Chapter 858

The eyes of the others fell on the serious young man, and someone came out and asked hesitantly, "Boss Yuan, what's your opinion?"

Are they going to go there or not.

Obviously, their backbone is the boss Yuan they mentioned.

"There is a palace in front of it, it should be one of the nine palaces, no matter how dangerous it is, you have to go there and try."

Yuan Chen looked serious, "Let's go."

Since they chose to enter the Nine Palaces Secret Realm to take this risk, they should be prepared to die.

When they walked over, the sound in front gradually disappeared. When they approached the palace and saw the bloody scene on the ground clearly, some women took a step back in fright, a little scared.


All dead.

There were quite a few corpses lying on the ground, most of them had broken arms and legs, and there were also the corpses of three monsters, staring ferociously at the outsiders.

Blood dripping.

It looked very cruel and bloody.

I don't know if it was their luck or other reasons, but they didn't see the so-called Warcraft.

Only the blood that flowed on the ground was bubbling and bubbling, and it was impossible to tell whether it was human blood or that of a monster.

These women in the team have experienced fighting, but this is the first time they have seen such a bloody scene, their faces are still a little pale, and they almost vomit.

Yuan Chen took a deep breath and calmly said, "Let's go in."

The others didn't dare to be careless and looked around vigilantly. They didn't breathe a sigh of relief until they entered the palace.

Although they were not afraid of these monsters, seeing the bloody scene just now left a shadow in their hearts, let alone.

After entering the palace, they remembered something.

The calm-looking woman in Tsing Yi frowned, looked at the others, and asked, "By the way, which emperor's palace is this?"

Everyone looked at each other.

They seem to have forgotten to look at the plaque.

The pale woman said weakly: "Why don't we go forward, maybe we will be able to know whose inheritance hall this is if we go further."

The others glanced at each other and thought it was feasible.

Yuan Chen recalled that before, he had no impression of the content on the plaque, he frowned slightly, and did not agree with other people's suggestions, but told others: "You stay here first, I will go over to have a look. "

The woman in Tsing Yi looked at the handsome man in front of her worriedly, and finally said: "Brother Yuan, be careful."

"it is good."

Yuan Chen returned the same way and gradually disappeared in front of everyone.

The distance is less than a kilometer away.

The divine steed led Dongfangfeng around for a long time and still failed to catch up with Ye Yuye and the others, until he saw a palace in front of him again, he straightened his back and looked over.

"Could it be here?"

"Hey hiss—"

The divine steed stopped outside the palace with the oriental wind.

Dongfang Feng was startled, looked at the palace in front of him, and muttered to himself: "Is it really here?"

The divine steed neighed again.

Dongfang Feng quickly got off the horse, thinking that he would see Senior Emperor soon, he patted the horse's back contentedly: "Brother Ma, thank you for taking me..."

Shen Junma looked at him contemptuously, and before he could finish speaking, he snorted and turned away.

Dongfang Feng rubbed his nose: "I just rode you for a while, and I have a bad temper."

When Dongfang Feng walked in, seeing this scene made his complexion slightly dignified, looking at the traces of fighting on the ground and those corpses, Dongfang Feng frowned a little more.

So many people died here, judging by the flow of blood, they should have died not long ago.

Could it be that there is danger nearby?

The grass was rustling.

A boa constrictor stared eerily at him.

Followed by.

A lot of monsters sprang out, and the cold beast eyes stared at him, and there were green eyes, which made his hair stand on end.

Dongfangfeng moved his throat, and he smiled calmly in front of many monsters, maintaining his proper demeanor: "Everyone, I have a backer, let's enter the water without disturbing the river, so let's not pass here."

Say it.

He rushed to the palace as fast as he could, and he didn't forget to glance up at the plaque. The glance was silently remembered in his heart. At this moment, a person came out of the entrance of the palace in vain.

"I rely on!"

Dongfang Feng's complexion turned ugly in an instant, and before he had time to regain his speed, he slammed sideways into a pillar in a hurry. He gasped in pain, and at the same time cursed that this person came at an untimely time.

If it weren't for him, he would have entered the palace long ago, how could he be one step behind.


A ground-level monster rushed towards the east wind.

Dongfang Feng sideways dodged the attack, and glanced at the pillar that was smashed into pieces by the monster. His scalp went numb, and he staggered and hid behind another pillar.

At this time, Yuan Chen walked out of the palace and saw Dongfang Feng, who was attacked by a monster, with a long spear floating in his hand,
The more dangerous the moment was, the calmer he became, holding the spear in his hand, he stabbed fiercely at the monster that attacked Dongfangfeng, and was pinned to the wall!

Dongfang Feng breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly retreated to a safe area.

Yuan Chen came over, took the spear back and held it in his hand, and scanned the monsters around with a pair of cold eyes.

One shot pinned down the demonic beast with earth-level strength. The appearance of this person made the surrounding demonic beasts retreat, rustling, plunged into the grass, and disappeared.

With no danger, Dongfang Feng's tense body relaxed.

The coldness in Yuan Chen's eyes was suppressed by him, and he walked towards Dongfang Feng, apologetically saying: "Friend Daoist, I'm really sorry just now."

Dongfang Feng moved his shoulders a few times, and when he heard his apology, he lost his previous anger, but his expression was a little unnatural: "It's okay, you saved my life."

Seeing that this person was not injured, Yuan Chen felt relieved, took a few steps back and looked up at the words on the plaque, and confirmed who the owner of the palace is, Yuan Chen spoke modestly and said to Dongfang Feng: "

Is fellow daoist alone?Why don't you come with us, so we can take care of each other. "

"I'm here to find Emperor... my friend," Dongfang Feng looked at the palace in front of him, his expression became serious, "Then let's go together."

Just because he had been to Emperor Taiqing's palace before, he also realized the horror of the palace. If the senior emperor had not been by his side all the time, he would have died long ago when he encountered a heavenly monster, so there would be him now.

This person just killed a ground-level monster, which shows that this person is very strong. With his help, he should not die on the way to find Senior Emperor.

Inside the Xiaoyao Temple.

Everyone was waiting anxiously until they saw Yuan Chen's figure, and their worried expressions immediately became joyful, but when they saw the person next to Yuan Chen, they couldn't help but feel puzzled.

(End of this chapter)

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