Chapter 848
The green horse lost any power, and the whole horse was paralyzed there, unable to move.

Numbly, he can only let this human being manipulate him.

Baby ginseng stayed in the soil for a while, until it could not absorb any aura in the soil, it flattened its mouth dissatisfied, and got out of the soil.

At this time, the thin fruit-bearing whisker on the top of his head shook a few times, the fruit was now about the size of two fingernails, and it was round again, but it still looked green.

If the donkey doesn't snatch its aura, maybe its fruit will ripen soon.

The baby ginseng was very depressed, but when it saw the blue horse lying on the ground in despair, it relieved its anger, and it was a good lesson, so it should be beaten like this!

The soil that was absorbed by the baby ginseng is now useless. Ye Yuye stood silently for a while, and a strange force emerged from raising his hand. The soil became ordinary, and the small saplings that had taken root in the soil for tens of thousands of years were gone. vitality.

And under the eyes of the monster, the sapling turned into a small ball and floated in Ye Yuye's palm.


A monster rushed out in vain and roared at Ye Yuye, but when it saw the fat cat on the human's shoulder, it couldn't help but take a step back and let out a low sound of warning.

Followed by.

The other monsters also called out one after another, ordering the human in front of them to quickly put down their saplings, especially when they found out that their ancestors hadn't intervened in this matter, they became more bold, presumptuous, and out of control.

However, they didn't know that the so-called truly terrifying existence was not the fat cat, but the human being standing in front of them.



The monsters around gathered together and focused all their attention on the boy in white. Those voices contained hostility, fear, and also dissatisfaction.

Strong dissatisfaction.

The little sapling was born here, but now it is going to be snatched away by a human being, it is too much, it is really abhorrent.


"Hey hiss—"

Seeing the human take away the sapling, those monsters became impatient and could only plead with the fat cat lying on Ye Yuye's shoulder. For them, this is an ancestor they cannot mess with.

If others saw it, they would definitely be shocked.

After all, in the inferior world, the heavenly monsters are the kings of the monsters, and now these monsters are actually humbled by an ordinary cat, which is really unimaginable and unbelievable.


Fat Mao'er shook his ears, not paying attention.

"Taiqing fostered you, and it has been ten thousand years now, why do you stay here?"

A small sapling floated out of Ye Yuye's hand, looking at the golden thread wrapped around it, her somewhat lazy black eyes looked deep and sinking, she was silent for a while, and said, "

The Yuan Ling tree is not suitable for growing here now, so when I find suitable soil, it would be a good idea to give you Yuan Ye. "


The monsters around cheered up and stared at the human in front of them.

The reason why they cherish the little sapling is because this plant has Yuanye, which can be used by all things in the world. Of course, it is very useful for monsters, and they have always relied on this little sapling to survive.

As for what will happen to the Yuanling tree when it matures, they don't care at all.

The surrounding monsters gathered together to think carefully, the languages ​​of different races were messy, but on this premise, this human being was the servant of the ancestor, so he agreed to this human being's suggestion.

They now have only one requirement.

Just send this ancestor away quickly!

Since these monsters lived here since they were young, their spirituality is still pure, no different from lying to a three-year-old child. The most clever one here is probably the horse with the blood of the dragon.

Today, those tortured by stones are paralyzed on the ground and cannot move, so how can they have the energy to listen to their voices.

Ye Yuye put away the Yuanling Tree.

at this time.

The green horse weakly raised its eyelids, and the baby ginseng came into its sight, and it neighed, compared with before, it lost its previous self-confidence and that sneaky look.

"Zhi Ya Ya, bad donkey!"

Baby Ginseng bounced and walked over, made a face at the weak green horse, and shook the three tendrils on the top of her head, one of which bore some green fruit.

It seems to be tempting this green horse.

"Hey, hey."

The green horse collapsed on the ground, moving its numb hooves.

The rope pulled by the stone was rolled and dragged on the ground, and the blue horse's limbs were still tied. This time, it had no intention of running away, and closed its eyes wearily and depressed.

Until it smelled a pure elixir.

That breath can actually relieve its pain.

The baby ginseng grumbled heavily at the green horse, feeling satisfied, it ran to the side of the stone, and waved its paw excitedly: "Squeaky, bad donkey! It's comfortable!"

With a goal in mind, Qing Ma vigorously moved towards Baby Ginseng.

The closer it got, the less pain it felt, and it was even recovering gradually.

Shi Shi bent down and picked up the baby ginseng, carefully wiped off the soil on it, and said: "I have avenged you, and it will leave with us in the future."


The baby ginseng pouted, and the three tendrils on the top of its head shrugged.

Shi Shi stared at the small tender fruit that had grown for a while, feeling a little regretful: "It's a pity that the fruit is not ripe."

In order for the ginseng to bear fruit, the master waited for so long and went to many places to search for soil, but now that he found it, the fruit still did not ripen.

Baby Ginseng lowered its head as if it had done something wrong.

"this is not your fault."

The little man sighed, and stuffed the baby ginseng into his bosom, the breath that leaked out disappeared, and the body of the green horse froze, until after a while, it collapsed to the ground depressed and fell into the trap again. despaired.

Ye Yuye came over and raised his eyebrows slightly: "Did I say to take it away?"


The green horse neighed, its ears pricked up.

Shi Shi walked towards Ye Yuye, and in a sudden moment, the rope that bound the green horse was loosened, and it was completely retracted into Shi Shi's hand.
Ye Yuye was already standing beside Shishi, and said lazily, "You are not strong enough, so I will leave this rope to you."

Hearing that, Shitou's eyes lit up, and he quickly put the rope into the storage ring happily.

The green horse was relieved and did not run away immediately, only the eyes rolled, and they were brighter than before, and the surrounding gods and horses heyed a few times, but seeing the retribution of this horse, I felt secretly refreshed Quite a lot.

The matter here has been settled, Ye Yuye squinted his eyes in silence for a while, and muttered to himself thoughtfully: "

Nine palaces, I don't know if Yu Yongan's palace will be here. "

(End of this chapter)

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