Chapter 870 Boss, You...

"Hey, hey."

As soon as the baby ginseng appeared, Qing Ma's eyes lit up, and he ran over, staring at the baby ginseng's tender butt, wishing to lick it a few mouthfuls.

Baby Ginseng felt a burst of hot air sprayed towards its buttocks, and jumped up in fright. When it turned its head and saw the horse's head that hadn't been put away in time, it suddenly became angry: "Bad donkey! Stinky donkey!"

Qingma grinned at the baby ginseng.

The question about the stone made Ye Yuye think for a while, and then said: "Probably because of poor physical fitness."

If people like them hear it, even if they are buried in the ground, they will lift up the coffin and correct Ye Yuye's rhetoric.

How can this be poor physical fitness!

This is obviously psychological quality, no, it is because they couldn't bear the terrible breath, so they fainted!
In the end, there was only one sentence in their minds.

This young man actually succeeded in extending his creation!
Yet powerful.

It's a pity that they couldn't fully see the boy's last move, so they passed out.

The biggest regret left in this life.

It feels that there are other breaths coming here.

Ye Yuye frowned slightly, and said: "Wake him up, we should go."

Shishi couldn't be more clear about him in the boy's mouth.

Qingma's head was still arched against Baby Ginseng's buttocks, as if he still wondered why he couldn't smell the medicinal scent of Baby Ginseng.

So that the baby ginseng looked at the blue horse cautiously, stepped back, then turned around and ran, and ran to the side of the stone. This time, it voluntarily got into his arms, and did not intend to run again.

At this time, Shi Shi had already walked to the unconscious Dongfang Feng, shook his body, and called his name, but seeing that he couldn't wake up, he stared at Dongfang Feng's face, hesitant.

Baby Ginseng saw his thoughts, stretched out his hand silently, then slapped Dongfang Feng with lightning speed, and quickly retracted.


Shi Shi silently looked at the red mark on Dongfang Feng's face.


Dongfang Feng still didn't wake up, Baby Ginseng blinked suspiciously, was the previous slap not hard enough?
From Shi Shi's skirt, a small hand quietly stretched out again, and then, before Shi Shi opened his mouth, he slapped Dongfang Feng's face again.

His face, which was already flushed, looked even redder now.


Stone hesitated to speak.

Because he saw the comatose Dongfang Feng woke up.

Dongfang Feng opened his eyes, and stared blankly at the innocent smile of the little boy, wanted to open his mouth but gasped, feeling that half of his face hurt so much, he wondered: "What's going on, did you knock it accidentally? That's why it hurts?"

Seeing Dongfang Feng woke up, Shitou didn't care about Baby Ginseng's mistake, smiled, and said seriously: "Fellow Dongfang is awake."

Dongfang Feng sat up and looked at the other people who had passed out, including Yuan Chen, he couldn't help being surprised: "Did I pass out? Everyone else is the same as me?"

Shi Shi nodded: "They fainted just like you."

Dongfang Feng was surprised, but thinking that he hadn't read the most crucial stance before, he couldn't help feeling sorry, and muttered to himself: "Sure enough, not everyone can see the saber technique created by Senior Emperor."

To him, he can only be regarded as an ordinary person.

Dongfangfeng focused his attention on the stone, and he couldn't help being a little envious.

This kid is indeed someone close to Senior Emperor, and his talent is probably extremely high.

Dongfang Feng secretly made a decision. It was far from enough to stay by the side of Senior Emperor, and he had to continue to improve himself.

Otherwise, I am not worthy.


After sorting out his thoughts, Dongfang Feng got up, excitedly ran towards Ye Yuye, his eyes lit up: "Did you create a style just now?"


"Is it a heavenly rank?"

"That's it."

After hearing Ye Yuye's answer, Dongfang Feng's eyes blurred, and he admired him more and more: "As expected of the boss, the earth-level saber technique has been made into a heaven-level by you!"

"Let's leave them alone, let's go."

After confirming that there was no Xiaoyao's Nine Heavens Knife in the palace, Ye Yuye slowly withdrew her consciousness, a little helpless, she thought she was careful enough, but it still attracted a vision, and it was not light, so she simply let it go want to leave.

Dongfang Feng was stunned for a moment, and followed: "Aren't we looking for Xiaoyao's inheritance?"

"No, Xiaoyao didn't leave any inheritance, and you can't find it at all." Ye Yuye narrowed his eyes slightly, and glanced at the chaotic outside of the palace, "Let's go while there are not many people."

"Hey, hey."

Qing Ma followed Ye Yuye, glanced contemptuously at Dongfang Feng, who was dumbfounded, and quickly pushed Dongfang Feng away while there was still a slight gap, while walking beside Ye Yuye.


Dongfang Feng was stunned for a while, and then stared viciously at the green horse that was trembling, what kind of horse is this!too bad!

Fat Mao'er walked a few steps with his belly shaking, jumped on Ye Yuye's shoulder, and licked his face lightly.

The two didn't care about those people lying on the ground, until Dongfang Feng walked out of Xiaoyao Hall, they didn't understand why Ye Yuye left so quickly, they are all human!There are people everywhere!
The geniuses of many forces are rushing here, and some are even very close to them.

When these people saw the three people walking out of the palace, their expressions changed in vain.

"There's someone there!"

"Oops! They must have got the baby!"

"We must not let them take away the treasure!"


Dongfang Feng's scalp was numb, but when he looked up, he saw Ye Yuye and Shitou were already sitting on the horse's back. The green horse raised its head and neighed. He opened his eyes in surprise, "Boss, you..."

He wanted to ask when he went up.

The green horse smiled cheaply at him a few times, kicked back, and disappeared in a flash, leaving the sky full of dust.

"Hurry up! Don't let them get away!"

"It's still a step late, let's catch up!"

Dongfang risked to be messed up in the wind, and when Xuer heard the sound of shouting, he quickly changed his face, turned around and ran, even showing off his most proud posture.

A group of people chased him wildly behind him.

A swarm of bees all rushed up.

Most of them are geniuses on the Tiandi Zibang.

Among them, a group of people also came.

Seeing the figure being hunted down by everyone, several members of the Dongfang family changed their faces, especially one of the young people, who first became confused and then surprised: "Isn't that Dongfangfeng? Why is he still alive?" .”

This person was Dongfang Sangyang whom he had not seen for many days.

Dongfang Ning looked at the figure that was running fast, and felt familiar, and couldn't help asking: "Who is this Dongfang Feng?"

A trace of gloom disappeared in Dongfang Sangyang's eyes, and he responded respectfully: "Master Hui Ning, he was born better than others, he is my elder brother, but his talent is very poor, and his physique is just ordinary. Entered the realm of the mysterious level."

(End of this chapter)

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