Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 877 My God, What Do The People In The Carriage Mean?

Chapter 877 My God, What Do The People In The Carriage Mean?

after that.

Qingma realized something was wrong.

It found itself pulling the wagon behind it.

"Bah bah."

Qing Ma looked angrily at Dongfang Feng, the culprit.

What does this human being want to do.

What is the purpose of tying it.

"It's done."

Dongfang Feng clapped his hands in satisfaction after finishing it, and now he can finally control this arrogant horse.

Shi Shi walked over and smiled honestly: "Then there is Brother Rauma."

Then, relying on his jumping ability, he got on the carriage and got in.

Qingma: "..."

Ho Ho Ho, what's the situation, the dragon horse with the blood of the dragon wants to pull the cart?
Although I don't know if Shitou deliberately angered Qingma, but Dongfangfeng was satisfied, he followed Shitou's example, and said to Qingma with a smile: "Then please take us for a ride."

Then he also got into the carriage.

The next moment, he lifted the curtain and called out to the boy in white: "Boss, come up quickly, this place is spacious enough for ten people to lie down."

Hearing the voice, many people on the road looked over in astonishment, but when they saw the carriage they were sitting in, they immediately lost their doubts and only had envy, envy and envy.

Really rich.

It seems that a son from a certain family came here to play.

Although this carriage looks different, in fact there is another mystery in it. It is said that it was remodeled by a strong man ten thousand years ago according to the storage ring. Although it is only three meters long, it is large enough to accommodate more than 30 people. It has greatly improved their quality of life and provided comfort and convenience to the cultivators.

Of course, this is just the basic carriage.

But the price has exceeded the budget of ordinary people.

After that, the price is doubled.

Because of this, they thought that this pedestrian came from a certain powerful family, and it was right for them to be rich anyway.

Ye Yuye got into the carriage, and saw Dongfangfeng and Shitou sitting on the other side. It was spacious enough to simply set up a place to read a book or drink tea. Indeed, it was more than enough for ten people to lie down.

Dongfang Feng felt a little nervous: "How is the boss?"

In addition to the worth he brought, Dongfangfeng got a lot of good things in the Nine Palaces Secret Realm. If they were exchanged for spirit stones, a million top-grade spirit stones would be more than enough.
He originally wanted to buy the most luxurious version of the carriage, but he never thought that this town only has the most basic carriages, so he can only make do with it first, but he doesn't know whether his boss is satisfied or not.


For these things, Ye Yuye would not pick and choose, as long as they are practical, so she is quite satisfied.

Those three words made Dongfang Feng feel at ease.

Asked about the way, the green horse listlessly pulled the carriage.

It seems that this is completely different from what it thought when it left.

Suddenly, I miss the days when I was in the Nine Palaces Secret Realm.

So hungry.

I haven't eaten for a long time.

Can't run at all.

No strength to run.

In the carriage, Shi Shi put out the tea sets in the storage ring one by one, and really set up a small tea house for Ye Yuye, and put some books beside it for Ye Yuye to read.

Dongfangfeng couldn't help giving Shishi a thumbs up in his heart. This little guy is really smart, and he really took care of the boss.

Qing Ma walked slowly, almost walking all over the town, look!Pedestrians on the road were a little angry.

"What does the person in the carriage mean?! Does he look down on us?!"

"Hey, don't you have a patterned carriage, don't you need to be so arrogant!"

"Damn it, this horse walks too slowly. I walk faster than you on both legs. Is this showing off?! It's amazing to have a family background!"


The array carriage is different from ordinary carriages, it can block the sound from the outside. Of course, if you don't want to block it, you can, but now it is blocked.

Until after a stick of incense.

Dongfang Feng raised the curtain curiously and took a look. After this glance, countless angry eyes fixed on him. Dongfang Feng was stunned. What's going on?He hasn't done anything outrageous in the past three days, so he doesn't need to be hated like this, right?

and many more.

Why are they still in town?
At the speed of this horse, shouldn't it be out of town long ago?

Or is this in another town?
No, this is clearly the town from before!

Could it be that the horse has not gone out after a stick of incense?
After two breaths, three breaths, or even six breaths, the building that Dongfang Feng saw had not changed, it was still the same. He seemed to understand something, and suddenly opened the front curtain, and he saw the slow-moving man green horse.


And right now.


Ye Yuye called out.

Shi Shi, who was making tea, understood what he meant, and yelled at the green horse that couldn't get any more energy: "If you don't run faster, I will let Ginseng ignore you."

The blue horse, which was not right all over, shook violently, and its eyes without gods flashed an astonishing light.




If the baby ignores it, its whole life is meaningless!
"Hey hiss—"

The green horse was excited, even after being hungry for a few days, it became energetic, with its nostrils upturned, and sneered at the humans who scolded it before, ignorant humans, it is a dragon horse!
next moment.

Everyone on the road was dumbfounded.

Where the carriage originally stood, there was only a layer of ash scattered on the ground.

They looked ahead again, but there was no sign of the carriage.

The horse is gone.

The carriage is gone too.

What just happened?

Why did the carriage disappear?

When did you run?
An incredible thought flashed through everyone's minds in vain. Could it be that the sick horse is a godly horse? !

After everyone was shocked, they were sulking in their hearts and couldn't vent it.



After shouting, he ran away.

People are more popular than dead people.

In a breath of time, the green horse left the town and stepped into another place. Its speed can be said to be very fast, even the speed of the heavenly powerhouse can't match the green horse.

Dongfangfeng lifted the curtain halfway and looked at it for a while, convinced that this horse could really take them across a continent within a month and into the center of Nanzhou.

At night, the green horse was still on the road.

Dongfang Feng yawned and fell asleep.

But baby ginseng is very energetic, riding on the head of the green horse, blowing the wind outside, squeaking happily.

The baby ginseng is happy, and the green horse is also very happy.

It smelled a little bit of the holy medicine, and it was full of energy. It ran faster than itself, and it could be said that it exceeded its limit.

It took half a stick of incense to reach the place that could have been reached with one stick of incense.

It can be said that it saved a lot of time along the way.

Qingma's speed is even inferior to Luanming's. Originally, he wanted to compete with Qingma, but now seeing its speed, he gave up the plan.

However, it will not give up all the time, and wait for its cultivation to improve before going to compete with Qingma.

 After reading so many chapters, don’t tell me, you don’t even know if the heroine is a man or a woman?Today a reader saw the latest chapter and asked Ye Yuye if he was a man or a woman, and I was stunned.

  Is there no introduction?Did the author say that it didn't say it?Doesn't it show up in the label?

(End of this chapter)

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