Chapter 880
"You want to explain, don't you?"

Lan Aotian stared at Dongfang Feng gloomyly.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, he sneered and said: "This person turned black and white, not to mention delaying our Lan family's business, but also wanted to blackmail my Lan family to produce spirit stones. You should be punished for insidious people!"

Dongfangfeng's pupils shrunk, you are the one who clearly turned black and white!

The poor disciples all around looked ugly, but they were helpless, unable to utter a single word from their boredom.
There is no way, after all, he is a direct line genius of the Lan family. In terms of family background, he cannot be compared, in terms of talent, and in terms of strength, he is a genius on the Xizhou List, and he cannot be compared.

"Fellow Daoist must have said something wrong. The person who turns black and white is clearly a fellow Daoist. Could it be that fellow Daoist wants to die and refuses to admit it?"

Everyone was surprised.

The one who spoke was clearly a child less than five or six years old!
Shi Shi's immature face frowns at this moment and becomes very serious. It is obviously a child, but it shows a mature and stable side, which is really weird.

Whose child is this?
Are you so brave?
And if you are not even a cultivator, you are not afraid of causing trouble.

The princess who was standing not far away also heard the child's voice, and couldn't help but feel curious. When he was about to walk over, he was stopped by the old man behind him.

Liu Ning frowned: "Princess, you'd better not go there, this matter has nothing to do with you, just watch."

The princess hesitated for a moment, but followed her advice and stopped.

The boy's words have already attracted a lot of discussion, but this time the number of people discussing is pitifully small, and the voice is still very low, Lan Aotian's complexion turned blue, and the killing intent became more and more obvious.

"Where is Mr. Bi?"

Lan Aotian said coldly.

The appearance of the old man was like a ghost, appearing in front of everyone without anyone noticing, Bi Lao slightly nodded to Lan Aotian, and respectfully called out the son.

And the aura he released a little bit reached the ground level aura.

This is an earth-level master!
Everyone who was still angry with the Lan family immediately shut their mouths, not daring to take a breath.

they know.

This young man is finished.

Even the child will suffer.

If they still fight against the Lan family, they probably won't be able to save their lives.

Old Bi stared at Dongfang Feng, with murderous intent floating out: "You ignorant boy, you angered the Lan family, do you know what will happen?"

"Your Excellency, do you know what will happen if we delay our boss's trip?"

Dongfang Feng's cultivation is only at the Xuan level, and he will be the opponent of the strong at the ground level, but he is not at all timid, he straightened his back, and looked at death as if he were at home. There was never a seriousness in that voice.


Everyone was stunned.

Everyone looked at the carriage.

Could it be that there is someone else in the carriage?
Listen to what he means, and his status is not extraordinary?
It's impossible for the people in this carriage to be more powerful than the princess, right?

"Boss?" Bi Lao sneered, "Do you know where this place is? How can the boss you talk about compare to the Lan family? Let alone the Lan family, is it better than the beggars in the city?"

Dongfangfeng Junlang's face was filled with warmth and anger, but it was only fleeting. He smiled: "What is the Lan family? My boss alone can destroy your Lan family. Believe it or not."

Everyone didn't dare to take a breath, and looked at the young man with admiration.Powerful, he can beat the Lan family by himself, this guy really has the courage to not be afraid of death.


And they didn't even think about it, the boss he said was really awesome.

"court death!"

Old Bi's face darkened, he didn't use any kung fu, just the earth-level breath erupted in his body, and the coercion shrouded Dongfang Feng's body, crushing hard.

As a strong man of the earth rank.

A mere black-rank cultivator can be wiped out with a flick of a finger.

Shi Shi's expression changed, he became a little angry, his small eyebrows were tightly frowned, and the moment the coercion struck, he walked towards the old man, that's right, he just walked over.

Everyone's complexion changed.

what happened?

Why is the child unresponsive?
Is this the coercion of a strong earth-level man?
"It's okay to annoy me, but you are not allowed to say my master."

Shi Shi's bright eyes darkened, and he stared at Bi with his lips tightly pursed. For some reason, the child's gaze made people feel uncomfortable and terrible.

next moment.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

The child came from nowhere with a stone and slammed it hard at Bi Lao's forehead. The person they thought was a strong man did not dodge, but was hit by a stone.

It was obviously just an ordinary stone, and it couldn't cause any harm to him at all, let alone being hit by a stone, but it happened to be such a coincidence that it not only hit it, but also injured the strong man of the lower class.

how can that be.

However, these people had no idea that the "ordinary" stone that was thrown at Bi Lao was actually the stone itself, and that the stone was as strong as he was.

If the stone is big enough, it will not be a problem to kill a strong man of the ground level.

Dongfangfeng stared at the little figure fieryly, and his heart of wanting to become stronger became firm.As expected of the people around the boss, even if he is strong, he will become stronger!

it's not finished yet.

Perhaps it was because the stone hit hard enough that Mr. Bi's vision still felt blurred. Just when his body couldn't hold on kneeling on the ground and was about to fall down, the stone held down his celestial cap, as if there was an unstoppable mountain on top of his head. , tortured Bi Lao's nerves.


Shitou frowned, and in front of everyone, he slammed Bi Lao's head down, hitting the ground heavily, once, again, with a loud bang, which showed how strong the force was.


"This is what happens when you don't respect your master."

The child's voice was still immature, but it was undeniably serious.

The sound resounded all around.

People are stupid.

What's going on here?

This is the strongest of the Lan family's local strength!It's not a cultivator who was dragged here casually, but what's the matter with this child?

The scene in front of them really made everyone feel unimaginable, even unbelievable, and the three views they knew were about to disappear.

A powerful earth-level expert, being held down by a child who is less than five or six years old and kowtowing in public? !Me?how did you do that?
What kind of shit?

Take a stone and hit it like this?

Is it really that simple?
Just a single stone can injure a strong earth-level man?Haven't used a trace of profound energy yet?
Everyone is going crazy.

Dongfang Feng was about to be in a mess. He never thought that Shishi would make such a crazy and domineering move. That feeling was so refreshing!

The strong man on the ground floor was pressed to the ground and kowtowed vigorously. Except for the boss, Dongfang Feng was completely impressed by Shi Shi's actions.

The girl standing not far away was also surprised, her bright red lips were parted, as if she had seen something extraordinary, she asked, "Old Liu, do you see what's going on?"

(End of this chapter)

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