Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 862 The nagging of Emperor Xiaoyao, goodbye

Chapter 862 The nagging of Emperor Xiaoyao, goodbye
At the same time, a certain star field.

The young man who was patrolling the city paled instantly, and suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood. He was so frightened that he disturbed the others, and hurriedly greeted him.

"Master Jiugong, are you okay!"

"Are you alright, sir?"


Just for a moment, the young man collapsed on the ground with no image, and muttered to himself in a daze: "How could it be...a clone died, and I have completely lost contact with Emperor Xiaoyao's palace. Who is that person? Who is he?" Why did I find this place, no, I have to tell the Lord about this immediately!"

Before he had time to recover from the injuries in his body, the young man left directly. This made the other people who had greeted him look embarrassed and looked at each other. It seemed that they were worrying in vain.

However, the appearance of Lord Jiugong vomiting blood just now doesn't look fake.

"Dude, what did you do just now?"

No matter what happened in the whole palace, Xiaoyao could feel it.

It's just a little strange, he felt a lot lighter, but he couldn't say what it was, as if he had unloaded the package on his shoulders, and felt relaxed all over.

Ye Yuye frowned, with a complexion: "I just discovered the Heavenly Grade Divine Forbidden Formation in your palace, do you know who set it up?"

"Heaven Grade Divine Forbidden Formation? Someone set up the Divine Forbidden Formation here?!"

The words floating in mid-air became unstable, and it could even be said to tremble.

"Forbidden Formation? It's the Forbidden Formation. No wonder I'm trapped here and can't get out. It turned out to be because of this reason. What about Yuanshen? Di Cang, have you already guessed something?"

"It's not Yuanshen," Ye Yuye was silent for a while, his face darkened, "

You are indeed dead. The reason why you are so awake should be because of your physique. Now you are just forcibly stripped of your physique and become an obsession. "


A big question mark appeared in the sky.

As the question mark was typed out, a new line of words appeared: "

Someone snatched my Holy Spirit physique?So it's not me that's trapped in the Forbidden Formation, but my physique?What do they want my body for?Could it be that he wants to create another genius with the physique of the Holy Spirit? "

"If only it were that simple."

Ye Yuye frowned, this Nine Palaces Secret Realm might not be that simple, she always felt that the other party had other purposes, otherwise she would not have imprisoned him here.

The words floating in the air were silent for a while, and soon condensed another line: "

It's no wonder that after fourteen lifetimes, the Tianming Aspirations still failed, and the physique was stripped, let alone the Tianming Aspirations, it is difficult to enter the Tianming Aspirations. "

This point is not only clear to him, Ye Yuye also knows it in his heart.

He has been reincarnated for fourteen lives, and no one knows better than her that his aptitude is indeed weaker after reincarnation. Ye Yuye just mistakenly thought that he was transferred to a low-level star field, and his spiritual energy was scarce, so his realm has not been broken for a long time.

If the physique is stripped, then all this does make sense.

Ye Yuye looked at the original lines, and said, "The Divine Forbidden Formation has been unlocked."

After a while.

A few lines have changed.

"I knew you would definitely succeed, Di Cang, it's not that I'm stupid in reincarnation, it's that his physique is too ordinary. You can't think I'm stupid."

"Also, when did you raise a cat? This cat looks black and fat, and its hair is so long. It must feel good to the touch. Well, it fits your temperament quite well."


Fat Mao'er was sitting on Ye Yuye's shoulder at the moment, blinking his dark and blood-colored pupils dissatisfied, as if his favorability for the Xiaoyao whom Ye Yuye was talking about had become worse.

"Look, this voice is also soft. Yes, I haven't seen you in so many years, and Di Cang actually found such cute babies."

The words that appeared in mid-air did not seem to be speaking to Ye Yuye, but them.

In the corner, Shi Shi and the others stayed obediently. Baby Ginseng wanted to make a movement, but after being taught by Shi Shi, it became quiet until Baby Ginseng stared at the floating words and blinked a few times.

"By the way, how long is it before the fate of destiny? Is my current reincarnation too weak, or you should kill him and reincarnate, and the Holy Spirit physique should be able to return to him."

"It won't be long before this great emperor will be able to stir up the star field again! I feel excited just thinking about it. Although when I met you, your name was Bai Jin, but I still feel that the name Di Cang is domineering. I am afraid that you are the only one in the whole world who dare Surname Emperor!"

Ye Yuye looked at the few lines of words that floated and flashed, and watched silently without saying a word.

"By the way, what does my reincarnation look like? Is it so handsome that both men and gods are angry? Heaven and earth are destroyed? Although I am not as good as you, it is right that I am better than others!
Those people of my generation look crooked, swollen and fat, or are so old that they have several layers of wrinkles on their faces. Standing with them, it can't match my handsomeness! "

"Also, this palace is useless to me. The emperor gave it to you. You can either give it to someone else or keep it for yourself. You can decide for yourself, but you have to keep the Jiuxiaodao for me. Then But my natal weapon, without it, I will cry to death for you to see!"

A few lines of words floated in the air and were gradually replaced.

But it also gradually slowed down.

It seems that word by word popped out.

"I should be leaving soon."

A few words, I don't know how much effort was used to reveal them.

"Di Cang, hurry up, hurry up, the day when I come back, you have to wait for me, if you disappear without saying a word, when I come back, even if my strength is not as good as yours, I will fight with you!"

A few lines followed by an exclamation point!
Ye Yuye looked at the writing on it, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his lips: "Okay, I'll wait for you."

The few lines of words condensed in the air completely disappeared.

Emperor Xiaoyao lost his last breath.

It can also be said that the owner of this palace is now Ye Yuye.

In the entire space, there are only pictures that emerge one after another.

Ye Yuye also found Dongfang Feng inside.

After a long silence.

"Let's go."

Ye Yuye withdrew his gaze and looked at Shitou and the others who were sitting in a corner.

Without the floating handwriting, Qingma stood up leisurely, snorted at the baby ginseng sitting on the ground, breathed out, and the baby ginseng immediately ran away in disgust.


Baby Ginseng made a face at Qing Ma.

Qing Ma has some regrets.

This little one is full of treasures all over, even if you just spit it out, it is eager to meet it, and let people break a few more mouthfuls, it is best to feed it into its mouth.

Shi Shi looked up at the horse with strange eyes, bent down and grabbed the baby ginseng on the ground, hugged it in his arms, and came to Ye Yuye's side.

Ye Yuye and the others walked out, and the wonderful space created by Emperor Xiaoyao collapsed and disappeared without a sound.

(End of this chapter)

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