Chapter 849 Strange Hall

"Yu Yongan?"

Ye Yuye rubbed Shitou's head, and explained with a smile: "This person is also a great emperor. Although he has no talent in cultivation, his achievements in alchemy are not weak."

Shi Shi was stunned: "Is he dead?"

Ye Yuye paused with her fingertips, and was silent for a while, her voice could not detect any emotional fluctuations: "

It's been a long time since I saw him. If he died, he would probably be here. He is an alchemist, and there will always be a lot of rare soil on his body. "

Qing Ma got up at some point, sneaked behind the child, sucking in the breath around him, her eyes were extremely bright, her ears were erect, and occasionally she would tremble a few times.

"Master, is he your friend?"

Little Shito grabbed Ye Yuye's sleeve.

Ye Yuye nodded: "Old friend, I owed him a favor back then."

Old friend?

The emperor is his old friend?
Qingma rolled her eyes, but she didn't know what else to think.


another place.

The echo of the monster's roar came from the palace.

The people inside shivered in shock.

Celestial Warcraft.

If you meet a heavenly monster, you will suffer.

In a great hall.

In the center, there is a statue of a middle-aged man. He is tall and tall, with a majestic look and an emperor's temperament.

There are vertical rows of oil lamps on both sides, and the candles are bright.

Under the statue, there is an incense burner, on which a lot of dust has accumulated, and five futons are placed on the cold ground, which looks very old, but there is no sign of damage.

In a corner somewhere, there is a box of incense.

And here.

More than 20 people came.

They looked around curiously and in awe.

Only one person is different.

That was the young man among them, Dongfang Feng who was left behind by Ye Yuye not long ago.

Ever since he discovered that the image of Emperor Taiqing was completely opposite to the image of the Great Emperor in his heart, he obviously lost the awe he used to have towards Taiqing, and perhaps most of the reasons were related to Di Cang.

"Could it be that this is the inheritance place of Emperor Taiqing?"

Someone stared at the surroundings, their eyes became hotter, and they said firmly: "It must be! He is exactly the same as the Taiqing Emperor in my memory! This is definitely the place of inheritance!"

Among them was a young girl, her eyes lit up, she pointed to the front and said, "Wow, you see there are five futons and an incense burner, do you want us to light incense and kneel down?"

The people around her also looked over curiously, with a little greed in their eyes: "Could it be that we can get the inheritance of the Great Emperor just by bowing down?"


Someone couldn't bear it anymore, ran over and carefully fetched three sticks of incense, watched the incense burn, knelt on the futon, kowtowed to the statue, and chanted.

This man is a genius disciple of the Duanhun sect, and he is also in the Tianzi list, and his ranking is not low.

He couldn't help but chuckle, his brows were raised, and even the corners of his lips couldn't help evoking a trace of joy. He opened his eyes and got up, bowed again in front of the incense burner, and put incense into the incense burner.

Then he knelt down on the futon again.

Apart from him, four people also hurriedly offered incense and bowed down, for fear that Emperor Taiqing would pass on the inheritance to others.

All five futons are now full.

The few people who were going to rush over put Xiang back to its original position in disappointment.

Everyone in the hall was nervous, if they were allowed to seize the opportunity, the situation would not be good for them at all.

Dongfang Feng stopped, looked up at the scene ahead, and remained silent.

The five excitedly waited for the inheritance of Emperor Taiqing.

Put your hands together in prayer.

The oil lamps on both sides flickered.

The crowd waited with bated breath.

In an instant of vain, the first man kneeling on the futon turned stiff in vain, and suddenly disappeared in front of everyone!The entire hall could not detect his aura at all!
His disappearance made the other four people look pale.

The body will inevitably tremble a little.

Fear of the unknown.

As everyone expected, with the first, there was the second.

One, two, three, five people all disappeared from everyone's sight.

The futon is still in place and has not been moved.

And their good incense is still burning in the incense burner.

All around, fell into silence.

Even the dozen or so people who were about to go up just now suddenly felt shuddering.


Without a word they all disappeared.

Should they be...

Some people swallowed their saliva in fear, and subconsciously began to back away.

Xu Gu looked at the woman next to him, and at this moment the Heavenly Demon Saintess was also looking at him. The two of them focused on the incense burner almost at the same time, and walked over solemnly.

The young man and the others quickly followed.

Dongfang Feng didn't gather with the others. He frowned and turned around every part of the hall. Then, he came under the huge statue and muttered to himself: "

Such a big battle, do you have to bow down to get his inheritance? How did Tai Qing die later, and how did these five people disappear? "

The Heavenly Demon Saintess and others have gone to investigate elsewhere.

Dongfang Feng stood under the statue and set his eyes on the inside of the incense burner, especially when he saw the shortest burning incense, his frown deepened a bit.

In the censer, there should be fifteen incense sticks, why is there still one incense stick?

Looking at the time of burning incense, it was about half a stick of incense before. At that time, they hadn't come here at all, and someone came to the half stick of incense earlier than them.

Dongfang Feng thought it was strange at first, but then he remembered a person, and he understood everything, his frowning brows stretched out, with a clear look: "Then Ning Yangshu sneaked away while we weren't paying attention, and wanted to light the incense before coming here. The man is him."

He's not there either.

It also appears to have disappeared.

Dongfangfeng retreated to the place where he had been before without saying a word and stood there.

Everyone's comments were all related to the disappearance of those five people. Some people thought that those five people did not worship sincerely enough, so that their spirits and souls disappeared without leaving their bodies.

Some people also felt that this hall was the same as what they had encountered before. It was an illusion, a place that did not exist at all, and they were deceived.

Of course, some people think that those five people are not the successors that Emperor Taiqing was looking for at all, and there is no need for unqualified intruders to appear again.

"It seems that Fellow Daoist Dongfang has also guessed."

A charming voice came from behind.

Dongfang Feng knew who this person was without having to guess. He turned around and looked at the Heavenly Demon Saintess who was walking towards him, and pondered, "I don't know how many fellow Taoists the Saintess has, what are your plans?"

He looked at Xu Gu and the others again, asking for their opinions.

"Do you still remember what Ning Yangshu said at that time?"

The heavenly demon saint lowered her eyes and played with her jade hand, and said, "He said that the fake Emperor Taiqing died and was killed by a person. The person who pretended to be Taiqing should be just a lingering thought.
After that person died, only Cannian was left, and Cannian entered the sea of ​​consciousness with only one purpose, that is to seize the body. He tried his best to find us people, just to seize the body to replace us. "

(End of this chapter)

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