Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 861 Conspiracy, the Secret of the Ninth Palace Secret Realm

Chapter 861 Conspiracy, the Secret of the Nine Palaces
"You guy, don't go too far. What is fat? I'm handsome! I'm slender! How fat! You won't let me go even if I die, you're too much!"

When he had finished scolding, Ye Yuye narrowed his lazy black eyes, and his tone seemed a bit slow, "Have you lost your anger?"

The words that surfaced disappeared and seemed to be deleted by him again, and another line appeared: "Reincarnated fourteen times, it seems that the destiny's aspirations have failed."


A few more lines emerged.

"Tsk, after reincarnation, my talent is really bad. Back then, when I was 16 years old, I caused a sensation in the entire star field.
So I created the magic sword technique myself, and was recruited by many powerful families. Unfortunately, the future me is really too disappointing, and it doesn't look like me at all. "

"Di Cang, if you see my handed down again, beat him up for me so that he can fully understand...

Forget it, don't do it, you beat people too hard, when I wake up, I'd better do it myself, lest you destroy my face again, and it will be crippled for a few months. "

Ye Yuye quietly looked at the few lines of words that would appear from time to time.

She is not in a hurry to leave, she is meditating here.

The green horse looked at the words suspended in mid-air depressedly. After suffering two losses, it would never do it again. Depressed, it turned its attention to the baby ginseng, and looked at the round little ginseng on the top of its head with some greed. tender fruit.

Ye Yuye stayed in Xiaoyao Palace for two days.

He listened to the past over and over for two whole days, but Xiaoyao seemed not satisfied, as if no matter how much he said, he would never be able to finish it.
Maybe he knew in his heart that this would be the last time to see him, and see him again, unless he waited until the day when Destiny won the memory and awakened.

Another place at the same time.

There was a group of people standing outside the palace, among them a young man looked at the words on the plaque and muttered to himself: "The palace of Emperor Xiaoyao has finally been found."

The boy next to him sighed: "Why isn't it the palace of the Great Alchemy Emperor, fellow Daoist Mo, your luck is really good."

"Friend Daoist Feng, forgive me."

After finding the Palace of Inheritance of Emperor Xiaoyao, the young man's face was like a spring breeze, and there was a smile on the corner of his lips.

show off!

The young man looked at the charming woman with a smile and blinked a few times: "Sister Saint, I will leave it to you to find the Great Alchemist."

Recently, because of that incident, the Heavenly Demon Saintess has been absent-minded, and she has lost interest in the treasures around her. When she heard the boy's voice, she said lightly: "

There is more than half a month before leaving the Nine Palaces Secret Realm, don't worry, I will help you find it. "

Before the young man could say thanks, the complexions of the dozens of people who came to Xiaoyao Palace changed instantly, and they quickly dodged the terrifying power shot out from the palace!

Someone had no time to dodge, and was swept by that dazzling beam of light, either the head was separated from the body, or the body was divided into two. In just an instant, the genius who was ranked on the Tianzi list was already dead. Eight or nine!

There was a strong smell of blood all around.

The faces of those who survived were pale.


These people are all dead.

The original joy on his face was gone.

Before entering the palace, so many people died, and if they stepped forward, there might be many crises waiting for them.

Among them, the weaker cultivators began to hesitate.

Hesitant to give up this opportunity.

Only the young man's eyes overflowed with a strange light, staring at the position where the light beam was shot before, with an unconcealable excitement in his voice, he clenched his fists tightly: "It's the saber technique, the light just now was the saber technique! The saber technique of Emperor Xiaoyao !"

"Knife technique?"

Everyone around was shocked.

Is this actually a sword technique?
How many cultivators above the peak of the Xuan rank were killed with one blow?
But soon, everyone calmed down. If this is the sword technique of Emperor Xiaoyao, it can be explained in this way. Although they don't know the superior world, but in their inferior world, Emperor Xiaoyao's sword technique can be called the best in ancient and modern times .

The young man looked at the palace in front of him and said seriously: "I have read the ancient books about Emperor Xiaoyao, it is said that the emperor created his own sword technique,
From one style, eleven styles were developed, and it took only six years during this period. Although he was not lucky enough to see the emperor's saber technique, his saber technique has its own characteristics, that is, saber gesture, and his saber gesture is No. [-] in ancient and modern world! "

"I'm a little embarrassed by this kid's boasting."

A line of words emerged.

At this time, in an independent space, the scene outside the palace emerged, and at the same time, the situation inside the palace could be seen, even in remote corners.

There is some regret in Xiaoyao's line: "It's a pity that I can't teach him the sword technique."


Ye Yuye raised his eyebrows.

Soon, a line of words appeared: "This kid's talent is not enough. If he wants to become the successor of this emperor, he still needs the distance of the whole galaxy. He can't."

"He can't, and neither can anyone else."

He added another sentence.

Looking at the displayed words, Ye Yuye curled his lips: "So, you have felt something since I came here?"

"No, my current situation is quite special. I am neither a remnant nor a spiritual body. To be precise, I am indeed dead.

But after death, a ray of primordial spirit remained, and somehow came here. I have been sleeping all these years, until I sensed your appearance. "


Ye Yuye frowned, and his somewhat lazy eyes sank, "You don't know why you came here?"

The handwriting disappeared from the air, and it took a while for the handwriting to appear.

"I don't know, I thought I was completely dead, but no, except that I can't leave here, I can perceive everything here,
For this reason, I opened up a wonderful space to expect you to come here, and at the same time, I entered endless dormancy. "

"Yuan Shen? Can't leave..."

This is absolutely impossible to be the primordial spirit.

"Just wait for a while."

Ye Yuye stood up, her dark eyes swept around, and at the same time, her spiritual consciousness spread out of the entire palace, penetrating into the deepest place, even the entire underground of the palace.

The monster in the palace sensed something and knelt down.

Feeling fear from the bottom of his bones, the animal body trembled.

And underground.

A striped road is complicated, like a web spider spreading all over the deepest part of the palace, forming a huge word.


Ye Yuye's face turned cold, there was indeed a problem.

Her spiritual consciousness continued to deepen, as if she completely ignored the forbidden word, but in vain, a terrified voice sounded from below the palace: "Your Excellency, who are you!"


As soon as the word fell, there was a tearing sound of pain from under the palace, and the forbidden spell hidden in the palace disappeared completely, cutting off the relationship with this palace.

The divine patterns all over the palace were dejected and gradually began to crack.

Ye Yuye's consciousness returned to his body, and he slowly opened his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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