Chapter 881

Liu Ning frowned, and seemed puzzled. After staring at the child for a long time, she said, "Princess, that child has no profound energy fluctuations, so he should not be a cultivator."

"Not yet a cultivator?"

The princess was even more surprised, "Then how did he do it? Could it be that he is some strong man?"

A strong man of the earth level was beaten by a child and had no strength to fight back. How did he do it?
There is only one incredible possibility, that is, this person is not a child, but a strong man who has lived for a long time. Of course, this possibility is very small.

Liu Ning stared at the child, as if remembering the stone that was thrown at Bi Lao, her frown became a little looser, could it be because of that unremarkable stone?
Soon, Liu Ning cleared her mind, and said, "The kid doesn't have profound strength, so it shouldn't have been transformed by a strong man. As for the reason, it might be because of the stone."


The princess was stunned for a moment, with some surprise in his eyes, "Can that stone injure a strong man at the ground level?"


Liu Ning did not deny it.

How can a stone that can injure a strong man of the earth rank be extraordinary?

The princess became more and more curious about the people in the carriage. Do they really have identities?Is it people from other three continents?
at this time.

There was a lot of ridicule.

I was apprehensive before, so I held back.

And now, they couldn't bear it anymore.

After all, he was a local strongman from the Lan family, but he was caught and kowtowed by a child. No matter what happened today, it would spread throughout Daxizhou, and the Lan family was basically ashamed.

Lan Aotian's complexion was cloudy and uncertain, as if he was surrounded by dark clouds.

Today is obviously the day when I invite the princess to come, but now.

When would he have expected such an outburst.

The Lan family will be reduced to a laughing stock by the entire Xizhou power family.

Mr. Bi, who was held down by the child and kowtowed towards the carriage, was pale at the moment, and he didn't look as proud as before. He wished he could die now, no, before he died, he wanted to tear the child into pieces!killed!
He had never hated a person so much.

This child is the first!
But even though he tried his best, he couldn't stand up, and he was still pressed firmly by the child, once, again, knocking his head against the carriage, even if he was a class, he couldn't hold on anymore.

The shopkeeper of the Lan's shop was scared to death. When had he seen this scene? He was a strong man protecting the young master, but now he was kowtowing to the carriage.

The people who were still gambling in the shop hurriedly came down when they heard the movement outside, and they were really stunned to see the appearance outside.

They recognized the young master of the Lan family, Lan Aotian.

But he didn't recognize the old man who was kowtowed by the child, but judging from the aura emanating from this person, it was definitely the aura of the earth-level talent.

what is this?
A child actually coerced a strong man to kowtow?
Looking at the pool of blood on the ground, it was obvious that he had been kneading for a while.

What's wrong with this world.

The people who didn't know about this matter were stunned, but after learning about the situation, they couldn't help but have the idea of ​​watching a play.

After Mr. Bi knelt and kowtowed, Lan Aotian endured inhuman torture, especially the way those people looked at him, with gloating, mocking, and pity,

All these made him feel extremely uncomfortable, thinking about it, he was a genius in the family since he was a child, and when did he suffer such humiliation.

Especially in front of the woman he loves.

This feeling is especially obvious.

In a panic, he looked at the girl standing not far away, but saw that the princess did not look at him, but at...

Lan Aotian looked at Dongfang Feng, in his eyes other than murderous intent, there was a torrent of hatred, almost gnashing his teeth, each word came out of his mouth: "Boy, you are courting death!"

He wants to save his face!
kill this man!

At the same time, Dongfang Feng's complexion changed, and he quickly used body skills to avoid it.

After all, Lan Aotian is a genius of the Lan family, and his strength has reached the realm of the fourth heaven of the mysterious rank. In terms of strength, Dongfang Feng is far behind him. sky.

But fortunately, in the secret realm of the Nine Palaces, Dongfangfeng also made a breakthrough, only one step away from breaking through the fourth heaven and entering the peak of the third heaven.

Everyone avoided to make room for the fight.

The two fought fiercely, and it was obvious that Lan Aotian had the upper hand, while Dongfang Feng was always at a disadvantage, and even struggled.

While dodging, Dongfang Feng quickly took out his sword. He didn't choose to back down, but took this opportunity to prepare to use the sword technique he had learned.

"Weapon?" Lan Aotian sneered, "Do you think you can win with just this thing?"

"everything is possible."

Dongfang Feng wiped off the blood on the corners of his lips, and held the long sword in both hands. At this moment, he seemed to integrate himself into the dream mirror, imagining the sword skills those people displayed, and the terrifying sword power could no longer be concealed. out!

Everyone hastily backed away a few steps.

Shi Shi let go of his hands, pursed his lips and looked up at the battle situation.

Mr. Bi's tense nerves suddenly relaxed, his frightened pupils gradually dilated, and he fell to the ground and passed out. I don't know whether he was out of breath or seriously injured.

"Do you want to kill me with mere sword power?"

Lan Aotian stood in mid-air, looking down at the ant-like Dongfang Feng. As a genius, he already had enough confidence in himself.

The fight between the two attracted many onlookers.

"Isn't that Lan Aotian, the genius of the Lan family?"

"It's actually Lan Aotian! Who is he fighting with? Could it be a genius from another family?"

"Go, go and see!"


In the carriage, Ye Yuye closed the book in his hand.

"Thousand Ren swordsmanship, soul-slaying!"

A sword came out, and the terrifying sword power that had been stored for a long time burst out!
The sword moves like layers upon layers.

Lan Aotian's pupils shrank slightly, but it was too late to dodge, his face darkened, he quickly took out his weapon, and at the same time cast the saber technique he had realized!
Two breaths collide!

It was evenly matched!

Everyone was surprised.

Dongfangfeng's sword technique is even more terrifying than Lan Aotian's, even though Lan Aotian's sword technique has sword intent!
The two backed away, and Lan Aotian had the upper hand. Although there was blood on the corners of his lips, his injuries were not serious, but Dongfang Feng was different. He flew upside down and spit out a lot of blood. It looks more serious.

Although Dongfang Feng was defeated, and the swordsmanship he displayed had only reached a small success, everyone opened their eyes wide in shock, staring at Dongfang Feng who was injured and vomiting blood.

"This is actually a royal-level swordsmanship!"

"Damn it! This man actually has king-level swordsmanship!"

"Thousand Ren swordsmanship? I seem to have heard of this name somewhere."

 The school start time has been moved back again. It was originally around the 20th of this month, and then it was around NO.[-], and now it is around the beginning of May. How about you?
(End of this chapter)

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