Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 885 The teleportation array is fast

Chapter 885 The teleportation array is fast

Liu Ning looked rather strange, a guest?What is the identity of this boy?The Lan family actually wanted him to come to the Lan family as a guest regardless of past suspicions?

Ye Yuye didn't look at them, let alone that beautiful girl, and threw the pill and weapon in her hands to Dongfang Feng, and then she said calmly, "No need, we still have to hurry."

The two were a little disappointed.

But he still gave Ye Yuye his hands, and Hua Lao said: "What an offence, if you encounter difficulties in Xizhou in the future, you can come to Lan's house to look for us at any time, and we will definitely do our best to help you."

Although they can't recruit this person, they must leave a good impression, and maybe they will come someday.

Of course, this is just their extravagant hope. The most important thing is, don't cause a gap between the Lan family and the Holy Land because of this misunderstanding. Destroying their Lan family is just a snap of the fingers for the Holy Land.

This time, young master, it's a big mess.

The two sighed.

"My lord, where are you going? I am most familiar with Xizhou, why don't I let the guards give you a ride? Or can I take you there?"

The princess blinked her eyes, afraid that Ye Yuye would not notice her, she moved lightly without showing any signs of expression, with her hands behind her back, she twisted her sleeves nervously.

Lan Aotian's complexion became more and more ugly, and he forced a smile: "Princess..."

"you shut up."

Lan Aotian's words were interrupted, and the princess gave him a dissatisfied look, as if he was unhappy with his behavior of answering the conversation.

Lan Aotian couldn't help but keep his mouth shut, but his hands hidden under his sleeves were tightly clenched into fists.

The princess smiled and said: "I have been to most of the West Continent. Is the young master from here? If he is from another place, why don't I take the young master to see the scenery here?"

Hearing the girl's voice, Ye Yuye looked at her, raised his eyebrows slightly, and said in a lazy voice, "I'm going to Nanzhou, do you want to go too?"

"Ah?" The smile on the corner of the princess's lips froze, a little forced, "You, are you going to Nanzhou?"

The two strong men of the Lan family sighed that Nanzhou is the place where real geniuses gather. It is normal for geniuses from the Holy Land to look down on Xizhou.

Hearing that this person is going to leave Xizhou, Lan Aotian's unwilling eyes flickered a few times, does this guy want to enter the Nanzhou forces?Will not leave Xizhou?
Looking at the girl with a disappointed face, Lan Aotian let go of his tightly clenched hands, and his expression softened a little.

Among the four continents, among the Changxuan Tianyu, Nanzhou is the place where the strong gather the most, and it is also the place with the richest resources. Only there can one become a real strong.

It's also where true geniuses should be.

Liu Ning pondered for a moment, then said: "The road to Nanzhou is far away, with a carriage, even if it takes you three years, you may not be able to get there.

If you are in a hurry, you might as well use the teleportation array, the effect will be better, and you will be able to get there within five days. "

Teleportation Array?

Everyone is a little envious.

The formation master has a high status in Changxuan Tianyu. A better teleportation formation would cost 1000 million high-grade spirit stones, but the transmission time is short, and it can reach Nanzhou in five days.

As for the almost one million pieces of high-grade spirit stones, it will take a long time, at least five months, and these five months, to you, just passed in an instant, but in reality it has passed five months.

In other words, for five months, you are gone without doing anything.

Therefore, whether it is for Lingshi or the time consumed, it is really not worthwhile.

However, there are still some people who will spend a lot of money to buy teleportation formations during a period of time every year, because during that time, it happens to be the time when the major forces in Nanzhou are recruiting disciples.

A large number of geniuses will go to Nanzhou to participate in the registration assessment.

Ye Yuye's face was calm and unchanged, and he nodded lightly: "Thank you for letting me know."

The princess felt a little disappointed, and said: "The sixth-grade teleportation formation is very fast. You can still participate in the large-scale competition held in Nanzhou if you rush there. If you enter the top [-] list, you will have a seat on the Nanzhou Fengyun list."

Ye Yuye paused for a while, and the corner of her lips twitched slightly: "It's just a teleportation array, I don't need it, but thank you for your kindness."

That smile really pierced into the heart of the princess, and she kept beating non-stop. Her cheeks were slightly hot, and she subconsciously felt that something was wrong. She quickly lowered her head and stared at the tip of her shoe, and murmured :"You're welcome……"

Liu Ning silently watched Ye Yuye turn and leave.

Lan Aotian was unwilling.

The two strong men of the Lan family looked regretful, regretting why they didn't form a good relationship with this person at the beginning. If they can deal with people in the Holy Land and get their appreciation, the Lan family will definitely soar into the sky. No problem.

After Dongfang Feng took the elixir and adjusted his breath, seeing Ye Yuye leaving, he quickly picked up the ground-level sword beside him and followed without hesitation.

After the boy left for a while, the princess did not wait for the boy's response. She raised her head in doubt, but all she saw was the back of the boy leaving.

"Are you leaving..."

The princess's eyes darkened.

She hadn't even had time to tell him her name.

She still doesn't know... what his name is.

The green horse neighed and disappeared in an instant.

Everyone opened their mouths in surprise.

This horse runs really fast.

Rao Liu Ning was also surprised, she seemed to have vaguely guessed that this horse should be a godly horse, and at this speed, the grade might not be low.

The princess's eyes were completely gloomy, and he muttered to himself: "I should have asked him what his name was if I had known it earlier. If I talk nonsense, I shouldn't pretend to be reserved..."

After the group of people left, Lan Aotian's previous look came back, and he said to the girl seriously: "Princess, the pill I saved for you before is ready, now..."

"I won't buy it," the princess shook his head, "I'm not interested in buying it now, Mr. Liu, let's go back."

"it is good."

Liu Ning glanced at Lan Aotian indifferently, although this son is a genius, but in the entire Changxuan Tianyu, he is just an ordinary person, the princess has a noble status, this person is not worthy.

Lan Aotian's complexion was a bit ugly.

Everyone wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh.

The Lan family made a fool of themselves today.

I thought how good the relationship between the young master of the Lan family and the princess would be, but it turned out to be the same, no different from ordinary transactions.

What a shame.

When the matter came to an end, the crowd of onlookers gradually dispersed. They wanted to tell others what happened today, and make them happy.

Elder Pu shook his head regretfully, he looked at Lan Aotian who looked a bit disappointed, and couldn't help but said: "

Young master, you shouldn't have offended that person just now, do you know who he is?Do you know the forces behind him?He is from the Holy Land!He is from the Holy Land! "

During this period, Mr. Hua did not stop Mr. Pu from continuing, but instead had mixed feelings in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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