Chapter 887 Black Market
The green horse didn't know where it was going, so it walked slowly, but this time it didn't dare to stay in other places for a while, for fear of causing trouble to the boss in the carriage.

The carriage stopped leisurely.

Dongfangfeng lifted the curtain and rushed towards the stall.

There are more pedestrians on the road.

There are also many people who come to buy things.

Dongfang Feng stopped in front of the middle-aged man, cupped his hands and asked modestly: "Dare to ask this big brother, do you know where the Yu family line is now?"

"The Yu family?"

Hearing Dongfang Feng's voice, other peddlers raised their heads and looked towards the source of the voice.

"Which Yu family?"

"There are too many Yu families in Nanzhou, little brother, which Yu family are you talking about?"

"I know three Yu surnames, which one do you want to ask?"


Dongfangfeng was stunned for a moment: "How many families with the surname Yu?"

The middle-aged man who was asked by Dongfang Feng pondered for a moment, and said: "There are many, but I don't know which one the little brother wants to ask."

Dongfang Feng hesitated for a moment, took out a spirit stone from his bosom and placed it in front of the middle-aged man, and asked, "Do you know where the most powerful one is?"

The sharp-eyed person glanced at the high-grade spirit stone, and couldn't help but tsk-tsk, a little envious.

But I also knew that I couldn't force it, so I went to greet my guests.

The middle-aged man smiled, put away the Lingshi given by Dongfang Feng, and said: "The biggest Yu family is in Linglai City, and has a great background.

It is said that it is the family of the alchemy emperor in ancient times. If fellow Taoists are not satisfied with the answer, you can go to the black market and ask. If you come there, you will find the answer you want. "

After all, he also pointed Dongfang Feng in a direction, which can be regarded as paying him Lingshi to do his duty: "Look, the black market is not far ahead, but there is still half an hour before the black market appears, you can wait. "

"The ancient Yu family..."

Dongfangfeng pondered for a while, the Great Alchemy Emperor came from the Yu family, it should be there, but, in order to get the information accurate, he had to go to the black market to ask.

He nodded calmly: "Thank you, brother, for letting me know."

Qing Ma stayed where he was.

Dongfangfeng explained the matter of the inquiry. Dongfangfeng always felt that it was safer to go to the black market. Ye Yuye took a sip of tea, tapped the side of the tea lightly with his fingers, and said leisurely: "After so many years, the Yu family Maybe it's not the same anymore."

Dongfang Feng was startled, does the boss know something?
Some people walk and stay.


The scorching sun is gone.

Half an hour passed.

The number of people around here did not decrease, but increased.

The hawkers who set up stalls here before have left.

When the black mist dissipated, they saw another scene.

It seems to be shrouded in darkness.

And it was very lively inside.

A horse-drawn carriage passed by.

A mount flies by.

A group of people dressed in Zongmen costumes.

There are also bald-headed monks in robes.

You Taoist.

There are also weird people with seven heads and six arms passing by.

The carriage entered the black market, and Dongfang Feng was a little surprised: "This black market is so strange, even the spiritual body can enter here."

The spirit body he was talking about was the strange guy who had just left, with seven heads and six arms, about two meters in length, floating in the air.

The passers-by on the side didn't have any strange looks. Obviously, they were familiar with this scene, and only Dongfangfeng and the others felt curious about this place when they first arrived.

The entire black market is neither big nor small, but it always feels huge and overcrowded.

Passing by, I met many strange-looking people.

Over time, it no longer feels strange.

"I'm selling the three-turn Qingxin Pill. The first turn can keep the original intention forever, the second turn can eliminate distracting thoughts, and the third turn can eliminate evil spirits. Who wants to buy it! You only need 100 yuan of high-grade spirit stones, and you can buy it!"

"Fellow Daoist, do you want to buy this robe? Hehe, I see that your robe has been worn out for a long time, so you need to change into a new one!"

"Is there any daoist clothing here, my little monk, which can prevent attacks below the ground level, does anyone want to give it a favor?"

"Friends, good eyesight! I got this from the tomb of a strong man in ancient times. It's called Suiyu Huanguang Jue, and its rank is above the earth rank!

Originally, the price was 200 million high-grade spirit stones, but now that my mother is seriously ill, I had to sell it for 100 million high-grade spirit stones. Fellow Daoist, do you want to buy it? "

The whole black market is very lively.


Qingma's nose couldn't help but move a few times, the mixture of various smells made it quite uncomfortable, so uncomfortable that it wanted to sneeze.

"Ha... Qiu."

Qing Ma moved his nose uncomfortably, wishing he could find a place to rub against it a few times.

There are mounts going the other way.

On the mount is a man with a handsome face and an extraordinary temperament.

The mount glanced at the sneezing green horse, with strong dislike, and then flew away.

The green horse happened to see the disdainful gaze of the mount, its eyes immediately overflowed with anger, and it yelled.

If it wasn't because it was still pulling the carriage because it was far away, it would have caught up with it long ago and beat up the mount. Perhaps it was also because of the previous incident that the blue horse's temper has become more restrained. Otherwise, it doesn't matter whether it still pulls or not The car had already chased after it with a car of people.

The stone came out from inside, and he sat on the edge of the carriage, his bright eyes wandered around, blinking a few times curiously, the baby ginseng in his arms peeped out of his head, and was quickly stuffed back by the stone .

Not far away, a man stopped a sect disciple with a smile. He shook the booklet in his hand and said kindly: "

Fellow Daoist, at first glance, you are a disciple of the sect, do you need information about other geniuses of the sect?With only ten high-grade spirit stones, I can tell you everything you want to know!Anyway, it's definitely a bargain, and you won't feel like you're losing money. "

The disciple of the sect looked disheveled, and took a few steps back, very embarrassed: "I have no grievances or enmity with fellow Taoist, you should let me go."

Those who didn't know, thought that this disciple of the sect owed others the spirit stone.

But who knows, he was just passing by unfortunately, and the person who wanted to run into such a scoundrel and couldn't get rid of him, he wondered how he was so unlucky that he didn't step on dog shit when he went out.

As a result, this person was not only not angry when he heard it, but he became more and more energetic when he heard it, and said with a smile: "Don't say that, I think your cultivation has barely reached the Xuan level, so you should only be an inner disciple of the sect? If you have me With this information, I will definitely work hard and become an inner disciple!"

The disciple of the sect bowed his head and walked a few steps, but he could still see that person when he looked up, he forced a smile, the smile was uglier than crying: "No... no need, Fellow Daoist has already earned me 3 yuan of high-grade spirit stones , I... I don't have any spirit stones anymore."

Su Qing frowned with a smile: "No more?"

The sect disciple nodded: "No more."

The man suddenly became disappointed and waved to him: "Then you go."

(End of this chapter)

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