi looked at the leaving figure, and there was a hint of a smile in the long and narrow eyes hidden under the silver-rimmed glasses, but it was only in a blink of an eye.

"You are really heartless..."

Not long after the competition ended, StarCraft's live broadcast also ended, and at this time, the topics in various places were all related to Ye Yuye.

"That Ye Yuxie's possession is really deep. It turns out that it is only the strength of the Xuan level."

"Mysterious strength can already kill earth-level powerhouses? Is this true or not? Could it be that the previous rumors were all false?"

"Now that I think about it, it's too ridiculous. The earth-level strong man was killed by a young man? And the earth-level strong man knelt down and begged Ye Yuye for mercy? I was so naive back then, I would have believed those rumors that exaggerated the facts."


The two of them, who were planning to look for the stone, glanced at the small figure in front of them out of the corner of their eye, and were startled for a moment.

Isn't this exactly the person they were looking for?
Ye Yuye stopped holding Fat Mao'er, looked up at the two people blocking her path: "What's the matter?"


Fu Xiaoxiao's voice stopped abruptly, and the two of them suddenly realized that they didn't even know the child's name.

Gu Zhaoyan glanced at Fu Xiaoxiao, who was speaking incoherently, his eyes fell on the child, and he went straight to the point: "Little nephew, where is your father?"


The corners of Ye Yuye's eyes twitched a few times, he turned around and left with Fat Mao'er in his arms.

Seeing him leave, the two of them quickly chased after him. Due to the presence of other people around, the two of them only went to his side, and said, "Did you just see the person pretending to be your father?"

Ye Yuye paused, stopped, and looked at the two people standing in front of him in surprise: "How do you know, that person is fake?"

"So you know?"

The two looked at each other in dismay. The kid knew that Ye Yuye was a fake, wouldn't it be a big blow to him?

Fu Xiaoxiao looked at the child who looked exactly like Ye Yuye, but he hesitated to say what was about to blurt out.

Tell him that his father is missing?

Wouldn't this hit him even harder?
The fat cat's dark pupils were deep, and it shook its long tail lightly, its lazy appearance was quite similar to its owner.

Gu Zhaoyan sighed complicatedly, touched Ye Yuye's shoulder with his hand, and patted Ye Yuye a few times: "Son, don't worry, uncle will find your father."

(End of this chapter)

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