Chapter 524

Ye Yuye put the finished teacup on the table, she raised her eyes and raised the corners of her lips slightly, with a slight curvature: "I will trouble Professor Jiang in the future."

Jiang Yi twirled the teacup with two fingers and handed it to his lips, the heat rising up, he took a sip and said, "I've never seen you being polite before."

Ye Yuye smiled, his thoughts moved slightly and he grabbed a jar of wine and placed it in front of the two of them.

"Are you drinking?"

Jiang Yi glanced at the wine jar, narrowed his eyes: "Don't drink."

"Then I'll drink."

Ye Yuye raised the corners of his eyes slightly, feeling a little pity, reached out to bring the wine jar, and lifted the wine red cloth.


The two talked, but ignored the bald boy on the bank of the pool. He sighed faintly and looked at the fat cat lying on the stone pier basking in the sun.

A little bored, he went over and poked the fat cat's head, but the cat didn't even bother to lift its eyelids, and only flicked its long tail two or three times to prove that it was still alive.

"Crack Yaya."

The baby ginseng emerged from the soil, and the three thin whiskers on the top of the head looked carefully, and a young leaf grew.

Shi Shi's bright eyes lit up a little more, and he squatted down curiously to stare at the baby ginseng emerging from the soil, and poked it with his hand: "...Why do you still grow grass?"

The three thin whiskers on the top of the baby ginseng's head hung down, and it also saw the small tender leaf, giggled with laughter, jumped a few times in front of the stone excitedly, and shouted: "Squeaky, yay, yay!" Ah!"

Shi Shi stared at the baby ginseng, and poked it curiously: "You mean, you will still bloom and bear fruit?"


Baby Ginseng smiled and nodded.

Shi Shi sat down on the ground, leaning against the stone pier behind him, and asked doubtfully, "Aren't you ginseng, ginseng can also bear fruit?"


The baby ginseng hands were behind her back, her head was raised in disdain, and the three thin whiskers on the top of her head were also sticking up.

It is no ordinary ginseng, how can other ginseng compare with it.

Other courtyard.

It's the same as usual, except that from now on, there will be two more people here, and two other creatures.

As soon as they heard that Ye Yuye was back, the two hurried back from their respective homes without stopping.

Deng Zhaolin looked at the two people whose foreheads were profusely sweating. He first bowed his hands to greet them, and then shook his head when he knew their intentions: "Seniors, you are late. Senior Ye has already left."


Both of them were taken aback.

Fu Xiaoxiaohu questioned: "Where did he go?"

"I don't know about this either, but," Deng Zhaolin's voice paused, "Dean Xiao came to see Senior Ye before, and his room is already empty. I think he has changed his residence."

indeed so.

Ye Yuye's current status is different from the past, if he continues to live here, it may attract a lot of criticism from the outside world.

Could it be that the two of them looked at each other and at the same time thought that Ye Yuye was in the core area?

It was better to act than talk, and the two quickly left the freshman area and went straight to the fourth year area of ​​the God of War Department.

After a while.

The two returned to the original point from the opposite place, and they spoke almost at the same time, both related to Ye Yuye.

"Ye Yuye isn't here?"

"He's not here."

Where else could Ye Yuye go if he wasn't in the senior year area?

Junior area?


With Ye Yuye's current status, it is impossible for the academy to arrange for Ye Yuye to be only a junior student.

(End of this chapter)

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