Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 888 Little Monk, Where Are Your Family Members?

Chapter 888 Little Monk, Where Are Your Family Members?
The Zongmen disciple left in embarrassment without turning his head, but heard the person behind him muttering to himself: "Why are there no more? Didn't you say that the Zongmen disciples are very rich, and after earning so much, they are gone..."

His running figure staggered and almost fell.

fuck you.

3 yuan of high-grade spirit stones is already a lot!
3 yuan, not three yuan, is indeed a lot.

However, Su Qingxiao just counted the small accounts dissatisfied, and felt a little regretful from time to time. Soon, he cheered up again, ignored the passing monks, and came to another sect disciple with a smile: "

Fellow Daoist here?Here I have big news about your sect, 1 yuan top-grade spirit stones!Absolutely a bargain!You two can share evenly, heck, how do you two pay?I don't pay IOUs here..."

A carriage passed by.

The blue horse couldn't help but sneezed again.

Shito couldn't sit still anymore, and ran down just in time to see a man talking with the other two, the man was still holding a booklet, and the words were pouring out like a torrent.

The two looked embarrassed, not knowing how to refuse.

"Really!" Su Qing smiled seriously, "I see you are inner disciples of the Shifang Sect, and 1 yuan is already very cheap for two people.

And it's still shared equally, as long as each of you contributes 5000 yuan of high-grade spirit stones!Really, I am very well informed!Also please believe me! "


The two looked at each other with embarrassment.

Believe it or believe it, but are they going to spend 5000 yuan of high-grade spirit stones just for one piece of information?That's not a small amount, and these spirit stones can also be used to buy other things. If the information is useless to them, it is really a loss.

"Fellow Daoist, are you here to buy information?"

There was a childish voice.

Su Qingxiao glanced around, looked down and saw a child, about five or six years old, with a chubby face, and a little bald head, looking at him with his head tilted, looking very cute.

"Are you a little monk?"

Su Qingxiao's originally bright eyes were a little dark, monks, they are very poor, and they can't get a penny at all, and it's okay if they can't get it, but it's really a headache to listen to a lot of truths from them some.

The little one has no money.

Even if they have money, when the adults of their family come over, they will inevitably have to endure some rhetoric. After thinking about it, Su Qingxiao turned around and left without waiting for the child to speak.

Seeing him leave, the two trapped sect disciples breathed a sigh of relief, and they turned around and ran away regardless of who the child was, not wanting to stay here for a moment.

Qing Ma sniffed her nose, tears welling in her eyes.

"I can see that fellow daoists are short of spirit stones, do fellow daoists need spirit stones?"

Su Qingxiao's footsteps stopped in vain, and when he turned around, he saw the child following him. He stepped forward and lowered his voice: "Little monk, where are your family members? They didn't come, did they? How many spirit stones do you have in your pocket?" ? How many dollars do you have?"

Shitou touched his head, and his eyebrows frowned: "I'm not a little monk."

"Fellow Daoist, are you selling news here?"

A humble voice came.

Su Qing touched Shi Shi's head with a smile, and looked over vigilantly.

Immediately, he saw two people appearing in front of him.

Especially the young man in white clothes really surprised him, who is the son from which family, this handsome skin is so envious of him.

After confirming that the child is not a monk, but because he misunderstood, Su Qing smiled reluctantly and put his hands off the child's head, coughing dryly, "Are you two family members of this child?"

"You know everything in the world?"

Ye Yuye came, and she habitually raised her hand to touch Shi Shi's head.

Thinking that this pedestrian should still be a big customer, the original disappointment disappeared immediately, and Su Qing smiled brightly: "

It is also impossible to say that I know everything. My ability is limited, and I don't know about other star fields. Well, what information do you two need?I absolutely keep my word in doing business, and next time I come to see you, I will give you both a discount. "

Ye Yuye narrowed his eyes and said, "I want to know about the Yu family."

"Yu Family? Is that the Yu Family of the Great Emperor?"

Su Qing thought for a while with a smile, and said seriously, "The matter about the Yu family is a one-off price, 2 yuan for high-grade spirit stones, no bargaining, as long as the fellow Taoist pays now, I will tell you everything about the Yu family right away." two."

Dongfang Feng looked a little complicated, took out his psychic card, and Su Qing smiled happily: "The Taoist is friendly and straightforward, I like to make friends with a straightforward person like you!"

As he said that, he quickly took out his own card, and the two cards touched each other. Su Qingxiao confirmed that the spirit stone was not bad, restrained his smile, and said: "

Since the death of the Alchemy Emperor, the Yu family has suffered a lot of trauma. Let's take other forces as an example. They want to monopolize the Yu family, but due to the reputation of the Alchemy Emperor, they can't understand it.
The abacus was brought into the Yu family, and the two of the family disputes should be clear. The original head of the family was the direct line of the alchemy emperor. Later, some forces supported the Yu family's collateral line and successfully allowed him to sit on the Yu family's seat. "

Su Qing glanced at the expressions of the two with a smile. This person had some anger on his face, but on the young man's face, he saw calmness, and that feeling seemed to be within his expectations.

What is the relationship between these two people and the Yu family?
Of course, this idea is fleeting, even if Su Qingxiao guessed something, it has nothing to do with him, his voice paused, and then said: "

As for the later generations of the Yu family, those directly related couldn't stand it, so they left the Yu family to support themselves. I heard that they even changed their surnames, and now they are surnamed Feng. "

seal up?
Those direct members of the Yu family actually changed their surnames?

Dongfang Feng's face became a little dignified. This matter is serious, and the collateral department actually drove the direct department out?The alchemy emperor passed away, and the Yu family bullied people in the immediate family like this?
Even Dongfang Feng, an outsider, felt that the Yu family had gone too far.

If it weren't for the alchemy emperor, the Yu family would be nothing.

This is how they treat the descendants of the emperor now?

Dongfang Feng frowned and asked, "I don't know where the direct line of the Yu family is now?"

Su Qing looked at Dongfang Feng with a smile, and said with a hey smile: "You really asked the right person about this matter, the current Yu family is not the direct family of the emperor, but they claim to be the descendants of the emperor,

It occupied many of the emperor's treasures, but a spiritual vein passed down by the alchemy emperor is still in the hands of the direct line, and until now the collateral line is still thinking about how to snatch the spiritual liquid. "

"Now let's talk about the main point. I'm telling you for the sake of the two of you being so happy. Otherwise, you would have to give me this amount for this deal,"

(End of this chapter)

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