Chapter 871
"Just entering the realm of the Profound Rank..."

Dongfang Ning narrowed his eyes, as if he had an impression of this person, and turned to look at Dongfang Sangyang, who was nodding his head and lowering his eyebrows, his tone of voice was strange and changed, "I didn't expect him to be your brother, you two are really a little bit Neither."

Isn't it.

An elder brother, even though his talent is mediocre, looks more reliable than his younger brother. At least this person stands in front of him, no matter whether he has that strength or not, he has the confidence.

And this younger brother, although the talent is barely good, but this person has no ability at all. Even if the opponent's strength is a little bit stronger than him, he will run away in fright. He has no fighting spirit and needs protection from others everywhere. He is completely typical Brother from a rich family.

In his eyes, it is a fool.

If that Dongfang Feng could become the young master of the branch, maybe he would still be willing to meet him, but for Dongfang Sangyang, at most, he would treat him as a current person and have no interest.

Among them, an indifferent woman heard Dongfang Sangyang's words, she would inevitably feel uncomfortable in her heart, and said with a frown: "Since he is your brother, no matter what the reason is, you shouldn't belittle him."

The woman's opening made Dongfang Sangyang's heart tremble, and he said quickly: "Sister Yao taught me a lesson."

"It's just..." Dongfang Sangyang looked a little embarrassed, "Sister Yao doesn't know something, brother..."

Dongfang Yao frowned, looked at Dongfang Sangyang who was hesitant to speak: "What's wrong with him?"

Dongfang Sangyang hesitated for a moment, and when he met Dongfang Yao's cold eyes, he pursed his lips: "

In fact, my elder brother has treated me badly since I was born, and I found out later that it was because my father gave me the position of young master, not him,

Every time after my father left, he would play tricks on me, saying that I took away his position as the young master, I... I kept it in my heart for a long time. "

Dongfang Yao frowned: "Are you two half-brothers?"

Dongfang Sangyang nodded.

Dongfang Yao frowned even more, and there was some displeasure between her brows: "I didn't expect your brother to be so jealous. You should stay away from him in the future. At least you won't be bullied when you come to my house."

Dongfang Ning looked at Dongfang Sangyang's grievance, with a trace of sarcasm in his eyes, and sneered: "Dongfang Yao, don't be fooled, I don't think this kid is wronged at all."

As men, he knew better than anyone what kind of idea he was planning. He just wanted to gain sympathy in front of Dongfang Yao. After all, women are soft-hearted and easy to be deceived.

Dongfang Sangyang's body froze, and he lowered his head in fright, with hatred in his eyes.

They are also young masters, so why should he be inferior to others!
Wanting this, Dongfang Sangyang started to complain about his father in vain, blaming him for being the head of a branch line, not the direct line of the Dongfang family. If it wasn't for him, he wouldn't be able to hold his head up in front of his peers!

Dongfang Yao stared at Dongfang Sangyang with cold eyes, and seemed to understand Dongfang Ning's meaning, so she kept silent. She didn't have much friendship with the young master of the branch, even if his brother really bullied him, this matter It has nothing to do with her.

"Oh my God!"

At this time, Dongfang Feng glanced back, and immediately ran wildly in fright, his heartbeat had never been so fast before, it was so exciting and terrifying!

Among the people chasing him, besides the familiar practitioners on the ground ranking list, there are also many geniuses on the Tianzi list!Adding all these people together, he is no match at all!


These people are crazy!

With so many palaces, why did they keep chasing him!
What's more, he didn't get the inheritance of Emperor Xiaoyao at all!

What does it matter to him!
Dongfang Feng is sad.

He thought of the horse from before, even though it was not as fast as that green horse, but in his heart, the divine horse is a treasure!The kind that can take him away, why bother to run on two legs.

"Boy, stop!"

"Hand over the treasure, and spare you!"

"Haha, you can't escape, hand over the treasure quickly, and I will let you live!"


Dongfang Feng was drenched from running, and roared at the top of his voice: "Why are you chasing me! I didn't take the treasure! The treasure is still in the Xiaoyao Palace! Misunderstanding, it's all a misunderstanding!"

The faces of the people chasing after him changed slightly.

Someone's footsteps were slightly stagnant, and he hesitated, as if thinking about whether his words were true.

One of the geniuses on the Tianzi list yelled angrily: "Impossible! The treasure must be on your body, otherwise why would you run away! You must have a guilty conscience! Everyone, don't believe him! This guy is definitely trying to divert us!"

Those who were hesitant suddenly became firm in their hearts, and quickly chased Dongfang Feng.

There are also people who choose to give up chasing Dongfang Feng and rush to Xiaoyao Palace.

Hearing what the man said, Dongfang Feng was furious, and he gritted his teeth and said, "You chase me, why don't I run away! Am I still waiting for you to kill me! Dreaming! Pooh!"

It is unbelievable that during the escape, he was able to spit on the ground while running, which shows how flatulent he is.

On the contrary, the number of people chasing after him has increased a lot. Probably other people came to see these people chasing another person. Even a fool can guess that there is definitely a treasure on this person, thinking of the vision that appeared before, and Orientation, maybe the treasure is on this person!
Dongfangfeng ran until he almost lost consciousness in his legs.

Dongfangfeng didn't know whether it was tears getting into the sand, or he was angry, his eyes gradually turned red, and he was almost hallucinating, he shouted: "Ma Ma! Where are you! Come back and pick me up quickly!" !"

Take me to the boss!
I miss them, how broken.

He looked at a black horse running towards him in front of him.

Dongfangfeng sniffed.

"Hey hiss—"

There was a horse neighing.

Dongfang Feng had hallucinations, and now he heard the voice of the horse, he couldn't help but feel that he was delusional, but he heard several voices behind him in vain.

"How can there be a horse here!"

"Where did the horse come from!"

Someone was surprised, staring at the black horse that was about to step out of the flying dust, and gasped: "Unexpectedly, there is another horse in the Nine Palaces Secret Realm, this horse is too fast!"


Someone stared wide-eyed in vain, with a fierce light like a hungry wolf in his eyes: "This is a godly horse! There is a godly horse in the Nine Palaces Secret Realm!"


The people around stared straight at the black horse, their eyes became hot.

Godly horse, this is a living and good baby!

Dongfang Feng stared at the black horse running towards him, it turned out that this was not his hallucination, he was almost moved to tears, and finally came to pick him up, the divine horse was finally here.

"Boom hiss!"

The divine steed stopped at Dongfang Feng's side, and he quickly got on the horse without saying a word. With a neighing sound, the divine steed ignored the people who were chasing him, turned around and left with Dongfang Feng.

 I’m crying, yesterday was April Fool’s Day, I didn’t even know, alas

(End of this chapter)

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