Chapter 872

"No, they ran away!"

"Damn it, they're a gang!"

They had a strong interest in this divine steed, but it turned out that this divine steed belonged to this fellow?Is this horse coming to fetch him? !

Everyone's expressions turned ugly in an instant, staring at the black horse that had already run a thousand meters away, feeling regretful in their hearts, they couldn't catch up with the speed of the godly horse at all, and they knew that they should have given their all beforehand.

Too careless!

At this time in the palace.

Heavenly Demon Saintess and others naturally noticed something strange, but because they were far away, although they were also affected by the fluctuation of breath, fortunately, the impact was not great, and they could recover after a period of recuperation.

"What happened before? What happened?"

"How do I know, I'm also confused."

"I'm scared to death. If we go a little further, we may not be able to go back."


The others were still talking without any danger, but the three inside had solemn faces. They knew that the matter was definitely not simple, because although the fluctuation of that power was terrifying, they could all feel that someone was creating a knife technique!
And it's a very high-level knife technique!
A book of sword techniques appeared in Xiaoyao Temple, what kind of concept is this? !

Someone must have won the Xiaoyao Sword Technique before them!
Or, someone really created a terrifying book of sword techniques!
Could it be that there are still master-level powerhouses inside?

But it is reasonable to say that the age of the three-level powerhouses of the Grandmaster is about 30 years old, and the Nine Palaces Secret Realm only allows people under the age of [-] to enter, so it is impossible for there to be people of the Grandmaster level.

With a suspicious attitude, they rushed forward.

At the same place, the entire mercenary group had been in a coma for a while, until Yuan Chen sat up with his head pressed, only felt that his head was about to explode from the pain, and the memories were being reorganized, and his complexion gradually became frozen.

What did he see earlier?
The young man, he actually created the back move of Piao Ran's sword technique!
He is still so small!
Already have master-level abilities?

Just as Yuan Chen wanted to recall the seventh form created by the young man, his head suddenly started to hurt again, and he lost the memory of the seventh form created by the young man.

how come.

Yuan Chen frowned, feeling unbelievable, what level of saber technique did he create?He had no memory at all.

When each guru-level powerhouse creates his own skills, the viewers will try to remember every move he performed, because it is a chance, and the higher the level of skills, the harder it is to comprehend.

It is said that once someone created a technique above the heavenly level, at most the viewers only memorized half of the moves, and they didn't have any impression of him given his talent?

After pondering for a while, Yuan Chen had the answer in his heart. Maybe he didn't have the talent in the way of swordsmanship, so he didn't have much memory of swordsmanship.

After a while.

The comatose people woke up one after another.

Thinking of the scene before they fell into a coma, they gasped.

"Just now, I'm not mistaken, Daoyou Ye really created the sword technique?"

"You saw it too? Then I'm definitely not mistaken. Ye Daoyou really created the floating sword technique, and his level is not below the ground level!"

"No way,"

Someone's eyes widened, and he said incredulously, "Doesn't that mean Ye Daoyou has already entered the earth-level stage at a young age? If he can extend the sword technique, doesn't he already meet the requirements of the master level?"

"Strange, I know Ye Daoyou created the seventh form, why do I have no impression of the seventh form?"

Everyone looked at each other, feeling that something was wrong.

Someone yelled in vain to someone in the team: "Lao Li, what about you? Do you remember?"

In any case, what Li Tianlu practiced was Piaoran sword technique, maybe he should have some impression.

Li Tianlu woke up in excruciating pain, not only in his head, but also in his eyes. The pain seemed to be going blind. It took him a long time to open his eyes slowly, feeling very uncomfortable.

Hearing someone calling him, Li Tianlu wanted to recall what happened before he fell into a coma, his eyes hurt as if he was about to go blind, and it wasn't until he stopped thinking about it that he gradually recovered.

Li Tianlu looked a little disappointed.

Even if he didn't say anything, others could tell from his expression. There was silence around him for a while, and then there was a voice again, talking and laughing to comfort Li Tianlu.

When Li Tianlu was in a coma, he was still holding on to the ancient book of Piaoran's sword technique. Lost and lost, at least he learned a lot from that young man, so that he was going to re-read Piaoran's sword technique again.

Seeing this, his expression changed instantly.

His floating sword technique has been changed!

The current level of Piao Ran's sword technique has reached the sky level!

This is a set of heavenly sword techniques!
Even with his feet, he could guess that Ye Yuye changed it for him!

Changed to Heaven!
After Li Tianlu was shocked, he was only happy and grateful.

He kissed the book in his hand several times.

The cloudiness on Li Tianlu's face really made other people feel weird. Li Tianlu was frowning for a while, and giggling nonstop for a while, what's the matter?Could it be that he was too deeply stimulated and went crazy?

At the same time another place.

After Ye Yuye left Xiaoyao Palace, he didn't go directly to the palace of Alchemy Emperor, but returned to Taiqing Emperor's palace, and came here to confirm one thing.

Is it only the Xiaoyao Palace that has the forbidden formation, or is there a forbidden formation in the entire Nine Palaces Secret Realm.

As she had expected, there was also the same forbidden formation under Taiqing Palace as Xiaoyao Palace, and it was made by the same person. She struck out and wiped out the forbidden formation, as well as a ray of consciousness hidden under the forbidden formation.

If the remnants of Emperor Taiqing were still there, maybe a hundred years or a thousand years later, he could really be resurrected, but it is a pity that he was annihilated by Ye Yuye and completely disappeared, so that the banned physique also disappeared.

After half a sound.

Ye Yuye went to another palace.

It was also a great emperor in ancient times, but she had a very strange impression of this person. After looking inside, she found his physique and found the forbidden formation in the deepest part.

Xu Shi noticed something, and she diffused her consciousness. At that moment, the entire Nine Palaces Secret Realm was under her control. Except for the three palaces, there were also forbidden formations under the other six palaces, and there were also theirs. Physique is inside.

Little did they know that when Ye Yuye's consciousness spread out, no matter what the people in the Nine Palaces Secret Realm were doing, they would feel a terrifying presence covering them, their actions were restricted and they felt fear.

What exactly is this.

too horrible.

The green horse wandered around the Nine Palaces Secret Realm, and then returned to Ye Yuye's side. Ye Yuye was sitting on the horse's back, she withdrew her consciousness, and frowned thoughtfully.

It seems that this Nine Palaces Secret Realm hides a lot of secrets.

(End of this chapter)

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