Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 886 The former star field, enter Nanzhou

Chapter 886 The former star field, enter Nanzhou
Lan Aotian's pupils shrank, and he looked at Pu Lao in surprise: "What did you say?"

Holy place?

He is from the Holy Land? !

How can it be!

Hua Lao sighed and said: "It's been confirmed. Although I don't know which chamber of commerce he got it from, but that psychic card is clearly a black card. Young Master, Pu Lao and I have both seen it. This card is real and there will be no Fake."

Lan Aotian's eyes were dull.

black card.

The legendary black card.

Only noble people in this world can get it.

That person actually has a black card on him.

Lan Aotian rushed to his heart, spat out a mouthful of blood, and muttered to himself: "Impossible, how is this possible, isn't the owner of the black card the most honorable person, but how could he be the most honorable..."

The young man was severely hit, and the expressions of the two of them changed suddenly. One of them quickly took out the elixir and asked him to swallow it.

Lan Aotian, who took the pill, clenched his fists, and suddenly gritted his teeth and said: "Just a black card can't prove that he is a member of the Holy Land. How can he enter a place like the Holy Land casually."


He didn't believe it.

I don't believe that this person is from the Holy Land.

Elder Pu sighed, and his expression became complicated: "There are not many people with a black card, but the Holy Land is one of them. How can this person be extraordinary if he can coexist with the Holy Land? After today, our Lan family will become a laughing stock." , Young Master, you should think about how to tell the Patriarch when you go back."

At this time, Lan Aotian completely lost his pride, staggered back, and sat on the ground distraught, sometimes became confused, and sometimes became scared: "How is it possible, how is this possible..."


How will I explain to my father when I go back.

What should he do if he knows that he has offended the Holy Land.

Seeing Lan Aotian's decadent appearance, the two felt disappointed, shook their heads and didn't say anything else, if they let the young master be stimulated again, and their hearts were traumatized, they might faint directly.

"I've decided! I'm going to Nanzhou!"

Walking on the road, a girl shouted excitedly, her clean and pure eyes shone like the brightest stars in the night.

Liu Ning, who was standing by her side, was startled, and her expression became serious immediately: "Princess, you must not make such a joke."

The next moment, the princess suddenly grabbed Liu Ning's arm, and coquettishly shook her sleeve: "Old Liu, can you talk to your father and king, I want to go to Nanzhou, and my brother is also in Nanzhou, so I'll go to Nanzhou by the way." You can also go and see him."

Liu Ning felt a little helpless: "Princess, your brother went to Nanzhou to become stronger, why did you go?"

The princess smiled: "Of course I want to become stronger."

Naturally, to find that person.

"My lord loves you very much," Liu Ning naturally understood what the child was thinking, but she just saw it through and didn't say anything, "

What's more, if you go to such a far place, he will not agree. Our Xizhou is also a good place. If you want to practice seriously, the prince will find you the best master in the world and let you practice. "

"I don't, I'll just let Mr. Liu teach me," the princess muttered for a while, Ye Mei frowned, worried, "

But I really want to go to Nanzhou. I haven’t seen my brother for three years. A year ago, my brother would still send me letters every month, but this was also a year ago. Nothing will happen, right? "

Liu Ning was silent for a while and asked: "Does the Princess want to find her brother, or is she going to find that person?"

The princess' eyes became firm: "Of course I'm looking for my brother, but also to become stronger!"

On the way to find my brother, I can still find him again, what a bargain.

Liu Ning looked at the girl, the firmness on the girl's face made her a little shaken, she pondered for a long time, and then said: "Okay, I'll ask the prince when I get back to the mansion, if he won't let you go, you'd better just stay here obediently." , then you are not allowed to run around."

The princess nodded heavily.


The carriage has moved away from the center of Xizhou.

Mountains and mountains.

Over the mountains and rivers.

Because of the mistakes he made before, Qing Ma quickly became much faster than before, and he didn't intend to stop.

During this period, Dongfang Feng was immersed in cultivation.

The baby ginseng was walking immediately, and then climbed onto the green horse's head, and tugged at its ears on both sides. The green horse sniffed it vigorously, but the strange thing was that it couldn't smell the baby ginseng coming out of it. smell.

After a long time, it began to become irritable.

I could smell it before, why not now?

The baby ginseng grabbed the stick hanging around its neck with a proud expression on its face.

Far away in another star field.

Since Ye Yuye left, the spiritual energy in the entire star field has been sufficient, and they are no longer bound. During this period of time, many people have awakened their talents and stepped into the path of cultivation.

It was also during this time that they knew about the so-called abilities, but they had not yet entered the threshold of real cultivation. If one person in the entire star field became a practitioner, then there would be a second, a third, and countless others.

of course.

In this star field, the strongest force is the most mysterious Judgment Pavilion, and their patriarch is Bian Feng. He has another identity, Ye Yuye, whom the entire star field fears and admires. .

Some people want to enter the penalty pavilion all their lives.

However, very few people entered the penalty pavilion.

Since the star field is no longer bound, there are exchanges between the major star fields, and many star field geniuses have stepped into another star field and embarked on another journey.

among them.

Among those who set foot on the journey were Fu Xiaoxiao, Gu Zhaoyan, and the young lady from the Su family.

The star field became stronger and stronger.

And Ye Yuye's name was recorded in the annals of history.

three days later.

The green horse has already stepped into the area of ​​Nanzhou.

Dongfang Feng stopped practicing and stared at Yuanyuan. It took about four days in total. This speed was actually faster than the teleportation array.

No wonder the boss didn't use the teleportation array.

With this blue horse, there is absolutely no need for it.

Seeing that there was still about half a month before the registration time, Dongfang Feng lifted the curtain and looked outside, and asked, "Boss, shall we go to the alchemy master's house next?"


On the long couch, Ye Yuye slowly put down the book in his hand, raised his eyebrows slightly, he had to get the spiritual soil.

It is necessary to figure out the ins and outs of everything.

It is completely impossible to accept disciples with one's own temperament.

Entering Nanzhou, it is another prosperous place.

There is a big gap with Xizhou. When they stepped into Nanzhou, they subconsciously thought that this was Nanzhou. The so-called beautiful mountains and rivers, with many mountains and mountains, there are many practitioners on this road, and some people set up stalls on the ground to sell elixir, which is very prosperous.

There are also strong people flying in the air.

There is also a sword cultivator with a sword under his feet, passing by here in a chic and handsome way.

There are also some, the two are competing, attracting many cultivators to wait and see, the voice of discussion is mixed with clapping and applauding!
To know.

This is not the center of Nanzhou.

 I am back.

  Last night, my mother made a meal for me. I felt sick to my stomach and felt sick to my eyes, and my eyes hurt, so I didn’t eat. I went to bed at 07:30. I slept until [-] o’clock this morning, and then I went back to sleep from [-] o’clock. At one o'clock, my head still hurts, but it's much better than yesterday. Although my eyes are still not good, it's better than yesterday. Tonight I still have to stare at the computer to do my homework.

  The first chapter will be released, and the next chapter will be coded at night
(End of this chapter)

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