Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 859 Your boss will be fine

Chapter 859 Your boss will be fine
The woman in Tsing Yi came over, her eyes fell on Dongfang Feng hesitantly, and she frowned and said, "Brother Yuan, who is this person?"

"Yes, Boss Yuan, who is this man?"

Someone asked curiously.

Yuan Chen looked at Dongfang Feng, with a smile on his tough and handsome face, and introduced Dongfang Feng: "

We are all from the Mercenary Association. These are my teammates. My name is Yuan Chen. I don’t know how to call you? "

"... Yuan Chen?"

Dongfang Feng was taken aback, he seemed to have heard of this name before, it seemed that there was such a person named Yuan Chen in the Tianzi list, he hesitated, Dongfang Feng said: "My name is Dongfang Feng, I am here to find my friend."

It turned out that I came here to find friends.

Several people showed sympathy, reminding them of the bloody scene they saw just now. His friend, nine times out of ten, the situation is not very good. This person can come alone, which shows that that person is very important to him.

With sympathy, the others improved their views on Dongfang Feng and reported their names to each other.

A burly young man walked over and patted Dongfang Feng on the shoulder: "Don't worry, your friend will be fine. At worst, we'll help you find him."

Dongfang Feng opened his mouth: "I..."

"You don't need to thank us," the young man thought it was Dongfang Feng and felt embarrassed, so he said with a smile, "

Besides, our Boss Yuan is the living sign of the mercenary group, the top seven Yuan Demon in the Tianzi list!With him there, he will definitely help you find it. "

"Yes, brother, don't worry!"

"Our boss is really strong!"

"With him here, he can definitely help you find your friends."

The people in the team glanced at each other, their eyes overflowing with pride, as if they were the ones being said.

Dongfang Feng's throat was suddenly blocked by what he wanted to say, and he couldn't say it. Originally, he just wanted to tell them that he didn't need their help to find Senior Emperor.

and many more.

Ranked in the top seven on the Tianzi list?

Dongfang Feng's complexion changed, and he looked at Yuan Chen with a little surprise.

No wonder he felt the name was so familiar. It turned out that he was a genius who was ranked in the top ten. Sure enough, everyone who came to participate in the trip to the Nine Palaces Secret Realm had backgrounds.

Dongfangfeng's mind is a bit complicated, this place is indeed a place where dragons and tigers are hidden.

Listening to their voices, the woman in Tsing Yi looked at Yuan Chen and asked suspiciously: "By the way, Brother Yuan, which emperor's palace is this?"

Yuan Chen said seriously: "This is Xiaoyao Palace, the palace of inheritance of Emperor Xiaoyao in ancient times."

"Emperor Xiaoyao?!"

I don't know who took a breath.

Immediately came the sound of excited cheers.

"My dear, we found the palace of Emperor Xiaoyao. What a coincidence. Among these great emperors, I admire Emperor Xiaoyao the most. His sword skills are amazing! Moreover, what I learned is sword skills!"

"Emperor Xiaoyao is indeed one of the strongest among these great emperors. If we can get his inheritance, tsk tsk, our luck is so unnatural."


They discussed without hiding the joy on their faces, especially the men in the team, who were obviously much more interested than the two women.

But it's normal, after all, Emperor Xiaoyao is good at swordsmanship, which is not suitable for them.

Dongfang Feng shrugged his shoulders indifferently. If they knew that Di Cang, the strongest in ancient times, was not dead, wouldn't they be more excited than they are now?

Following the small fights, the group of people had already walked in the palace for half an hour without knowing it. During the period, they also found some things, but none of them were rare, precious and rare treasures.

Since the joining of Dongfang Feng, the whole team has added a lot of fun. They are very friendly to Dongfang Feng, so much so that they take care of them. It's just that Dongfang Feng is not used to this kind of care.

"It turns out that you are from the Eight Slash Domain, that star domain is not bad."

"Since you are going to Changxuan Tianyu for training, you might as well come to our mercenary regiment. Our mercenary regiment is not bad either. We only do missions and earn some spirit stones on weekdays, and we are free at other times."

"That's right, our mercenary group can sign up to join regardless of ethnicity, and Boss Yuan is the backbone of our mercenary group. Most of the people who join the mercenary group are for our boss Yuan."

"Friend Dongfang, think about it."


Dongfang Feng pondered for a while, then suddenly stopped, and said solemnly to everyone: "

Sorry everyone, I don't plan to join the mercenary group. My boss and I have already decided to go to Changtian Academy long ago, so I can't join you. "

The voice stopped, and the faces of several people were a little strange.

"Changtian Academy? I heard that it is difficult to get into that place."

The burly man didn't mind at all, and smiled at Dongfang Feng indifferently: "What's so good about the academy, it's better to come to the mercenary group."

"That's right, if Fellow Daoist Dongfang doesn't want to go to the academy in the future, you can come to us, and we will take you to sign up to join the mercenary group!"

"That's right, Fellow Daoist Dongfang can join the mercenary group at any time."


Dongfang Feng bit the bullet and rejected them, suddenly felt that these people were too enthusiastic, and he felt helpless and overwhelmed by their enthusiasm.

It's no wonder that Dongfang Feng has always been willing to befriend him because of his family background since he was a child, and this is the first time he has encountered such a situation.

If it hadn't been for the choice made before, I'm afraid Dongfang Feng would really agree to join their mercenary group.

Yuan Chen walked to Dongfang Feng's side, with a smile on his stern face, he said: "Fellow Daoist, don't feel restrained, you will feel that they are easy to get along with after a long time."


A woman in the team asked Dongfang Feng curiously, "I hear you have a boss, are you going to sign up for the academy together?"

Others also looked over.

Thinking of the person in his heart, the corners of Dongfang Feng's lips couldn't help but move upwards, with an indescribable admiration: "My boss is my friend, he is very strong."

It was so strong that it was unimaginable that Heaven's Punishment could not kill him. Even after tens of thousands of years, his appearance remained unchanged like a boy's. Even God tried his best to kill him.

Of course, this can only be said silently in my heart.

The woman in Tsing Yi flickered a few times, looked up at Yuan Chen, with indescribable emotion: "So the friend you are looking for is your boss, no wonder you are so anxious to find him."

If something happened to his boss, he would indeed be nervous.

Dongfangfeng, a fellow Taoist, has a really good character, and he still doesn't forget to speak well for his boss at critical moments.

Apparently, they all misunderstood what Dongfang Feng meant, and someone laughed and said, "Don't worry, with our Boss Yuan around, your Boss will be fine."

(End of this chapter)

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