Chapter 883
As the sound stopped, everyone's expressions changed slightly. They were surprised to receive this response when they were lamenting that the young man was cowardly and dared not contend with the Lan family.

Boy, are you really not afraid of the Lan family?
Or, he doesn't know how powerful the Lan family is at all?
The princess's eyes lighted up slightly, wishing he could keep his eyes on him, this young man really dares!

The expressions of the two strong men standing beside Lan Aotian changed slightly.

It seems that they didn't expect that this person would be so bold, even if their Lan family really did something, apologizing?They, as earth-level powerhouses, apologized to a little furry boy?


Shi Shi obediently stood beside the green horse, Baby Ginseng raised a hand from his arms, and pointed at the green horse angrily: "Squeaky, bad donkey!"

this time.

Qing Ma didn't respond, but really realized that he was wrong, lowered his head, and sullenly poked a small stone on the ground with his horse's hoof.

There was no response, Baby Ginseng felt strange, Shi Shi's skirt bulged slightly, looked outside with big round eyes, looked at Qingma and let out a small snort angrily.

Hua Lao stared at the boy for a while, and saw that he didn't seem to be joking. The smile on his face was quite cold: "Little friend, how do you want to solve it? Take your lives to pay back, how about this solution."

Elder Pu frowned slightly, glanced at the old man next to him, and was very dissatisfied with him: "Why do you need to talk, this kind of ignorant kid will kill you, why make such trouble, in the eyes of outsiders, we appear to be indecisive. "

"That's what you said."

Hua Lao thought it was reasonable, but the next moment he said, "Why does a mere kid need me to do it himself, before he does it, he has to be responsible for the mistakes he made."

Following his fall, a power from the atmosphere of the ground instantly enveloped the young man in white, pressing him down hard.

But after a while, his face changed, huh?
Doesn't it work?

Or is it not powerful enough?

The power emanating from him continued to oppress the young man, but the young man's face was calm and there was nothing unusual. Just now, Elder Hua thought it was the young man who was holding back, but now his eyes were filled with horror.

The boy moved.

walked in his direction.

Elder Hua looked serious, what's going on?

Even a cultivator at the peak of the Xuan rank cannot escape the power he unleashes, but why is the young man fine and even able to move?

Elder Pu could feel the fluctuation of that aura, but found that Elder Hua's complexion became more and more solemn, thinking that his power had also fallen on the young man, pressing hard on him, wanting him to kneel down.

Before, I was still wondering that Mr. Hua was moving too slowly, but now I also noticed something strange, the boy was not affected by them? !

how can that be!

How did he do it?
Or is it that the boy himself is very strong?Stronger than their realm?

There was a lot of fear in the eyes of the two of them.

This situation is not good.

The origin of the boy is probably not small.

Even if he is not affected by himself, presumably it has something to do with the treasure on his body.

The terrifying power on the young man quickly disappeared.

The two strong men of the Lan family, who stood tall in front of everyone, made a move that ordinary people could not understand. They actually bowed their hands to the young man, with an apologetic look on their faces.

What the fuck?

What's going on here!

what just happened?

How did this situation change?
Lan Aotian was completely dumbfounded.

what happened.

Why is it completely different from what he thought?
Dongfang Feng smiled disapprovingly. He looked at the young man whose gaze had become dull, and patted him on the shoulder: "It's over. I've learned a lot from this battle. Speaking of which, I still want to thank you."

Lan Aotian: "..."

Elder Hua took a deep breath and said with a smile: "Your Excellency, I was really offended earlier. That old man Bi Jinye did something wrong to your friend. I hereby solemnly apologize to you."

As soon as the words finished, Elder Pu immediately said: "The old Taoist is here, and I also want to say sorry to the fellow daoist. I have offended you a lot earlier, and I hope the fellow daoist will not take offense."

What the strong man of the Lan family said shocked everyone present.

The ground-level strongman of the Lan family is actually apologizing to this boy!
They saw clearly before that the two members of the Lan family clearly wanted to kill him, but it's only been a while, how did it change?
Completely changed?
Instead of killing him, he apologized to the boy instead?
Everyone's attitude towards the boy has changed, does the boy really have another identity? !

Otherwise, they couldn't think of any other reason why the strong Lan family would let this young man go. They didn't think that the Lan family would suddenly show kindness for no reason.

Even the princess felt strange in her heart, and only the old man next to her could see what was going on. The power of the two earth-level powerhouses was pressing on the young man, and even the powerhouses at the peak of the mysterious rank were affected. Can't stop, but the person is safe and sound.

Liu Ning frowned, not only was she safe and sound, she was still able to move.

It's not because of the treasure, but because the person is a genius, and there is often a powerful background behind a genius. Killing a genius is a trivial matter, but they are afraid that they will offend the forces behind the genius.

Even Liu Ning herself did not dare to bet.

The young man stopped, glanced at Dongfang Feng's wounds, and said calmly, "How are you going to solve this matter?"


Elder Hua clasped his hands in excitement and said, "How about we pay you 300 million high-grade spirit stones?"

Xu thought that he was not sincere, so he gritted his teeth and added, "I think that little friend is a swordsman, how about I add a low-grade sword weapon?"

Earth-level sword!

Everyone was shocked.

It can be said that ground-level swords are very rare. I didn't expect the two strong men of the Lan family to pay for a ground-level weapon in order to get the young man's forgiveness.

Pu Lao next to him gave Hua Lao a hard look, as if complaining that his starting price was too high, and felt helpless, that’s all, this time he really gave up, he sighed: "

If he pays 300 million spirit stones, then I will pay 600 million high-grade spirit stones, plus a third-grade soul-returning pill, what do you think, fellow daoist? "

Third Grade Soul Resurrection Pill!
Cultivators whose cultivation base is below the ground level can recover instantly as long as their injuries are not very serious, and there are no side effects.

And its value is also very high, the market price is more than 100 million high-grade spirit stones. It can be said that Pu Lao lost 700 million high-grade spirit stones in blood.

The two of them admitted that they had fallen, and took out their unheated weapons and pills and handed them to the white-clothed boy in front of them. As for the 900 million spirit stones, it is impossible to pile them on the ground.

The two gritted their teeth and took out their psychic cards. They had unrealistic expectations in their hearts, hoping that the boy didn't bring out the psychic card. Of course, it was just a thought.

Still resigned.

The moment Ye Yuye took out the card, the two of them stared fixedly, their eyes filled with disbelief.

(End of this chapter)

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