Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 868 The Legendary Ultimate

Chapter 868 The Legendary Ultimate
Everyone became complicated, he even learned the third formula!

Is this man a genius?

When did Ba Zhanyu have such a genius?
Just flipped through the sword book, and watched Li Tianlu's floating sword technique again, and he knew it?

At this moment, Li Tianlu stared closely at the young man's third move of the Floating Saber Technique, fearing that he would miss it, but after a while, his body shook violently and his face became overjoyed.

Got it!

He got it!
Li Tianlu couldn't wait to perform Piao Ran Saber Technique again, but thinking that the young man hadn't finished here, he held back the excitement in his heart, and continued to stare at the young man performing the Saber Technique without blinking.

The third type is to close the knife.

Everyone thought it was going to end, but the young man didn't, he didn't stop.

Yuan Chen stared at the young man, his eyes flickered slightly, and he was a little surprised: "Could it be that he is going to use the fourth knife?"

This is what he said inadvertently.

However, at the next moment, the boy moved.

The knife intent did not dissipate.

Every movement will stir up the surrounding air waves.

Li Tianlu, who was thinking about every move and style of the young man, was shocked in vain: "This is the fourth style of Piaoran Saber Technique!"

Everyone changed from complicated mood to shock again!

what's the situation?Fourth type?
He displayed the fourth form?

The fourth style of Piaoran knife technique? !
How did he learn it?
Everyone can see clearly that Li Tianlu only performed the first three moves before, so how did he come about with the fourth move? !
Could it be that the young man himself knows how to use swordsmanship?
Or did he read the knife book before, and then he knew it? ?

Thinking of the scene where the young man flipped the page casually, everyone's original shock became complicated again. This is not to read it all over again, this is clearly just a few glances, how could this happen?
But if this is not the case, is it true that the young man himself is capable of flying swordsmanship?
They knew the sword technique Li Tianlu had learned.

It is the ground-level saber technique of the mercenary group, which can only be exchanged if the accumulation of more points is accumulated. If this person has not joined the mercenary group, then it is impossible for him to have practiced this book of saber arts.

Is this boy a genius?

A real genius?

Everyone was surprised, is Yuan Boss more genius than them?
What is this concept?
Their Yuan Boss is the Yuan Devil on the Tianzi list, ranking No. 7, and now the talent of the young man is stronger than their boss?Isn't that the top five in the Tianzi list?

Suddenly, everyone's brains flickered, and their faces changed instantly. What a shame, this is a good thing. The skills exchanged by the mercenary group cannot be learned by anyone other than the mercenary group!

Li Tianlu gave Ye Yuye a look at the saber techniques. He didn't expect Ye Yuye to learn one or two, but now he not only learned it, but also learned the fourth style!

Moreover, the saber technique displayed is only of the heavenly rank with aura!

And the Piaoran sword technique they knew could never be as powerful as the young man's display, and at this time, they deeply realized that the young man had changed the Piaoran knife technique to the best of the earth!In other words, they are not surprised by the heavenly sword technique.

Looking at that floating figure, Dongfang Feng couldn't express his envy in his heart, and muttered to himself: "Sword Intent, when and when will I realize Sword Intent..."

But thinking that this person is Di Cang, he felt relieved.

After all, he was a great figure in ancient times.

What is a mere knife intent.

Even if he realized the Dao of the Sword to the extreme, he would not doubt it.

It's quiet all around.

They only hope that the monsters will not be killed at this time.

Li Tianlu could clearly see the fourth form performed by the young man. From the original great enlightenment to the current thorough enlightenment, it gave him a lot of inspiration. He hadn't learned the fourth form of the floating sword technique, but the young man practiced it once. He actually felt that he could display it.

It was a knife that the young man swung casually, but it caused all the spiritual energy around the palace to rush towards the young man crazily!Even the restrained breath is released at this moment, even if it is only a little bit.

A terrifying breath was released.

until it spreads.

The monsters in the entire Xiaoyao Temple trembled.

The demon saintess and others who were still behind shrank their pupils, and they looked at each other with an unconcealable surprise. Their eyes were full of shock.

This is knife intent!
No, this is the ultimate sword technique!
Someone has reached the extreme!
Is it the sword technique of Emperor Xiaoyao?

Could it be that someone has already inherited the sword technique of Emperor Xiaoyao? !


Even if the stars of the star field have not reached the extreme, it is even more impossible for young people under the age of 30 to do it!It must be the sword intent, someone must have realized a strong sword intent!That's why they admit their mistakes!
That breath quickly disappeared.

It's as if it never happened.

at this time.

The people closest to the boy froze.

They just saw something, no, they sensed something.

What a terrible sword intent.

Thinking of the cold sweat on everyone's foreheads, and the fear that surged from their hearts, they even felt that they would die at that moment, at the hands of a young man.

Yuan Chen stared at the young man, the records in the ancient books flashed through his mind, and it was difficult to hide his messy emotions: "Acme, it is said that only the acme will show white light..."

Just now, a white awn appeared in the fluctuation!

Not sword intent, but extreme!

According to legend, only Di Cang in ancient times reached this level!

Yuan Chen's attention to the young man is no less than the top five in the Tianzi list, but now, he only has deep fear, which makes him realize that the young man is very strong, extremely talented, and even far above Tang Feng!

Tang Feng, number one on the Tian Zi list.

Then he entered the realm of the earth rank, entered the realm of the sky rank at the age of 24, and squeezed into the list of the strong!He is a monster-level genius recognized by the entire star field!

But this person is even younger than Tang Feng!The talent is extremely high!
If Tang Feng is a monster, then what is a boy?
If the entire family of major forces knew that the young man had realized the ultimate Dao of the Sword, they would either kill the young man before he became stronger, or if he was recruited by a certain force and cultivated with all his heart, he would definitely be able to surpass the great figures in the star field and enter the top class in the future. world!

The ultimate, that is the legendary extreme!

It shows that he has a deep understanding of the Dao of the Sword, and he is a rare genius in the Dao of the Sword!
Even the big shots in the star field have to be afraid of this.

Just be afraid, the boy will be secretly beheaded before he rises up.

The complexity in Yuan Chen's eyes flashed away quietly, and what was replaced by calmness, he would not tell anyone, otherwise this matter would definitely bring trouble to Ye Yuye.

Besides Yuan Chen, there is another person.

That is the oriental wind.

Since he was a child, he admired Di Cang very much, and he knew something about Di Cang. Throughout the ancient times, only Di Cang could realize the acme in the legend. It is no surprise that he appeared now.

After the boy's fourth move was performed, the fifth move of Piao Ran's saber technique came out!
(End of this chapter)

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