Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 889 The Whereabouts of the Yu Family

Chapter 889 The Whereabouts of the Yu Family

Su Qing smiled and stretched out two fingers, cleared his throat and continued, "

The direct lineage of the Yu family left Linglai City, and now they are in Zhouling Tianfu. With the presence of psychic liquid and the strong presence of the direct lineage, it can be regarded as a party's power, but it is only in the area of ​​Zhouling Tianfu. In this area, the direct lineage of the Yu family will also be abolished. "

Su Qing smiled and blinked at the bald boy, and said, "I'll also send you a piece of news for free. This generation directly related to the Yu family has produced a genius who ranks eleventh in the Tianzi list. His name is Feng Qingfeng. He is the alchemy emperor. Descendants."

"Tianzi list, eleventh place?"

Dongfang Feng was taken aback, frowned, a little absent-minded, "This is a little familiar, I seem to have heard it somewhere..."

Su Qing couldn't help but smiled: "Of course you have heard of it, I know one or two of the top [-] people in the Tianzi list, Feng Qingfeng is definitely a genius of the Yu family,

However, there is also a genius in the collateral line of the Yu family, who ranks No. 19 in the Tianzi list, Yu Qing.However, compared with Feng Qingfeng, this person seemed to be much behind. "

Ye Yuye thought for a while, and said, "How many people know that the Feng family in Zhouling Tianfu is a direct descendant of the Yu family?"

"Very few people know, and I only found out by chance. The offspring of the Yu family now claim to be the descendants of the great emperor. It is impossible for them to let others know that the current Feng family is the descendant of the alchemy emperor. Therefore, those who know rare,"

Su Qingxiao felt that this was the day he talked the most, he sighed a little, "Think about how much the Yu family has suffered in the past, otherwise, they would not have changed their surname."

Who would change their last name.

Isn't it because I can't live anymore?

If the surname is not changed, the direct line of the Yu family may have disappeared as early as a thousand years ago.

"Also, the Yu family has produced quite a few geniuses thousands of years ago, some are swordsmans, some are swordsmen, and most of them are alchemy geniuses.
Back then, there was a young man who was no less talented than the Alchemy Emperor and caused a sensation among all the major forces, but then he fell down somehow. "

Su Qing said with a dry mouth, looked at them and cleared his throat, and said, "Having said so much, you should know everything about the Yu family, right?"

Ye Yuye looked at Dongfangfeng thoughtfully, he immediately understood, gave Su Qingxiao 1000 yuan high-grade spirit stone, and asked: "Where is the Tianfu of Zhouling, and is it far from here?"

Su Qingxiao looked at Ye Yuye deeply for a while, and after a while, he took out a picture from his pocket, shook it and unfolded it: "

It's not too far from here. After all, Zhouling Tianfu is not in the center of Nanzhou. You came in a carriage, and you should arrive in about four or five days.

I see that you are from other places. This is the entire map of Nanzhou. It may be helpful to you. I will give it to you. "

Dongfang Feng picked it up, he stared at it for a while, found their approximate location, and then looked at the direction of Lingtianfu, Zhouzhou on the map, it was indeed not far from here.

Dongfangfeng showed the map to Ye Yuye, and pointed: "Boss, let's go along this road. With Qingma's speed, we should be there tomorrow."

Hearing someone call its name, the green horse sniffled its nose and approached with small steps. It glanced at the road Dongfang Feng pointed at, and snorted disdainfully.


Its speed is very fast.

Ye Yuye nodded, raised his eyes to look at Qing Ma who came over with a disdainful expression: "I'll leave this to you."

"Hey, hey."

The green horse is full of confidence and wraps itself around it.

Su Qingxiao became interested in this horse in vain, glanced at it carefully, and suddenly asked: "

Is your horse a godly horse?So spiritual?Can it arrive tomorrow?No, it shouldn't be possible with the speed of a godly steed horse. Could it be that your horse is a heavenly rank? "

Saying that, Su Qingxiao's complexion changed, becoming a little stunned.

If this horse reaches the heaven rank, it will be great.

Among other things, Su Qingxiao is indeed very smart, at least half of his guesses are correct, and the half of his guesses are not right, because the blue horse is not the blood of the god horse, but the only blue dragon horse in the world.

Qing Ma let out another long snort.

When the two didn't speak, Su Qingxiao took it as their acquiescence, and asked again with a smile: "

I wonder if my answer is satisfactory to both of you?If you are still satisfied, if you want to inquire about news in the future, come to the black market to find me at any time. I am a little famous here. "

And at this moment, a sect disciple who didn't know where he came from appeared, looked at Su Qingxiao resentfully, his eyes were a little red, and complained to Ye Yuye and the two of them: "

Fellow Daoists, don’t be fooled by this person. This guy is indeed well-known in the black market, but it’s all tricked out of him. Last time he cheated me of 1 yuan of high-grade spirit stones!If I don't give it to him, he will beat me! "

Su Qing smiled: "..."

Is he this kind of person?

He is not!

Su Qing stared at the man with a smile, and gritted his teeth: "It's true that I took your spirit stone, but I also told you the exact news, it's a transaction, don't cry, hey! You're hurting my reputation! Be careful, I will go to your sect to sue you!"

The latter sentence really shocked the sect disciple, his eyes turned red even more, as if Su Qingxiao had bullied him, and then he ran away under the gaze of several people.

"Misunderstanding," Su Qing smiled awkwardly, "It's all a misunderstanding, don't listen to their nonsense, they are all jealous of me, I am absolutely reliable!"

"It's troublesome."

Ye Yuye didn't tell the truth when he saw it, maybe Su Qingxiao also knew that the price he wanted was a bit higher, so he sent some news and maps later, so it seemed that Su Qingxiao was at a disadvantage .

Save yourself the hassle by doing business with smart people, though.

Watching them get into the carriage, Su Qingxiao waved his hands reluctantly, and shouted: "Next time, if you want to ask for news, come to me at the black market at any time, and I will give you a discount!"

The carriage quickly disappeared from the black market, and Su Qing smiled and sighed, looking extremely reluctant, and muttered to himself: "

This is my big client, the relationship must be good, by the way, the child's head feels really good, next time I come, I will touch it again..."

"Ouch, hiss, it hurts so much."

Su Qingxiao felt his head was knocked, gritted his teeth in pain, and looked around angrily, "Who hit me! Who is jealous of me behind my back?! It's too much! If you have the ability, hit me in front of me !Come out!"


The people around looked at the lunatic's eyes, and hurriedly left from here, for fear that the lunatic would bite people.

Su Qingxiao just stood like this for a long time, scolding a little parched, he couldn't find the person who attacked him, he couldn't help being decadent, and then became decadent, he lost the mood to continue selling information, turned around and left.

 No, the other eye is starting to hurt!Protect!

(End of this chapter)

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