Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 860 The Appearance of Emperor Xiaoyao

Chapter 860 The Appearance of Emperor Xiaoyao

Dongfang Feng smiled at them without changing his face, curled his lips in his heart, and muttered to himself: "That's not true, I am the boss, stronger than anyone else."

A group of people walked and chatted, but they never let down their vigilance at all, and were ready to fight at any time.

Looking at the endless road ahead, Dongfangfeng suddenly let out a long sigh, and muttered in a low voice: "I don't know if I can call him the boss, try, maybe we can succeed..."

With a fluke mentality, he secretly pondered.

Boss, compared with Brother Ye, the title of Boss is obviously more affectionate.

somewhere at the same time.

The dark surroundings gradually light up.

The candle flickered.

The baby ginseng was riding on the back of the green horse, looking around curiously with its round eyes, and at the same time smelling the smell around it. There was no soil it wanted, and the whole ginseng lay on the stomach sickly, without energy.

Only the green horse was full of energy, especially when the medicinal scent emanating from ginseng was inhaled into its nose, it could not wait to jump up and neigh a few times in excitement.

In the dark, all eyes stared at them.

However, no action was taken.

Perhaps they were afraid of the horse, or they were afraid of the fat black cat on the boy's shoulder.

Every time they approached, things within would recoil in terror.

Because of this, they had a very smooth trip this time, without encountering any obstacles.

A tightly closed door was so rotten that it was cracked with several marks, and it was even possible to see what was inside. However, there was a subtle and hard-to-find pattern in the crack of the door.

This small and inconspicuous place, if Ye Yuye hadn't come here in person, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to find it here.

Their journey was so smooth, not because of Qing Ma, but because of Ye Yuye leading the way, as if they are very familiar with this place, every road is clear.

As long as creatures with spirituality can perceive it.

Fat Mao'er sat on Ye Yuye's shoulder, his dark bloody pupils were rarely sleepy, he looked at a door in front of him, and shook the long tail behind his buttocks, once and again.

Qingma thought there was some kind of treasure in this shabby house, so he rushed up first, but his head was hit hard on the door, his eyes were staring from the pain, and his head was dizzy.

The baby ginseng on the horse was tired, and fell to the ground unpreparedly. It looked at the stone standing beside it aggrievedly, and curled its lips: "Squeaky, it hurts..."

Shi Shi came and hugged the baby ginseng sitting on the ground in his arms. Shi Shi was going to rub its butt, but gave up halfway, rubbing its head instead, and said softly, "It won't hurt if you rub it."

The baby ginseng rubbed against Shishi's delicate chin, and the original cloud was swept away at this moment, and grinned at Shishi.

"This guy really has a big heart."

Ye Yuye walked over and raised his hand to touch the door.

The lines in the crack of the door flowed extremely fast until they spread and merged into one, and the door in front of them dissipated instantly.

Ye Yuye walked in, and his figure slowly disappeared.

Qing Ma has a long memory, and when he saw the small body walking in, he hesitated for a moment, took small steps slowly, glanced inside, took small steps cautiously, made sure that there was no danger, and then walked in openly .

The baby ginseng in the stone's arms grinned at it.

Qingma snorted proudly, scoffing at this.

The dimly lit space lit up in vain.

A line of writing floated in midair.

"Di guy, you can be regarded as showing up."

Ye Yuye stopped in vain and looked up at the handwriting.

The baby ginseng in the stone's arms looked at it curiously, and the green horse coming from behind tilted its head curiously, stared at its hind legs hesitantly, and rushed towards the word floating in midair.

As a result, the green horse staggered and fell to the ground, looking very embarrassed, and the baby ginseng squeaked mockingly.

At this time, the handwriting changed, and another line of words appeared, replacing the original traces.

"Di Cang, you are too mean. You have been missing for so many years, and you, you took so long to find me."

In a word, it was full of the master's resentment back then.

Qingma stared puzzled at the words that surfaced again.

After a while.

The handwriting is one more line than before.

"Hey, why don't you talk, this place is reserved for you, you must be here, don't pretend you don't know me, I will remember you till the end of my life."

Ye Yuye was silent for a moment, looking at the familiar handwriting on it, mixed with indescribable emotions: "It's not easy to be surrounded by gods and demons without being completely annihilated."

The handwriting quickly emerged.

"Of course, who am I, I am happy! No one in this world is my opponent except you! It's not enough for me to take it seriously!"

Every word is proud.

The green horse stared unwillingly at the line of words in the air, kicked its hind legs two or three times, and rushed towards the line of words again, staggered for a while, and landed on all fours when it was thrown, the horse's face was hard pressed against the ground, limp , Fortunately, it doesn't hurt.


The words have changed.

"Okay, okay, Di Cang, what a strange thing you brought, this donkey has been bullying me! Have you seen it!"

Qing Ma couldn't read, but when he saw Baby Ginseng gloating at it, he felt uncomfortable, as if the words floating on it were speaking ill of it.

Shi Shi didn't let the baby ginseng go to disturb the master, so he stepped aside.

The words in mid-air changed rapidly, as if someone was writing on them.

"Without me, how did you come here all these years? How is it outside, is it fun? Do you have anything interesting to tell me?"

"You'll know if you go and have a look."

"Hey, you know how to ridicule me. Of course, as the emperor, I don't care about you. Tell me, what's going on outside recently? Also, after I died, did the world cry for me? Yes It's..."

"You reincarnated fourteenth lives."

Ye Yuye's voice came.

The words that floated out stopped halfway through.

Take a breath.

Two breaths.

After four breaths, those words disappeared into nothingness, and a line of words reappeared: "After fourteen lives, I didn't expect... so I have been dead for so many years."

The words that floated out paused, "It must have been hard for you to find me."

The conversation changed, and another line appeared: "After my reincarnation, did I cause you any trouble? Are they similar to me?"

"Shang Ke," Ye Yuye raised his eyebrows slightly, and said seriously, "Five of the fourteenth lives were reincarnated as daughters, so it's easy to find. You have been fat since you were a child, and this has never changed."


The words that popped up disappeared instantly.

What replaced it was a violent line of words.

(End of this chapter)

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