Chapter 866
At this moment, Dongfang Feng was following Ye Yuye's side, and he had never been so at ease. He had never encountered any monsters along the way. Everyone didn't know, but he knew.

Because of Di Cang!

He is Di Cang!
Warcraft naturally did not dare to come and die.

So much so that on the way, Dongfangfeng could not wait to study the sword technique Ye Yuye gave him, and occasionally got stuck in a place he didn't understand, and had the cheek to ask this senior emperor who had lived for tens of thousands of years for advice.

Ye Yuye's learning is relatively complicated, and he learned a lot during his life when he was quite bored. He is best at weapons and swords, and he has a deeper understanding of swordsmanship than other aspects.

Hearing that the young man was explaining to a young man older than him, other kendo learners also became interested. They listened carefully to the young man's talk, sometimes they suddenly understood, and sometimes they were confused, half understanding.

At the same time, I feel strange about the boy.

Although he looks younger than them, he has a deeper understanding of swordsmanship than them. From this point of view, they feel admiration. No wonder this person wants to enter the academy. If he doesn't enter the academy, his talent will be in vain.

Dongfangfeng had a question that was confusing to others, until Ye Yuye opened his mouth to explain, someone immediately understood and thanked Ye Yuye excitedly.

It is naturally a good thing to be enlightened by others.

But at this moment, a man in the team hesitated for a moment, and asked: "I have a doubt about the sword technique, my little brother has such a deep understanding of the sword technique, I wonder if I can ask you a question?"

It was also this sound, and other people looked at him strangely, and some people couldn't help but said: "Li Tianlu, are you stupid? People have opinions on swordsmanship,
That is what he practiced is swordsmanship, you ask what he does with swordsmanship?People don't learn sword skills, so even if you ask, it won't help. You old man, what do you do to bully a child. "

Dongfang Feng beside Ye Yuye frowned slightly, although he knew that what this person said was true, but what he said later made him a little displeased.

What does it mean to be useless?

The person standing in front of you is Di Cang, the most powerful man in ancient times!
If you want to ask him for advice, even if you can't buy hundreds of millions of high-grade spirit stones, even a single sentence can benefit you for the rest of your life.

Dongfangfeng touched his nose unnaturally. He has lived for tens of thousands of years, so calling him an ancestor is normal.

Dongfang Feng murmured silently in his heart: "Compared with the ancestor, I still like to be called the boss, which is more affectionate. Well, this way, the status seems to have improved a lot."

Being told by other people, that Li Tianlu also seemed rather embarrassed, maybe he was too anxious, but now that I think about it, I really don't think it should be, after all, the other party is still a teenager,

It was indeed a bit embarrassing for him, after thinking about it, he said to Ye Yuye apologetically, "Little brother, I really have no other choice, please forgive me."

Ye Yuye closed the sword book, handed it to Dongfang Feng, and muttered: "Sword, if you have a sword in your heart, you are a sword. Even if you don't have a sword in your hand, you can still use sword skills, and saber skills are naturally possible."

Ye Yuye raised his eyes to look at the man, and said, "Lend me your saber technique."

"...for what?"

Li Tianlu froze for a moment, apparently not understanding what he meant.

Even the others were at a loss.

Here's what to do.

If one's own exercises are shown to others, isn't this a big taboo in practice?

The group is still moving forward.

Ye Yuye said calmly: "I have never practiced your saber technique, how can I help you solve your doubts?"

Dongfang Feng was stunned for a moment, but then he seemed to have guessed something, his heart felt more and more admiration for Di Cang, and it burned a little bit, as expected of Di Cang, all of this can be imagined!
Ye Yuye's voice made everyone feel strange.

Pointing is pointing, if you want to borrow other people's sword skills, don't you just say that it's over, and use the intention of helping others to appear noble?Or did he really think he could learn the sword technique in an instant?Then give advice to Li Tianlu?
how is this possible.

Not to mention whether he can do it.

Even in the entire star field, I am afraid there is no genius who has the talent to learn the sword technique in an instant, right?

Li Tianlu took out the saber technique that he carried with him, he hesitated for a while, looked at Ye Yuye with some hesitation: "Little brother, this is the Piaoran saber technique of the lower rank of the earth rank, in about it..."

Come on.

"No problem."

For some reason, the saber technique in Li Tianlu's hands had already entered Ye Yuye's hands, she raised her eyebrows and turned over the saber book, not to mention a lot of interest, she just glanced over it, and then turned to the next page.

Her steps didn't stop, she followed the team neither slow nor fast, appearing a bit lazy and leisurely.

The corners of everyone's lips couldn't help twitching a few times, not just the others, but even the only three women in the team have dropped a lot of favorability towards the boy. Although the boy looks good, his IQ is somewhat lacking.

Even if you can't learn it, you have to be serious, right?
It's okay for you to be perfunctory and put on a show.

Yuan Chen watched the young man flicking the saber casually, he frowned, but didn't say anything.

Looking at their expressions, they didn't feel that the young man in front of them could solve Li Tianlu's doubts at all.

Dongfang Feng felt a little helpless and had no choice.

Who told this young man to be Di Cang, the evil and strong man in ancient times.

If it were someone else, he probably wouldn't believe it.

After all, Di Cang is only a boy of seventeen or eighteen years old on the surface.

Dongfang Feng silently followed behind Ye Yuye, looked at the boy's side face, and said to himself: "If I didn't know that he is Senior Emperor, I'm afraid I would be like them, unwilling to believe it."

Ye Yuye closed the saber book after flipping it a few times, and asked casually, "Which one do you not understand?"

"I..." Li Tianlu was stunned, and when he met the young man's dark eyes, he replied subconsciously, "

The third form, I can perform the third form, but I feel that I haven't exerted myself to the extreme, no, it's my saber technique, the third form I performed is not as good as others. "

Hearing this, someone slowly shook his head, and said complicatedly: "Old Li, I think your sword skills are good enough! At least better than me, and one younger than you, do you think he can help you?"

What Li Tianlu wanted to say got stuck in his throat. He looked at the young man, pondered for a moment, and said, "I think that since the little brother is a genius, he might be able to become a genius. You have to give it a try."

Seeing Li Tianlu's insistence on this, the others could only give up secretly, after all, even Boss Yuan hadn't spoken yet, so what kind of fuss did they make, at most it was a failure, nothing more.

The knife was still held by Ye Yuye, at this moment she suddenly stopped, looked at Li Tianlu, and asked inexplicably, "Is it convenient for you now?"


Of course it is convenient.

(End of this chapter)

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