Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 867 Ye Yuye made a move, everyone was shocked

Chapter 867 Ye Yuye made a move, everyone was shocked
Li Tianlu quickly understood the meaning of the young man. At this time, everyone else stopped. He stopped after walking a certain distance, slowly clenched the long knife in his hand, closed his eyes and then opened them slowly, his expression became firm. .

Chang Tan, who has a good relationship with Li Tianlu, walked over and stood in front of the team.

Watching Li Tianlu perform the saber technique, layers of green awns emerged from the saber technique, and spread out to the surroundings in a sudden moment, very smooth, as if he had practiced several times outside of this.

Someone who understood Li Tianlu's saber technique couldn't help exclaiming: "This is the first form of Piaoran's saber technique!"

That aura is enough to reach the beginning of the saber style, and he should be able to realize the saber style soon. At this moment, they can see that Li Tianlu loves this saber technique very much.

The knife lives up to its name.

It can be called floating.

It's just a little less domineering compared to other sword techniques.

After performing the floating sword technique, Li Tianlu immediately began to perform the second move. Each move revealed lightness and floating, and when the knife touched the ground, a deep trace was drawn.

Everyone was soon relieved, this set of saber techniques should be very suitable for women.

Li Tianlu performed the second form of Piao Ran Saber very smoothly. When he performed the third form, he only paused for a moment, and then the speed slowed down. At the end when he drew back the knife, his forehead was a little sweaty. After all, he had performed the ground-level knife seriously. Fa, physically exhausted.

"How about it?"

He looked at Ye Yuye suspiciously, and then at the others.

The reason why he used the saber technique was not just for Ye Yuye, but also for other people.

He hopes others can give him some advice.

The others hesitated. The ground-level sword technique is not a casually mysterious level. Although they have never practiced the Piaoran knife technique, they know that the word Piaoran on the Piaoran knife technique is light and fast.

It was so fast that it was killed before the opponent could react.

And they had seen before that there was nothing wrong with Li Tianlu's saber technique, if there was any, it was only because of Li Tianlu's uncertainty that the third form stopped.

"You look good."

Ye Yuye walked out, and returned the saber in her hand to Li Tianlu halfway, a trace of profound power gathered in the palm of her hand and turned into a crystal clear water column, her figure disappeared as if in an instant.

Di Cang is about to make a move!

Excitement flashed in Dongfangfeng's eyes, and his nervous palms were sweaty. In a flash, he quickly took Shishi and the others to find a good place to watch, so as not to be robbed by others.

Fat Cat didn't know when it left Ye Yuye's shoulder, and lay lazily on a night pearl with two sizes on it, yawning and looking down.

The crowd themselves didn't have much hope for Ye Yuye, but in the next breath, their complexions changed drastically, and they stared at the figure in front of them, their moods were turned upside down, a world of difference.

What the young man displayed was the first form of Piaoran Saber Technique!
How did he do that? !

He actually learned the first style of Piaoran sword technique!
Yuan Chen stared at the young man who performed the saber technique, with a look of astonishment in his eyes, for a moment he was puzzled, how did this man do it?Or, did he learn Piaoran sword technique before?
Li Tianlu held the knife in his hand and opened his eyes in disbelief.


He practiced the Piaoran sword technique, and he knew very well that what the young man was displaying now was the Piaoran sword technique!
There was a faint, imperceptible wave of air around the boy, and with the ups and downs of the knife posture, the terrifying aura spread outward.

"It's a saber gesture! This is a saber gesture!"

Someone yelled in shock.

Everyone stared at him in disbelief, unable to calm down.

There are not many people who can realize the sword posture, but there are also many people who realize the sword posture at the young age are at most geniuses.

But what made them feel extremely complicated was that what the young man held was not a knife at all!Not even weapons!It's just a water column condensed from profound energy!It will explode with a knife!
Has anyone done it? !

This is not recorded at all!
So there is no!
No one has ever done it!

But the boy did it!

what is this!This person is amazingly talented, or does he have a deep understanding of the Dao of the Sword, is he a Dao of the Sword genius?But isn't he good at swordsmanship? !What is going on with this knife!

If what Li Tianlu used was light and fast, then what Ye Yuye used was a completely different floating saber technique, fast!stable!The most important thing is domineering!

They can actually see the domineering from the Piaoran sword technique!
That kind of domineering powerhouse standing in the world!
And not arrogant!

Just right!

There is a sense of illusion that people can only look up to.

If they hadn't seen the Piaoran sword technique before, they would almost think that what the young man showed was the real Piaoran sword technique!
Li Tianlu was a little dazed when the completely different Piaoran sword technique was displayed by the young man, from the previous certainty to the present dazed uncertainty.

Is this still the Piaoran sword technique he knows?Although he hasn't practiced for a long time, it has been a year at least, and what the young man displayed is completely different from him. He even thought that the floating sword technique he mastered was fake, and the young man was the real one.

The young man's blue hair slightly raised.

The robe turned slightly.

Once down, it is full of chic and wanton.

The water column in her hand changed, her breath became stronger, and it was silently restrained in just an instant.

There is no sound.

There was only the sound of the young man's robes rubbing against each other, and they could vaguely hear the sound of knives.

very quiet.

They were afraid that they would disturb the boy.

It's just an earth-level saber technique, but it feels like the boy has used a heaven-level saber technique.

But before waiting for a few breaths, everyone's complexion had an astonishing change.

Sword intent!
This is knife intent!
A sword intent stronger than a sword!
The boy actually realized the sword intent!
If the sword force is one in ten thousand, then realizing the sword intent is one in a million!

How old is he, boy!Already realized the sword intent at a young age? !

And what he has in his hand is not a weapon at all!But it can display the sword intent!
Even Yuan Chen, his mentality has undergone an earth-shaking change, staring at the young man, his expression became extremely serious, he paid him more attention, as if he treated the young man as his opponent.

Dongfang Feng stared at him fiercely, and murmured to himself: "My boss is strong, this sword technique is simply too handsome..."

If it wasn't because he was good at swordsmanship, he would have thought about this swordsmanship.

Just because of Dongfang Feng's murmur, they were out of place. Everyone looked at Dongfang Feng and found that he was standing at a higher position, and this position was the best place to watch the young man perform his saber skills. envious.

It's a pity they came late.

The second form of Piaoran knife technique is over.

Immediately afterwards, the boy performed the third form!

It is even smoother than Li Tianlu's display!
With the breath of a sword!
 Hoo, I'm back, my eyes are much better

  Have you been waiting long?
(End of this chapter)

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