Chapter 878

The carriage drove all night.

Early in the morning, the carriage entered the largest and central Imperial City in Xizhou.

it's here.

There are strong men of many powers.

On the four continents, there are royal forces.

Xizhou is no exception. There is the Shanghe Dynasty. Although it lags behind other continents, its strength cannot be underestimated.

In addition to the Shanghe Dynasty, there are other powerful forces that stand shoulder to shoulder with it. Among them, the Holy Land of Taikai is the one that everyone in Xizhou yearns for. For cultivators, it is an unshakable fairyland.

because there.

A lot of strong people have emerged.

Long ago, Dongfang Feng had some understanding of Changxuan Tianyu, but he was still shocked when he witnessed it with his own eyes.

Because of the road the carriage was traveling on, he saw more than a dozen strong men with earth-level strength!There are also strong men who he can't see the cultivation base, presumably the strength is higher than the earth rank.

In addition to walking on the ground, there are also flying in the sky.

Come in a hurry, go in a hurry.

The reason why Dongfang Feng knew it was because those earth-level powerhouses exuded an aura of earth-level strength, and they were probably warning others not to offend him.

Dongfang Feng sat in the carriage and opened the curtain to look at the outside world. After an unknown amount of time, he murmured to himself: "

Changxuan Tianyu is indeed the star field closest to the superior world. There are so many strong people in this street alone, which is even more powerful than the Dongfang family. "

Sure enough, he came to the right place!

Take the carriage that Dongfang Feng bought. He has seen more than a dozen of them in the carriage all the way!No, it can even be said that there are more than 20 carriages. This carriage can be said to be overwhelmed here.

Dongfangfeng even suspected that the person who sold the carriage before was cheating himself.

However, at least let Dongfangfeng know how powerful this place is, and also realize that the place where Tianjiao lives here is far better than the center of the eight-slash domain, so their innate strength may be stronger than he imagined!
He has to work hard, and he must not embarrass the boss.

Thinking, Dongfang Feng put away his thoughts, continued to study the sword technique Ye Yuye gave him, and gradually entered the state of cultivation and understanding.

On the bustling street.

A carriage is still moving.

The green horse was born in the secret realm of the Nine Palaces. Since it left, it has been very curious about this place, and it is also very rare. It walks around from time to time, which makes the carriage behind it very unhappy.

"Hey, hey."

The green horse walked very slowly. Seeing a human feed a elixir to a mount, the mount seemed to be full of energy, and even ran faster.

This made Qingma wonder, is the pill so magical?
Then, it saw someone coming out of a shop, reached into the brocade bag, took out a elixir and fed it to its mount, and then murmured: "

Lost, lost too much, this mount has already eaten my 3 yuan of high-grade spirit stones in a month, and I can’t afford it. Well, let’s raise it for another month, and then find a way to sell it. It should be able to raise it so big. If you buy it at a good price, you should be able to double it..."

It walked very slowly, and saw someone coming out of the shop. There was a magpie bird on his shoulder, screaming excitedly. With a smile on his face, the man took a pill and fed it to the magpie on his shoulder. Bird: "Eat it, I have a mine at home, you can eat as much as you want."

"Hey, hey."

Qing Ma stopped at the gate of the shop, not going to leave.

In the carriage behind him, the mounts were not horses, but two monsters with powerful auras. They bypassed the strange carriage, and the two monsters gave the blue horse a fierce look, and then ran away.

In the shop, the maid who received the guests felt strange. When she came out, she saw a carriage parked at the door. At first she thought that the owner of the carriage was going to come in to buy something, but she waited for a while, but the owner of the carriage did not come down, but blocked them business.

How to delay their business.

The maid quickly told the shopkeeper about this, and the shopkeeper's expression changed immediately, and he immediately called three guards, preparing to drive out the carriage blocked at the door.

Dongfang Feng, who was immersed in cultivation, felt a little weird, so he lifted the curtain and took a look. After sweeping it, he was stunned, and looked up, and the plaque read Lanjia Casino Pill Restaurant.

The stone was lifted up along the curtain, and he saw it, his bright eyes blinked a few times, he turned his head, and saw Ye Yuye drinking tea and reading a book, so he didn't bother him anymore.

Dongfang Feng was still wondering why Qing Ma brought them here, but in vain he saw three strong men with bad intentions coming out of the shop, and heard a voice mixed with disgust.

"Hurry up and drive them away. His Royal Highness is coming soon. If you delay, I will kill you!"

Dongfang Feng's expression immediately changed, and he became cold.

drive them away?

Could it be that this street belongs to them?
Why do you need to take such a trivial matter, Dongfang Feng put on a cold face, lifted the curtain and stepped out with long legs.

Fat Cat woke up and looked outside lazily with half-closed eyes.

Qingma was originally very interested in the elixir in the shop, but when he heard that vicious voice and three humans approaching, it knew that it seemed to be in trouble.

Qing Ma lost all energy in an instant, and lowered her head listlessly, as if she had done something wrong.

Dongfang Feng went out and saw the three strong men with mysterious aura radiating outwards. His face darkened, and he stared at the shopkeeper of the Dan Food Store in Lanjia Casino: "Fellow Daoist, what do you mean by that? gone?"

The shopkeeper was originally worried that there would be someone with status sitting in the carriage, and he would have to bend over to invite him, but seeing Dongfang Feng's attire, he didn't look like a disciple with a family background at all, and the look of disgust in his eyes Unable to hide it anymore, he sneered and said: "

It seems that you should be foreign soil beetles, do you know where this is?This is the most powerful place, and our Lan family is one of them. Boy, what are you, who angered our Lan family, do you know what the consequences will be? "

Things got serious, and many people gathered around to watch.

Seeing that this was Lan's shop, the onlookers couldn't help gloating.

"A kid who doesn't know the heights of the sky and the earth, thinks that he really feels rich when he buys a carriage? Or do you want to pretend to be a tiger here?"

"Laughing to death, I don't even look at where this is."

"Hey, it should be a young guy with a normal youthful vigor, who didn't make mistakes when he was young, it's just a matter of distinguishing big things from small things."

Someone said thoughtfully: "This should be a big deal, right? I heard that some time ago, the alchemist of the Lan family made a pill that could improve the bloodline of monsters, which shocked many forces, even the princess Your Highness must come here in person."

Hearing that, someone immediately gasped.

It is definitely a rare elixir that can increase the blood of Warcraft!
Anyway, that young man is going to die.

Even if the Lan family won't take his life, His Royal Highness Princess may not.

(End of this chapter)

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