Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 523 Let Miracle Doctor Ye See the Disease

Chapter 523 Let Miracle Doctor Ye See the Disease

The wind is mixed with a touch of bamboo fragrance.

Ye Yuye pondered for a while, then rubbed his chin with satisfaction: "It seems to be very nice to live here in the future. It's free and easy. Although the formation is a bit weak, it's a good thing that no one disturbs you. It's very good."

The two walked deep, and saw a small pavilion built in the water.

The sun poured down and sprinkled on the water, sparkling and shining golden.

In the haze, there is a silhouette of a figure.

Looking closer, it was a young man in black clothes making tea, his demeanor revealed warmth, and he looked like a deserted and unapproachable snow lotus.

Both are contradictory.

But on his body, it seemed very special, as if he was the only one in the world.

Even so, the side he presents is just what the world wants to see, not who he really is.

Just his side face, Ye Yuye couldn't help but want to sigh for a while, and it just so happened that his thin lips were slightly lifted up, this scene coupled with this beauty, this day is exactly what she wants .

"What about him on the other side..."

Ever since Ye Yuye stepped into this forest, Jiang Yi had already sensed him. He never raised his head, and was brewing the tea in his hand seriously, but the gentle and clear voice reached Ye Yuye's ears :"

I overheard Fellow Daoist Ye discussing the formations in this courtyard. Could it be that Fellow Daoist Ye is also good at formations? "

Ye Yuye smiled without saying a word, put his feet on the water, stepped on it lightly like a dragonfly touching water, and entered the pavilion.

Smelling the fragrance of tea, she found a random place and sat down, watching Jiang Yi earnestly making tea,
She leaned lazily against the pillar behind her, with her legs resting on the bench, a little casually: "Look at me, it looks like I know how to do it."

Jiang Yi's fingers holding the teapot paused for a moment, and he raised his eyes to look at Ye Yuye, who was so lazy, a smile was suppressed from the bottom of his eyes: "

Seeing how confident you are, how about letting you arrange the formations in this courtyard? "


Ye Yuye turned his head and squinted at Jiang Yi who was making tea, "I'm actually not very good at formations. What I'm a little good at is actually medical skills. May I help you with eye problems?"

"Of course that's good,"

Jiang Yi put the teapot on the stone table, and looked at Ye Yuye gently from the bottom of his eyes: "However, I don't need it right now. When I am really blind, I will let Doctor Ye see the disease."

"You kid is really interesting."

It was just Ye Yuye's exclamation, whether it is a person who has lived for a thousand years or tens of thousands of years, he is still just a child in front of Ye Yuye.

As for Jiang Yi, although she thought it was very special, in terms of age and seniority, Ye Yuye always regarded this person as a child from beginning to end.

This time, Jiang Yi fell silent. He picked up the teapot and poured a cup without saying a word, then he twisted the teacup and poured the tea on the ground, and added new ones.

Ye Yuye, who was planning to take a rest, smelled the fragrance of tea. She opened her eyes, moved to a seat and sat up, nodding with satisfaction: "Good tea."


Jiang Yi pushed the poured tea in front of Ye Yuye.

"In addition to drinking, it's good to have a cup of tea once in a while."

Ye Yuye picked up the teacup and smelled the fragrance of the tea. With a glance, she knew where Jiang Yi's tea came from, but she didn't ask much.

Everyone has secrets that no one knows, he has them, and Ye Yuye herself has them too, if you tell them, it is no longer a secret.

(End of this chapter)

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