Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 884 Young Master, Apologize to Young Master

Chapter 884 Young Master, Apologize to Young Master
If it is said that there was fear of the young man before, then now there is only luck and fear.

Black card!

Only the most honorable person in this world can get this kind of card!
Not everyone can get a black card, even Dynasty is not eligible.

At present, the only person who can have the qualification of black card is the Holy Land. high.

Now, the only thing they are lucky about is that they still have self-knowledge, did not completely anger this person, and the matter has not developed to the point of complete stalemate, otherwise it is not just them, I am afraid that the Lan family will also suffer!

Pu Lao's throat moved, and his outstretched hand trembled a little, while Hua Lao even shook his hands in fright, and shook off his own card. He hurriedly picked up the card on the ground, and for some reason, trembling A sentence overflowed: "Thank you, son."

As he spoke, he came to his senses, and solemnly took the card from the young man's hand with trembling hands. He was very careful during this period, for fear that something might happen to the card.

Elder Pu stared at him, a lot of sweat already dripping from his forehead.

Until he held the black card, his hands trembled even more, he raised his head and smiled apologetically at Ye Yuye, and then earnestly transferred 600 million high-grade spirit stones into the black card.

Elder Pu hesitated for a moment, then he gritted his teeth and gave Ye Yuye 100 million high-grade spirit stones for nothing.

Adding up the spiritual stones of the two people, they earned 1000 million spiritual stones in less than a while. For ordinary forces, this is already quite a lot of wealth.

Since they recognized the young man as a member of the Holy Land, they didn't feel that they were at a loss. Instead, they felt that the young man had leniently treated them. They should feel lucky, even a little secretly happy.

As the people of the Holy Land, a mere 1000 million spirit stones is a small amount to them, and earth-level weapons are a joke to them, because the Holy Land also has heaven-level weapons!
And the third-grade soul-returning pill is even more nonsense.

In the holy land, there are quite a few alchemy masters sitting in the town, and the mere third-rank, may be in the eyes of the holy land, it is a low-level elixir, not popular.

In their hearts, everything in the Holy Land has always been mysterious.

Being able to meet the people in the Holy Land here today, this is Sansheng's luck, it is their blessing.


Do they think they live too long?

Pu Laobai gave 100 million top-grade spirit stones, Hua Lao gritted his teeth, and gave another 100 million top-grade spirit stones to the young man, and he felt more at ease, otherwise Pu Lao would have taken advantage of him.

Both wanted to curry favor with the person in front of them.

Veteran Hua solemnly handed over the black card to the young man, with a smile on his face, as if to please him.

Due to the relatively secretive nature of the transaction between the two, others only knew that the boy had earned 900 million yuan, but they did not know that the two of them gave an additional 200 million high-grade spirit stones.

The respectful demeanor made everyone puzzled.

What is the situation.

Is it possible that the boy is still from the Lan family?

But didn't he look like he was going to kill him before?

But now, he respectfully acts as if this person is the direct young master of the Lan family.

The gap between before and after is simply too big.

Liu Ning couldn't understand it either, even if this person has power behind him, there's no need for two strong men of the same level to be so respectful, right?
Could it be that these two people know something?
Old Pu squeezed out a little smile on his wrinkled face, cupped his hands and said in apology: "Young master, I hope that you can forgive my young master for what you offended before. He is not good enough in dealing with people and things. good."

Lan Aotian was already stupid, he was invited by Mr. Hua, what he was waiting for was not for that young man to apologize to him, but for his majestic young master of the Lan family to apologize to this person!
Elder Pu turned his head slightly, and said in a low voice, "Master, hurry up and apologize to Young Master!"

"Why should I apologize to him?" Lan Aotian glanced at the boy, looked at the old man with displeasure, and said coldly, "

Elder Pu, I am a genius from the direct line of the family!And you are the strong men of my Lan family, with your arms turned outward, aren't you afraid that I will go back and tell my father? "

Even Mr. Hua winked at him anxiously, Lan Aotian frowned, he has his own pride, it is nonsense to ask him to apologize.

But they don't care so much, offending this person is offending the holy place far away from the secular world, Lan Aotian doesn't want to live, but they still want to live.

"I'll go to your father and tell you that you must apologize to the young master now."

Mr. Pu's complexion obviously looks a little bit cold, but in fact, his heart has long been anxious like ants on a hot pot. Finally, the atmosphere is no longer so stiff. Now that Lan Aotian messes with him like this, it really doesn't matter. The law is over.

Lan Aotian's toughness made Mr. Hua frown, with a serious face, as if he wanted to reprimand him: "

Young master, quickly apologize to the young master. We will tell your father that all the consequences will be borne by us, but you can't let your temper fool you today. "

Both of them have to make Lan Aotian apologize to the boy, and their attitude is firm, there is no room for relaxation, let alone other people, the problem is, these two are still the strong of the Lan family.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they wouldn't have believed it at all.

Lan Aotian's complexion was extremely ugly, and his eyes fell on him, making him very uncomfortable, especially since he wanted to apologize to the person in front of him.

Why apologize?

At this moment, Lan Aotian's complexion was green and pale, and he felt aggrieved, looking at the boy who was a few years younger than himself in front of him, as if he had tried his best to squeeze out two words: "Sorry."

May I ask that he is the young master of the Lan family, why has he ever apologized to the foreign natives?

With Lan Aotian's apology, this farce is coming to an end.

They guessed that the transformation of the two strong members of the Lan family was most likely related to the identity of the young man.


The princess walked over with light steps, and looked at Ye Yuye with a smile on her face. Those curious eyes looked at him slightly, as if she had a strong interest in him.

Lan Aotian was about to go there when he saw the Princess whom he had long wanted for a long time, but he saw that the girl was not looking in the direction of him, but the boy in white.

Lan Aotian's expression changed immediately.

Liu Ning, who was following behind, hesitated for a moment. She didn't speak, but just nodded indifferently to the boy in white. Even if she greeted him, she chose to ignore the young master of the Lan family who was standing next to her.

The two strong men bowed slightly to the princess, and then their eyes fell on the young man again, and asked tentatively: "My lord, the grievance between us is over, I wonder if you would like to come to Lan's house as a guest?"

(End of this chapter)

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